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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot


    Gangnam Style

    YOU KNOW WHAT, RNG abuse is tiring/tedious to do. So I'd say the "abuser" is actually getting abused by the RNG. `‸´

    I don't know. You know TheEnd.

    Silly RNG

    Whatever makes you feel better.

  2. Busy huh! Sounds like it's going alright :)


    Ah, okay.

    Yup, pretty well.

    Not right now but maaaaaaaaaaybe later.

    >Double battle



    It seems you really wanted to come with me too.


    Easy catch, huh?

  3. So how have you been and what have you been up to?

    You know you wanna~

    Yes you can acknowledge it.

    I've been pretty good. Finished getting almost all of my goalie gear. Lots of college work.


    Then that's what I do.

  4. Of course!

    Sing, baby, sing~

    Aha! So you wouldn't call it spam, huh.

    Maybe people are forgetting you on purpose because they are acknowledging you.

    Beware, I live, etc.



    In that case, am I not supposed to still acknowledge my 'forgotten' status?

    As you can see, no bird-like mon.

    Fair enough.

    But I'm the only person who does not forget Pilot.

    I also do not forget Pilot.


  5. *unshot*


    Hmmmm so was it spam or not?

    Ah, I'm alive!

    I don't see a big push for me to though.

    I wouldn't call it spam, no.

    [spoiler=List of mons]

    Nightmare - Docile Krookodile

    Ninji - Hardy Magnezone

    Numbers - Gentle Crobat

    Musashi - Naughty Golduck

    Fia - Hasty Volcarona

    Lumi - Timid Haxorus

    Rei Rei - Impish Timburr

    Kintenbo - Adamant Patrat

    Bianchi - Jolly Darumaka

    Roxas - Lonely Minccino

    Emerald - Naughty Solosis

    Lux - Timid Combee

    Ein - Bold Karrablast

    Sask - Bashful Leavanny

    NTG - Hasty Alomomola

    Enjolras - Carefurl Deerling

    Sirius - Gentle Serperior

    BLS - Hasty Basculin

    Dagron - Naive Joltik

    VincentASM - Brave Audino

    Soul - Calm Ducklett

    Soluna - Calm Litwick

    Freohr - Modest Frillish

    Lychees - Brave Mantyke

    NoName - Mild Skorupi

    Hatari - Quirky Mienfoo

    Pride - Impish Absol

    Ether - Docile Roselia

    Seph - Bold Seviper

    Bananas - Rash Zangoose

    Surely you knew I'd mention something about this list.

  6. BARREL!

    ROLL- *shot*

    Are you going to sing this

    That's aaaaaaaaall they did, huh

    I might.

    A lot of it.

    It's not true. :<

    A lot of it was, surely you remember.

    Uhhhhh, shit.

    Y-yeah, that's it! I intentionally forgot him...





    Poor Pilot heehee

    There goes your theory out the window.

  7. FE13 blew my mind earlier.

    ...Pilot is stomping on the mushy remains on the ground.

    You're welcome.


    You looked surprised to me =3 I will not repeat myself again

    Silly Fre. Trying to confuse me with silliness.

    Hmm... Don't know if surprised is the right word for that. More like depressed. You sure?

    It's okay, Pilot.


  8. They forgot my bags last night pre-flight

    Zero hour nine a.m.

    And I'm gonna be gone as a dream by then

    I miss the earth so much, I miss my Thread

    It's lonely out in the void

    On such a timeless flight

    And I think it's gonna be a long long time

    Till remembrance brings me round again to find

    I'm not the man they think I am at home

    Oh no no no I'm a ForgottenMan!

    ForgottenMan! Being all forgotten up here alone...

    The FE4 Thread ain't the kind of place to raise your fourth gen

    In fact it's silly as hell

    And there's no Fia there to raise them if you did

    And all these measurements I don't understand

    It's just my lot seven days a week

    A ForgottenMan, ForgottenMan...

    And I think it's gonna be a long long time

    Till remembrance brings me round again to find

    I'm not the man they think I am at home

    Oh no no no I'm a ForgottenMan!

    ForgottenMan! Being all forgotten up here alone...

    And I think it's gonna be a long long time...

  9. Amusingly, it was the first thing that came to my mind when I first read it.

    If you say so, Pilot.

    It's just you.

    I would expect nothing less.

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but hey.

    Of course it is.


    I'm just saying it shouldn't surprise you so much, not that it's an excuse~ I'm not saying I really really think that's it because I would think so too, but who knows! Maybe Night just likes being subtler than subtle!

    what where did that come from that makes no sense.

    What I'm not surprised at is my forgottenness. Doubtful. Night can be subtle, but his attempts at subtlety are actually subtle rather than just completely nothing.

  10. You're that forgotten.

    Payback for that time you "bullied" her?

    Alternately, love is over?


    Doubt it, she doesn't hold grudges like that. I think.

    Isn't this like the fourth time, at least? Love is over for us more than a sitcom.

    I was being sarcastic xb

    No no no, Night worships KM64 that's why either that or he intentionally forgotteded Pilot


    No excuse! Doubt it, there would have been at least some subtle nod to it, I'd think.

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