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Punished Dayni

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About Punished Dayni

  • Birthday 10/30/1992


  • Member Title
    Still trapped in an Emblem Ring

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    Trapped in an emblem ring

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  1. Admittedly been busy enough the last while, so not much to say on here.

    But decided to pop on Mario + Rabbids to try and make progress. Got past the last map that bothered me a lot cleaner, then did another map similarly, then I got to the next map.


    Nobody fucking warned me there'd be Rabbid Wario and Waluigi. Sorry, Bwario and Bwaluigi. Blech.

    Noped out of it after seeing that, partly due to that but also the realisation there's likely a sorta boss like structure to the rest of the maps and I am not up for that at the moment.

    (They didn't even get the proportions right, smhsmh)

    1. Punished Dayni

      Punished Dayni

      Deciding to continue on with the 3DS backlog, not much to say there because it's pretty recent I went back. There's a bit of Fates Lunatic progress, but it's like 22 BR, 24 CQ and RV at this point. Finished Samus Returns. It's interesting as a predecessor to Dread's control scheme and I thought easier overall, including with it's actual final boss:


      Cyborg Ridley shows up to rob the baby, fails with the baby even getting a couple sucks in. Helps you can just shoot him with the beam unlike seemingly every other boss. The tail attacks and not realising I could jump over him with he space jump kinda out of habit with all the tight spaces of the rest of the game were probably the hardest parts of it.

      Diggernaut's still the hardest thing in the game (that autoscroll sequence got me more than I'd like to admit), but the Metroid Queen took surprisingly few tries considering I thought it'd take pretty much everything I had to win. The sequences with the laser breath and large projectiles is probably the roughest part in practice. Ended it with a power bomb inside it as well, which is all kinds of gross. Other aspects, other aspects....

      Musically it's alright, but you can tell they took a lot of tracks from other titles to bulk up the soundtrack and I still think Super's kinda the best imo. I think the backgrounds are pretty good here, especially for being 3DS. Not sure how the speedruns are for this game but at a bit over 13 hours I'm betting there's a lot of time to cut down.

      Story's handled about as usual for this series, it's got lore but you can pick the game up and just get sucked into the game without knowing it. This game also got to hinting at a Fusion remake (X-Parasites show up in the lore pics and after the credits) and Raven Beak's in the lore in this game. Imagine the timeline where Fusion got a remake before Dread, would we have gotten more explicit build up to Raven Beak?

      Then tried Stella Glow again. It feels gross at points (e.g. let's be real a vault opening up to a room with a couch which is the place where you tune the witches of the setting and they're wearing nightgowns for reasons? I'm fairly sure that's sketch.) and I'm still early on (also one of the best units keeps looking for chicks (and we know he's looking to just hook up) but when all of the witches turn out to be underage he's like "no thanks". I mean, thanks for not being the worst?), I think Engage might actually deserve apologies after it. Gameplay's alright enough, but the last map I was on tasks a subgoal of not letting the green units take damage. This is an issue because they'll at some point charge up, attack at 1-range and face counter attacks. FFS. Musically, well the soundtrack's kinda eh. Considering singing is a part of the story's plot, I think that says enough.

    2. Punished Dayni

      Punished Dayni

      I don't know why I'm convincing myself to continue with Stella Glow. But I am.


      Stella Glow: The game where protag-kun and friends break into a place, sneak about and then the friends tie him up and leave him to be found by the person they were just snooping on for him to have the chance of making moves on her.... a thing he has expressly said he wasn't interested in doing multiple times. Course, this was after they'd heard said person behave out of character to what they saw earlier, decided it'd broken their image of her and then they decide "let's see if Protag-kun can make any moves on her". During their conversation the game offers the option for him to say he's a masochist.

      Anime: not even once.

      Oh and this continent is stupid small to traverse nations in a few hours at most. It keeps happening too, I can't ignore it. Not being helped by this chapter being all master-servant drama and having to work with said master and servant as green units. And yes, this goes exactly like you'd expect. Especially when they get hit by status effects and thus lose HP even faster.

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