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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Eh, I found her funny. *shrugs*

    Then again, I hardly get annoyed when it comes to it. Exceptions abound of course, but Colette is not one of them.

    At some points, yes. But overall, she annoyed me.

    besides the much superior character comes shortly after

    And I wish Dolphin wasn't so finicky.

    Poor TheEnd.

    Ha ha

    Brother: "Let's turn NHL 13 into a drinking game! Best out of 3 games, each goal scored, other person has to drink!"

    Me: "lolokay"

    4 goals later

    Him: "Okay, that's my limit for this game, at least."

    Me: "Ha ha, fine."

    Smart for him, 'cause I scored another 12 goals afterwards. None against. :awesome:

  2. Marthur is going to throw snowballs at me for another four months!


    "Another"? He's already been doing it for four months?

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    .gnol oot yaw ekat dna esiwrehto elbuort evah I .emas eht od ot evah I ,yrrow t'noD

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