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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Son of a...

    That's not even fair. The game is a sore loser. Playing NHL 13 as a goalie, have a 20 save shutout going in a 1-0 game, make a stop with 20 seconds to go... and the game freezes. Not a problem with the disk or anything, the game just freezes. This has never happened before.

  2. Or maybe it's actually Fre's (r-)harem

    /pats and hugs

    Fre's is the 4th Gen people, yours is all others

    *patted and hugged*

    No thankee

    Fia's (r-)harem?

    FE4 THREAD: A reverse harem so shitty, the girls push it on each other.

    Exactly what I was thinking.

  3. Err, right.

    Come on, you go from Cup contenders to this? His complaints were justified.

    I don't fault him for wanting out, I fault him for his immaturity about it.

    Can't imagine THAT went over well with his future teammates.

    On a related note, I love that Flyers fans are all about Crosby whining when their team was lead by the two most immature players in the league.

  4. To be fair, they did sign Jeff Carter. I don't really blame him for leaving Columbus due to the state of the team, though.

    Let's hope they make it official.

    Trade. Trade for Jeff Carter. Who promptly complained like a little kid.


  5. Maybe if Columbus actually had a decent team to play with. Let's face it, they probably have one of the worst recruiting staff out there since almost everything they drafted turned out to be a bust. Other than Rick Nash, I can't really name someone on top of my head drafted by Columbus who actually enjoyed a successful career there. Maybe back in the early days of the franchise, but that's about it. How do you want to attract top free agents when you have nothing.

    I'd rather wait until a new owner is established. The current one trying to buy the team still has some issues. If this one ends up not buying the team, well you had a nice run, Phoenix, but please just move out already.

    Columbus was an example. Point being, they can't attract free agents with ridiculous contracts that have become regular (because if someone is offering them, why wouldn't you take it as a player?), and because of that they can't become better to attract others (other than through the draft, which still relegates them to being terrible without a particularly incredible draft class). If you would have said for, again let's say Richards, that Columbus, Florida, Phoenix, and NYI were in the market for them, you would have scoffed, and not just for the 'they aren't good enough to attract them' line.

    Considering all that's left APPARENTLY is Glendale reworking the lease (since that 'missing money' is now there), HOPEFULLY this entire thing is over.

  6. Always more and more money.

    Or they could just relocalize teams in difficulty so they can make profits.

    I mean really, Phoenix is still in deep shit and they give Shane Doan a four year contract worth over 20 millions with a 2 millions signature bonus.

    The problem is the fact that parity has pretty much disappeared after people started finding loopholes in the CBA. When's the last time you saw someone like Columbus really have a shot at getting, say, Brad Richards or Ilya Kovalchuk? That's actually what the NHL side is trying to fix.

    And as for Phoenix, I'm pretty sure that just means that they aren't in 'deep shit' for long. I know because I lived there, and I've talked with people from there who have also lived in 'big hockey towns' like Chicago: The location of the team (in AZ) is NOT the problem, there's plenty of people who would go to the games.

    Although the arena location sucks terribly. It's pretty much an hour of driving in rush hour traffic to get to the arena if you're close.

  7. I feel like busting out my SNES and play me some F-Zero classic.

    Same with GameCube and GX.

    Draq just lived what most F-Zero players had in their lifetime.

    Now get yourself a treat with some Mrs. Arrow.


    olol that one

  8. It's actually a slightly above average car in just about every game it was in I think.

    I actually have a pretty funny one. Rainbow Phoenix on Big Blue : Ordeal, Master class. No spare ships left. I'm on the last stretch in the upper positions (somewhere around 6th), but sure to win assuming I stay alive. I jump right before the finish line...only to get pushed down by the dude behind me (I think it was Baba, but I'm pretty sure it was a heavier car) and losing all momentum.

    This, and rather odd occurances involving the Blue Falcon getting thrown off the track in the healing strip of Chapter 7's Story mode made me deem heavier cars superior.

    Oh, okay.

    Oh right

    Cosmo Terminal - Trident

    How that level killed me.

    I think it's just my natural preferences that kill heavy ships for me. Even on tracks made for them, it's just less enjoyable for me. I like quick turning and am not as good at drifting as most at equal playing levels. I can do it, but far from perfectly.

  9. YESZ

    Which reminds me his machine looks quite like an Arwing.

    The point of it, of course.

    The settings of the machine are to my preferences, too. Low health but high boost and grip, and average weight? Perfect to me.

    probably one of the reasons I'm not great at the game, too.

    Now let's see how much BS crashes happened when you used all but 1 HP for your boost.

    I'm waiting.

    Numerous Grand Prixs ended with me either clipping a wall juuuust slightly and spinning out of control and stopping on the finish line, or getting slightly bumped on the final stretch with the same ending.

    Or even more than that considering that shitty armor.

    Actually less than you'd expect, though it has cost me a few races by knocking out all of my boost at the last stretch.

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