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Everything posted by Azura

  1. Ahem.Also, Black and White magic in Gaiden doesn't work like Light and Dark magic in later games. In FE2, magic that deals damage is Black, and magic that doesn't is White.
  2. There are no competition at all, Tethys is the hottest. Also Ismaire. Jehanna is generally full of red haired sexy people. Seth is also red haired and smexy, he must definitely have some Jehannan lineage hidden somewhere. His name is even Egyptian, proof or what?
  3. I am pretty sure that resire is counted as black magic in FE2
  4. I don't think those two should be taken as being criterias for lordship. Yes, it is criterias for the leading lord, but there can be other, non-leading lords, for example in FE7 where the Lords (IIRC) only can seize in their own mode, and (still IIRC) as often as not isn't forced deployment outside their own mode. I think some of the criteria are 1: They are of noble birth, or gets risen to nobility in the course of the game 2: They have their own, seperate storyline within the game, which in the old games included Lyn's, Eliwoods and Hectors modes. An example from the newer games could be how the overall goal of FE9 was to defeat king Ashnard and get Elincia throned as the regent. 3: They generally receive a great deal of promotion from IS' side. Now, those have to be taken with a grain of salt, as there are lords who don't fit all of the criteria, and some non-lord character who fits some of the criteria. All of those ''What makes a Lord'' checklists should be seen as a guideline, and not as some sort of final test.
  5. Stahl! <3 If i have to choose a girl, then Cherche I guess...
  6. No Elincia? I am disappointed, she should be counted as a lord. My favourite lord apart from her is probably Ephraim. I don't really know why, I just like him. And he uses lances :3 Least favourite is Roy. He really annoys me.
  7. I honestly don't see why everybody get so riled up about it. Yes, it had big brown eyes and a name, but it was still a giraffe. It was put down humanely, it's meat was used to feed the lions and some parts of it are going to be used for research. The lions in zoo needs meat, and why is slaughtering a giraffe (who've had a good natural life) so different from slaughtering a cow? Also, it wasn't a baby- 18 months is the age where young male giraffes have to leave their family and find a flock for themselves. And they could not accept the private offers because having wild animals as a private person is against the Danish law. This is all I have to say, really. The world should stop caring about one friggin' giraffe, and move on to protest against real problems, like human trafficking and gay rights in Russia and Uganda.
  8. I did this one day when I was very tired and only had two lessons. Sadly, I managed to miss a lot of important shit during those two lessons...
  9. Green tea. I am currently on a holiday in Tokyo, and I just love how every time you are at a restaurant you get served green tea for free. I also love ginger ale and various other soft drinks.
  10. I am not the most athletic person myself, but I do find floorball fun to play. Also, longball, (kinda like baseball except you can just throw the ball and run, and that no one really knows which team is one the field and which is not) is hilarious and the best thing ever. I do not really watch any sports, but I guess that Curling looks kinda dopey and is fun to look at. Also, I find artistic gymnastic to be one of the most awesome things ever.
  11. I live in Denmark, so what I advise may not be the case where you live, but my class-where we all have specialised in science- was told that Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Biomedicine/Medical Chemistry are very safe to study, because the unemployment rates are very low in those branches. Also, it pays pretty well . Btw, I just realised that you do not want to study something Medical. You did not say whether it was because you dont like blood or because you find it boring, but if it is the former, the two Medical studies I mentioned should be safe for you since they focus on developing new medicine rather than treating patients.
  12. My sisters name is Lucia, and my mothers name is Mie. Sadly, no one shares my own name, even though Celica comes close-ish, being derived from roughly the same latin word.
  13. Make-up. I used to be horribly "not like other girls", because obviously, girls who wore make-up were FAKE and SUPERFICIAL and SLUTTY and SKANKY ( which didn't apply to my make-up wearing BFF because she was just pressured into wearing it by SOCIETY and OTHER GIRLS -_-) What basically happened is that I got on a boarding school, mellowed a lot, and realised that A: Girls aren't horrible persons just because they wear make-up, B: I weren't a horrible person just because I happened to like make-up and C: Mascara really makes your eyes pop. I don't wear a lot of make-up (which is mainly because I am too lazy to learn how to use an eyeliner xD) but I have my solid daily routine consisting of primer, concealer, powder and mascara + whatever else I feel like wearing.
  14. I've had my hair cut just a few days ago, so now it just goes a bit beyond my shoulders. Not that it was that long before, I have really fire hair that aren't really suited to be long :/ I want long, thick hair, goddammit, why can't I get it? :c
  15. I used to love dogs when I was little, but now I am way more of a cat person, guess my mother's habit of hating dogs kinda rubbed on off me :3 I still like dogs- my boyfriend's family has a Bichon Havanais, and it's adorable- but I just love cats more. Cats are just so elegant and beautiful, and their more independent nature fits my personality way better. Keep in mind, I've never actually had a pet, so all of my opinions are based on experiences I've had with my friends' pets.
  16. I putted some stickers on my old first version DS. However, I am not gonna decorate my 3DS when I get one, unless it is something that are ridicolous easy to remove.
  17. I have watched like three movies this year, but yeah. 1- Catching Fire. I am a huge Hunger Games fangirl, and the second movie didn't disappoint (not that it stoppes me for nitpicking every little change they made the whole way though xD). Plus, I love the actor who plays Joanna Mason. She's just as badass as I imagined her. 2- Pacific Rim, because Russian Nuclear Mechas made me insanely happy. Plus, I watched it with my boyfriend on our first date, so I have a lot of happy memories tied into that film.
  18. I prefer playing as a girl since I like to imagine myself as the character I play as, and well, it is easier when we share a gender xD
  19. You should read the second if you get the chance, it only gets better from there. Sadly, I haven't had the chance to pick up the third, so I can't say anything about that...
  20. Seldom. The last time I got my split ends off was just before my sister's confirmation, which was in May.
  21. I have a small scar above my left eyebrow from when I fell/jumped off a horse that was running wild, and had to be sewn. I have a small round scar on my left wrist from when I was playing hardball, and someone accidentally shot me while being five feet away. I have a long scar on my right ankle because I am retarded at shaving my legs. Also, my wounds tend to leave noticeable scar tissue for a longer time than other people, which is mainly because I tend to tear my crusts off whenever I don't have anything else to keep my hands occupied xD
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