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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. No no no. He just knows everything.

    And actually, one of those old cheesy Batman movies was on TV today. I was cringing from the cheesiness of it.

    That silly omnipotent Vincent.

    Oh those

    those are painful

    lulz I'm gonna eat NTG's cabbage.


  2. Actually, Zak, you might be in luck... I asked Vincent who his Joker would be, and though he may have been joking, he suggested it would be YOU

    Actually he said the wrong name but I knew he meant you. What with Tinny and all.

    I'm afraid I am behind the times. And behind on all comic-related things.

    That silly Vincent must be lurking.

    Silly NTG

  3. Does Batman have a sister

    and then who would you be?

    NTG is Batgirl.


    Probably not big enough to be Joker. Maybe Scarecrow?

    Oh, you aren't him? x.x


    No worries. ForgottenMannnnn, being all forgotten up there aloneeee

  4. How about this for an explanation. If me and Vincent were rich daughter and son in a mansion, TheEnd would be the humble and loyal old butler who has been looking after us for as long as he's been working in the *** family.

    TheEnd is Alfred to Vincent's Batman.

    My seething hatred for TheEnd is having trouble keeping up with this realization.

  5. It was sarcastic, okay.

    I know.

    I wasn't trying to... >_>

    I got that

    but you should still do it when she gets on and the thread is active


    I always felt Sonic 2 had weird level design but that's ok...until you hit Oil Ocean and the subsequent stages.


    Those. Blasted. Starfish bots.

  6. I can add them.

    But do you really want to be Hatari's tea and 6669's magikarp?

    I should add Holmes too, even if he has no relationship.

    Don't care either way. Just figure they're as relevant as half of the connections anyways. Oh, that was so fun, switching to Tea for the first time.


    Although are subway maps even as confusing as this "map"?


    There's a lot of folder talk today, unless I'm just hallucinating.


    Good bye program NTG.

  7. Indeed. I think if Google posted in this Thread, history would be made.

    It would be the greatest moment of triumph this thread would ever have.


    Use bombs wisely!

    And so begins the 'That's What She Said!'-StarFox-quotes game.

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