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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. I wonder what I am. But then again, I'm only here when this thread's asleep.


    You only come into play occasionally, and you give us plenty to talk about when we all wake up (such as dating sims), ala dreams.

    It's okay Marthur, I'm a first-class mediocre too

    That doesn't really make me feel much better, TheEnd. ;__;

    Oh shush, you are both gentlemen of the highest caliber.

  2. Currently open


    >Comcast (Email)



    >Hockey Equipment Store

    >Marthur's DatingSims game


    >Assassin's Creed 2 Wiki


    >Serene's Forest FE12 Page

    >Serene's Forest FE12 Page

    >Serene's Forest FE12 Page

    >Serene's Forest FE12 Page

    >Serene's Forest FE12 Page

    >Fallout 3 Wiki

    All on laptop, while playing Fallout 3 on my desktop. :awesome:

  3. I don't recognize Rei Rei's theme, but I find it hilarious for some reason.

    Because of this, I tried it again

    "The Gluten Prince desestined to Strangle Bananas"

    I much prefer taking "Bananas" to mean fruits in this one.

  4. From a report I watched today, some say Glendale got ruined by hockey.

    From where'd you hear it?

    It always makes me laugh. Because if someone actually from there is reporting (and isn't just naturally anti-sports) they are extremely positive about it, and it seems always that if it's from Canada, it's always negative. I remember seeing 'negative' stuff about the Ducks after they won the Cup. I was down in Anaheim earlier in the year (February) and it's decently big there still, even after a few poor seasons.

    Be happy?

    Of course not

    Nothing makes sense here.


    Confident in Glendale keeping the poor wolfies?

    As I've said before, I doubt that after all of this trouble they'll move, but I don't know. I haven't been following it too closely as the lockout has me angry at everything related to hockey. It'll be all better once it's back, but yeah.

    Poor thread

    see, that grumpy uncaringness

    what will we do without it

  6. Rey is leaving on a mission or something. It's unrelated.

    We kept this thread undead without Fia

    You can keep it without me

    Ah, okay.

    But Fia was just the blood, you my friend are the soul. The old, tired, grumpy soul of the Thread. Without you, it's not going to be the same

  7. That's a completely different point!!

    But yeah it looks like I'm the only one enjoying that one...

    Three days, still no success. D:

    Also, that's interesting. I just got two different interviews scheduled for Thursday. granted one is at a place that's 45 minutes away but hey, something

  8. I only know about Rey and myself

    Marthur said "maybe", but he might stay if you guys don't bore him to death


    I thought it was, like, mass exodus after hearing about you and Marthur. I expected to be the only 1st Gen left. Be the Levin to the masses.

    But we'll probably bore him to death without you anyways

  9. You've probably now jinxed that. Expect to appear soon enough now.

    ForgottenMan cannot jinx things to good ends.

    This would be the perfect time for me to say ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE MANTLE OF THEEND, SHADOWOFCHAOS... but you're leaving too, so it doesn't even work as a joke

    seriously, is anyone sticking around

  10. Well, Sirius/Minerva/Julian/Maric always take a spot and I like to use Sheeda/Navarre/Oguma/Tiki as well. So that restricts my possibilities.

    Pretty similar here. Except I don't require Minerva, and would use Linda and Paoula above Navarre and Oguma.

  11. I've been using the same team everytime in FE3/12.

    I blame the true ending.

    I always have a few 'always keep's in FE games, but most are really variable.

    In this playthrough I intended to use the same characters I did first time I played FE3

    but blast it Yubello you can't do anything

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