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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Well, might as well explain my thoughts on a title I actually really get stuck in, but which also irks me in other ways. It's a bit of a transitional title as well, what with being between FE5 and FE7, and the differences they have in approach to gameplay and difficulty. + The map design is good for a lot of maps, though many suffer from the long and winding issue (8, 16, 22 come to mind; 14 is just a pain to go through). I'm not exactly great on expressing this point, though enemy placement is a good factor here. The Gaidens are a pain to get at times, but I don't dislike most of the maps themselves (16x and 20x Sacae though I certainly do) + I do think Roy's a bit overrated, but he actually has got a bit more character meat than I'd give credit for. He shows better tactical nous than most (*cough Sigurd *cough), in that he's trusting but is also able to pull actions that most lords wouldn't pull (e.g. Bringing Etruria into the Bern invasion). He also manages to pull a solid counterattack and win thoroughly (though I still feel like invading one of Ilia and Sacae doesn't add up ultimately, though I'm certainly off here, right?). Also has fricking Dumb Merlinus (Not the same as FE7 Merlinus certainly) to deal with, so not too shabby there. + Supports started here. And they are still useful in gameplay. Moreso here, where accuracy supports are seriously relevant! + Units in gameplay are not too weak for the most part (as in you can actually use most), but not too overpowered. I miss the mighty units of FE7/8, but it does help make a challenge. Some are ridiculously powerful without RNG blessing (Hello Miredy!) + The gameplay's a challenge! I mean, really the only competitor in GBA FE is HHM, and that's more unfair at its worst. This game has its moments, but overall is still a fun challenge, and why I get into it so much. ~ Honestly the RNG is a weird one as a complaint. It actually has a similar formula to FE7, but really, it's the fact that accuracy is lower for you in this game as enemies are harder. Staff ranges and hit are ridiculous in this game though, and that formula was changed for the better. See 16x and how ridiculous that one is to get over with few units with high res. - The fact that all maps are seize missions. On top of the issues with Roy, this condition is a pain to have to constantly keep with, especially on the more winding maps. Thankfully at least the last map isn't but wow Roy you are slow without boots. ESPECIALLY Chapter 24 aka "Gotta catch 'em all (Dem thrones)" - Most of the rest of the cast are not great and often boring as characters. And the support writing has a weak start here. It definitely improved, but a rough start here. Honestly the endings count here too. They're like Akanaia's that way. -Roy in gameplay is kinda weak, as seems somewhat appropriate as the son of Eliwood, but really he's turned out better for me than his dad.... in a harder game where you use his (unmounted) promoted form for a shorter time. And it's locked to swords (BB is broken to all hell though) - The soundtrack honestly is weak. I have the issue of hearing 7 first, but the tracks originally from 6 are better there. 6 also has a weird thing with use of tracks, which hurts it far more than its quality, which I do think I'm being harsh on (And seriously, Roy's Journey is the worst player phase track in the series imo and if someone calls me out that's fine, but it's played so much in this game). There's also the synth instruments used, which I think are poor for the GBA. I'd say more, but it's late. - The villains also suck imo (not universally though). The ending sequence is an irritance; Jahn is to my a hypocrite on talking about being emotionless and his plan is pretty dumb to me, and it actually hurts the dragon plot personally. Idoun is pretty much being some pretty for Roy to save as a character, with nothing to speak to her besides what happened to her (though that's not a massive criticism, she's still not much of a character in her own right). Zephiel is a bit disappointing as while his motivation is understandable, his execution of actions is pretty stupid and he makes poor decisions that make you wonder why he's not being told to reconsider his choices by someone. And besides the Wyvern Generals (Who I don't really have much to complain about, except Narshen, whose incompetence makes me question Zephiel more), no other villain really stands out as characters and their character designs are poor. Other games were better on this front. Though they certainly are tough. - Ambush spawning, aka "We need to make this game HARD!" - The plot itself is simplistic, but the issue for me is that the Dragon stuff is tacked onto the Bern invasion, and could have been integrated better. - This is a title which suffers from weapon type superiority. And swords benefit from lower accuracy in Lances. Axes are terrible (personally not enough to ignore the mighty Gon!) to be honest, while Anima also reigns in this title. Tomes are light, but Anima is especially so, while Dark's weight literally pushes characters into the trash. So I think I'll go with a 7, it's a rough game. But it does a lot of things right too. And my crap giving should not prevent you from loving this title either.
