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Everything posted by Piyo

  1. Oh sweet P: Hoping I get the Opera theme, since I've already got the 25th anniv ones (thanks to a lovely SF member!). While I'm not really big on Cipher (I suck at card games+would kill my wallet lol), it does seem like a nice entry point for new FE players /o/ Also, the pretty art mmmmm. It's kinda sad that Chrom's not featured in the 25th Anniversary Theme (for Male Lords) though, since he's. y'no. Also a Main Character in his game. ...or maybe I missed him? There are a lot of Lords that were included in the themes, haha. Anyways, thanks for doing this! It'd be nice if everyone won something ^^.
  2. OOFS Happy Birthday, Rey! I hope you have a very joyful day today ^^

  3. I'll start off as F!Kamui in both routes, then do the same with M!Kamui after c:
  4. My first run will probably be... Normal -- or maybe Hard, I'm not sure. Normal is... well, easy so I can try out the new stuff + actually read the storyline. Casual -- I like my battle saves lol but the modes don't matter that much to me. Resets -- the only time I did a no-reset and one of my units died, I cringed and couldn't continue the map anymore, because I grieved too much lol. A little bit of grinding -- I like having some safety measures Hoshido -- I'm pretty conflicted lol but I'm leaning towards Hoshido.
  5. Oh geez, it's hard to pick when they're all so cool ><; But so far, I'm probably attached to Tsubaki the most * q* and then the maids & Joker and everyone else comes after haha
  6. Hellooo Pairing Thread! /o/ So I'm playing Post-game L+ and I've been wondering if it's possible to make Kellam!Gerome viable (orrr if he's a lost cause; I've already married Cherche & Kellam so I'm past the Point of No Return @_@) I made plans to do Vaike!Nah & Frederick!Yarne, if it helps to know where those fathers went. x: Any advice would be much appreciated!
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