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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Think of it this way, Pilot. Imagine you're reading a Batman comic, and you've reached the final battle between Bats and the Joker. You go're eager to see what sort of tricks Batman will pull off to defeat the Joker, but as you read on, you find that Superman swoops in out of nowhere and beats the Joker instead of Batman. That's kind of like what is going on here.

    Oh, I wasn't confirming or denying the basis of your argument

    I'm just saying that the statement of your argument reminds me of lines fanfic writers use to make all rivals gay for each other

  2. Don't be foolish, Sirius. He attacked Tangerine. She is my arch nemesis. I can't let any would-be heroes do battle with my arch nemesis. It's just not right.

    "If I can't kill you, no one can"?

    ... Well, I guess it's a good thing all the TangxMumu stuff already exists

  3. *bonks Freohr and Pilot's heads together*

    aksjoocauothkladjfcvklsjauohvuaheolaejro Owwww ;~;


    I thought you were double posting. Silly Pilot. :P

    Okay for a second there I thought Fre was talking to her self.

    Dammit Pilot.

    Heehee x3

  4. /huggy's Frehor


    /huggy's Freohr


    Nuuuuuuu Pilot lefted me ;n;


    This confuzzled me for a good 10 seconds

    I was wondering how the heck I jumped nearly 1000 posts so quickly x3

    Nuuuuuuu I'm sowwy ;n;

    Silly Freohr x3

  5. TheEnd should write the Beginner's guide on how to impersonate Freohr.


    Because the rest of you are awful at it.


    I don't think I'm very good at it x3

    Ah, okay =D

    Why am I the one double taking at the user name

  6. =D Can't help it sometimes I'm a perfectionist and I hate myself for that too because I also don't understand the need for perfectionism and why do I act like a perfectionist if I don't believe in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit??? =<

    =D I know that feeling too. People get after me about it often.

  7. Okie dokie No seriously I can't improv and when I have to try I just go blank because I always want to try do things the bestestest I can and then I get lost because then I critique myself and say no you're wrooooonnnnnnng then I get nothing accomplished ;A;

    I just put in a space x3

    Mmaky Aww, silly Fre. You're too hard on yourself.

    Pilot still has a lot to learn.


  8. Pilot is still training how to freohr.

    Steep learning curve

    Oh =3 So TheEnd and Dio are you too now? Well that just leaves room for improv for me which I can't do =<

    And look under the avi~

    Yeah =3 Well I'm certainly no good at it. We can be bad caricatures of each other together =D

    I don't remember how to fix it ;~;

  9. TheEnd and Dio (I think it was only them?) were imitating me and I was saying "soon everybody will post just like me~" Idk if this means the same about being unoriginal but you obviously say interesting things to get so many entries in the folder~ Meanwhile you're just telling me to only say the same stuffs over and over =[

    Oh, well that was partly what gave me the idea! I didn't quite say to only say the same stuff, just short, concise responses (that I described as boring). With the occasional sarcasm or rolleyes emoticon to point out the silliness of others.

  10. I guess that means you really aren't doing it for the reason I thought...

    It's not too many pages back I feel like that'd feel mean, me saying all you do is talk about the same thing all the time when you really don't =<

    What do you mean?

    Not saying I talk about the same things, I just don't bring up anything original and just post things in reaction to other posts. And give the occasional "Pilot's Luck story" posts.

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