  2. Well, as it's the main theme for the series, not much difference in the notes played, so it's all about the instrumentation. Ultimately, 7 wins. It does have that buildup at the end of the opening as well in the theme, so I'm going to count it. And that works to me. 8 is close though.
  3. Few questions: Who's in the lower party who can fight? That had me stuck on 19 for a good while, and does matter before I can give more detail to you. I'd recommend leaving a sword wielding unit with the King Sword if you have it, though Conomore's party will mostly attack at range so that can be harder to deal with. If most of the lower party can fight, send the higher movement units (preferably ones with movement stars) to take the nearest thieves to the northwest out. But if you're willing to leave your units behind (and have to go through 21x, which I argue is far harder), you can retreat your higher party and escape with half if all the lower party are poor (though I doubt you'll want that lazy solution). I don't think 20 is a nightmarish as 19 to start, though the units are definitely tougher at the end. Hopefully you have door keys to work with, because the alternative is requiring either the thieves or Tina (or the enemy) to allow you to move about, which matters if you want to get items (like the last scroll, if you're wanting that) in time.
  4. I've been making plans for a potential hack for a good while now, and made a couple of new classes for it (Along with messing with existing classes). Just an example Name: Corsair (I know, 7 technically had them, but they were just inland pirates.) Promotes from: Pirate, Sea Bowman (Another new class, just archers able to walk on sea tiles. Probably needs a better name.) Wields: Axes, Bows (Where they'd also get access to guns as a speciality, but they're intended to be heavy, unwieldy and powerful.) Description: Fierce raiders who strike fear on towns that they attack. They can smash through garrisons with firearms, axes or bows. Would not have as high strength as Warrior, but would get similar speed and higher skill. Enemy Corsairs would get a decent growth rate across all three stats, while getting good HP growth.
  5. .... Huh, probably laugh off the bed before something about twitching sword hands comes up.
  6. Ignoring the roster of pokemon, as I argue that has such personal bias in it as to be a problem. Gen 1 + The game's surprisingly open ended after you get Cut and you can really go around the region and for example do the minimum to get to Cinnibar. Would love to see this more in future, but it leaves level to be worrying. - How broken it is. Psychic has a big advantage, it's buggy to the point that it would have been months of patching worth nowadays, and irregardless of your thoughts on those lovely exploits there are still so many ways to destroy it. Gen 2 + The region itself. Jhoto's my favourite region, simple as. - Really, how shallow the post game is. HGSS is better on this, and with these among my favourite titles, I admit it's tough to think of what I really dislike. Gen 3 + Abilites, which while not universally perfect really helped deepen the gameplay. - A lot of its issues are because I played Gen 4 first, and much gets appreciated from there instead. The wrecking of the in game clock is one negative across the board (Not going to say too much water because of FRLG. Or my dislike for Maqua for the same reason) Gen 4 + Lovely postgame is true for all the titles in this gen. I could also add Physical Special split to this but.. I'll stop or else I'll just have a paragraph of love for Gen 4. - Speed of battles, mostly in DP though. Gen 5 + Version differences are still the best done here in this gen and affect the maps of these games the best. Prefer most of the stuff in White versions though. - Very linear, and the map design suffers for it. Gen 6 + Honestly, ease of EXP gain. I never had the chance to use as many pokemon in one playthrough before Gen 6. Yes, I'm defending the op exp share. - The plot of XY really disappointed. I'm going to go with this one, as I could complain about linearity again otherwise. Also, remakes had Maqua without Emerald, so that's covering this gen entirely.
  7. Honestly, until we get hints that worlds are connected, I'm of the mind of several groups (And yet again, can't speak on Fates/Tellius. Though 9 and 10 being linked is obvious) FE4/5 --> FE1-3/11+12 ---> That one Exalt ---> FE13 Scouring ---> FE7 -> FE6 FE8 And it's more than the outrealm. To me, FE shares similarity with FF in that many things are shared between titles, but few are in the same universe, never mind world (though obviously more of the FE titles are linked).
