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Everything posted by Azura

  1. I once moved 150 metres from one house in our housing association to another. My familys bathroom was complely worn down, and we would have to move out for two months while it got renovated. Since residents in our housing association can swap houses, we moved in where somebody had just moved out, and then stayed there instead.
  2. Yes and no. Once you start at a study, you are studying maths or physics or whatever you are studying. It is possible to specialise, of course, and you can also tweak your bachelor, so you gain access to closely related candidates. For example, if you start out studying maths, and find out that you want to do computer science, you can gain access to the candidate in computer science by taking as many elective courses in IT as possible to gain enough ETCS-points to meet their requirements. Other than that, you can't change your major. Recently, the must-get-students-though-their-education-as-fast-as-possible government even made it impossible to take additional courses between your bachelor and candidate that otherwise would have allowed you to get into your dream candidate. Stupid as fuck, but there are nothing lowly high schoolers like me can do about it. ((there is one university where you take two different subjects on your bachelor but that university is generally regarded as the worst of Denmark's 8 universities and I'm not going to study there)) So yeah, my problem is that the two things that interest me are so far from each other that there are no way that I can catch up if I change my mind :S
  3. I luckily don't have to choose for another year and a half. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do, and in Danish universities you have to choose your major/what you want to study when applying, since all the individual studies have seperate requirements for grade average depending on how many applicants there are. I know I want to be a research scientist, and I know what university I want to attend, but I still haven't found out whether I want to do physics, chemistry or biology. Right now, I find particle physics and environmental chemistry to be very interesting, but I'm just really afraid that I'll realise that whatever I choose isn't what I want at all.
  4. To be honest, I think that the Abrahamic religions have a lot of potential for nastiness, with ''There is only one god'' being the central dogma of the religions, implying that everybody with differing beliefs are heretics, whereas polytheistic religions tends to have a more ''they have their gods, we have our gods, lets find out who has the strongest''-sort of view. Christianity and Islam especially nasty, since they actively require followers to smite heathens/enforce their belief system on everybody else, whereas Judaism is more like being a member of a very exclusive club. Imo the only thing separating Christianity and Islam is the fact that Christian states somehow managed to become more secular during the course of history, which many Islamic countries is still struggling to do.
  5. I think a game that implemented some sort of Mana system could be interesting. Like, everybody starts with a certain amount of Mana and a certain rate of regeneration per turn, and then better starting Mana/faster regeneration gets a growth rate and can be improved when levelling up. This could also work nicely out with a Gaiden-ish magic system where everybody learns spells at a certain level.
  6. This is so horrible, I read about this on the news this morning. My mind have just gone on repeat this morning with one thought: "please dont let this be a repetition of what happened in Oslo and Utøya, please don't let them be inspired by Breivik pleasepleaseplase" Also, am I the only one who thinks that it is extremely unethical to release uncensored pictures of the fleeing hostages? This both marks them as victims for life, and makes them way easier to identify in the case that some sick fuck decides to do some kind of retribution/punishment for those who fled.
  7. Let me say it this way: My room is half the size of my boyfriend's, and I have over twice times as much stuff as he has. I hoard everything. Clothing, make-up, information pamphlets from various universities, books, plushies, three year old math notes I'll never have any use for again, everything I can get my grabby hands on.
  8. Try Danish. Two grammatical genders, and absolutely no rules for what is what, very big difference between spoken and written language, and a word (lyst) which can be pronounced in three different ways depending on whether it means "light", "has lit" or "wants to".
  9. Does lolita count? they both originate from Japan, are both worn at anime conventions and have a big overlapping fanbase [spoiler=Nevermind, it's loli time!] I would also really love to cosplay Princess Elodie from Long Live The Queen in her magical girl outfit, but I have absolutely zero sewing skills and I don't want to waste 150+ dollars in making a horrible cosplay. especially not when I can use these money on better stuff like more loli
  10. ...I don't really understand what your point was then. Why would I want to change my skin color to something I think wouldn't suit me? Ahhh, yess *w* lolita is actually a big reason why I want paler skin, that super porcelain look is just so pretty!
  11. I have this wokdish I always cook, with a lot of vegetables like leeks, spring onions, sugar peas or broccoli, chicken and wholegrain noodles, all soaked in a marinade consisting of coconut milk, soya, lime juice and some sugar. It is super easy and delicious, and the downside is that cutting all those vegetables take time.
  12. There's absolutely nothing wrong with black or tan skin. When I insinuated that I didn't want tan skin, I meant sun tanned (the color lily-white scandinavians like me get from baking in the sun), not the skin color that's prevalent among other ethnic groups. What I meant was that I personally like being pale (also, I would look very freaky if I somehow managed to get tanned), and that I would like to be even more pale, because, hey, pale porcelain skin is awesome.
  13. 165 cm and 47~48 kilograms With the american system, it's something like 5'5 and 105 pounds I should really gain some weight
  14. My sister's name is Lucia, and I've gone to school with a good handfull of other peple with FE names including, but not limited to Anna, Astrid, Bastian, Louise, Oscar, and Nanna. I also know a lot of people with similar names but Danish spelling (Mathias->Matthew, Silke->Silk).
  15. No bad eyesight. Thick hair which doesn't become shabby at shoulder length. Maybe I also want to be a bit lower, 160 cm sounds nice. I've already got very pale skin which is impossible to tan, but I actually would like to become even paler and reach porcelain godess status. If anything's worth doing, it is worth overdoing.
  16. I just hope that the lord doesn't use swords. I would love the next game to have several lords, and none of them using swords. A trio with Bows, Magic and Lances could be an interesting change. And for the love of god any female lord(lordess?) better keep her spotlight and not have it fade away.
  17. You know, this would actually make me want a Wii U so bad. I would love if this happened! :3
  18. Haha, no problem <3I know that, I noticed ^^ I personally find it confusing when other people share my IRL name, it's so uncommon where I live that it somehow feels very personal for me xD
  19. Oh, I didn't know that it was that wide-spread, my mistake :/All I know was that it was Tiki's theme in FE11, where it was a bit to slow for my taste. I prefer the FE13 version! :3
  20. What I meant was that, whereas canto allows you to move after you've hurt/killed something, GF allows you to take a whole other turn after killing something. I personally think that one of the reasons why canto didn't return in Awakening is that GF is supposed to act as a kind of upgraded canto.
  21. I would love "You have power... Like mine" from Awakening. I know there's an incredibly small chance for it to be added, but it. Is my favourite song from awakening, and I adore it so much.
  22. I tried to train everybody to the same level, while at the same time refusing to use prepromotes or promote anybody before level 20. The result was that I had an army full of level 15-16 weaklings at Kinship's Bond. I also once managed to reach the Rausten level in FE8 with everybody a few levels away from promotion.
  23. Or they make them the token Good Person on the Wrong Side and thus absolutely heart-wrenching to kill.Selena and Brunya, I'm looking at you -_-
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