  8. I'm going to admit I'm tossing between Torracat and Brionne (silly as the name is) for starter now. Well, Mega is confirmed, Ash-Greninja is now game canon (*sigh), the festival is reminding me of Join avenue (So good start) and of course PC levelling (On top of everything else). Yay. Finally, I haven't seen the leak, so I'm not sure what everyone's on about.
  9. Scream because pointy eared ladies are starting to pop up in said bed. "AAAH, are the elves invading?"
  10. I'll go with Raven. Earlier and easier to get, growth unit bias, more likely to use units he supports with too. Harken has Eli and Lowen (No guarantees on Lowen), while the only one of Raven's supports I'd be unlikely to use is Wil. Harken has a lot of benefits including con, especially in Hard mode.
  11. Because hard things are hard. What would you get if you rolled all the titles of FE up in a blender?
  12. Banned for smuggling a buttersnake into the forums
  13. "WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR HEAD? AND WHO ARE YOU?" After screaming at something being in the bed all of a sudden.
  14. Ah, DP. I got back into Pokemon with Pearl actually, as I didn't have a GBA or even knew it continued after Crystal. The last time I actually used a legendary in the main game and the first time I actually played with a bit more awareness of the team I had. Lost that cart almost a year later. It really is the worst of that gen though, mostly because Platinum is that much better and HGSS is a thing.
  15. Yeah he's alright. Nothing compared to a raised Geese or the mighty GON, but he's not a bad prepromote. I'd rank him above Doug or Cecilia at least.
  16. Can confirm losses issue on Higan. Using Beta 7 though, and arena leveling does gain stats (which was confirmed as fixed for Beta 7 earlier on in the thread)
  17. My fault for not playing the DS games in a while, and speeding up the SNES title.
  18. What way do people recommend getting fates at this point? Missed the Special Edition hype, so really getting it online or one of the first 2 on cart are my options, and I can work with either, though I'll probably hope for sale. And is the script considered to be terrible? I'm asking mostly because I can't find a good discussion of the way the game is written overall, not of specific moments and I'd rather avoid spoilers.
  19. Not sure if I'm about to make some inaccurately unpopular opinions but here goes: FE6 is for me overhyped, characters are poor, the soundtrack is weak (Seriously, Roy's Journey can be axed forever and I'd be a bit happier for it) and weapons are hilariously unbalanced (e.g. lol axe accuracy). And yet, I still really get into it, and I think that's because regular units are still more difficult vs. FE7 or 8. Relishing the challenge or something. Doesn't help FE6 was the last of the GBA titles I played. Definitely consider FE3 worse than FE11/12 so far, though it is certainly a faster game. Doesn't help 3's RNG for levels is a mess, and I've not gotten to Book 2 yet to see how star shards break that. I actually really like quite a bit of the humour of Awakening's script (I know, shoot me). The Big Event in G1 of Geneology is completely dented by Gen 2 and Thracia and honestly it hurts that such a great moment loses a lot of its punch. Gaiden is a nightmare to put myself through as it really is a product of its time in terms of gameplay speed, and that's why I haven't gone past Part 1. Got nothing on FE1/Fates/Telius as I haven't played any of them.
  20. Alright, I was wondering about those losses, and now I know I should have stuck with killing Julius with Ichival (Best Holy weapon (/s)). Least that's been covered.
  21. Don't know if this was caught yet, but I can report 2 errors with the ending. This might be because I had been playing the game with a different patch, and essentially did just the ending on Project Naga (though I'll be using it more in future). Haven't read through the thread, so if any have already come up, sorry. Oh, and was playing this on Higan, if emulator is relevant. The first is during the Jungby section, where I got this image after Faval and Lester. For reference, neither had been paired off, and their dads were Midir!Lester and Holyn!Faval. (I don't.... I just don't know why) The second is in the scores. For ALL characters, the number of deaths is the same number: 116. And while I know I am far from amazing at this series, I can't think any of them died that much.
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