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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Because I nearly threw away a master ball on it because I thought it'd take 20 ultra balls D=

    I liked it for the long pretty and flowy tail though~~~

    ... But you caught it in an ultra ball, though, right?

    Articuno was always my favorite, too.

  2. G'night Freohr.

    ... Seriously. The Advance Wars DS AI just tried to Mech rush me (for those who don't know, generally known as one of the most effective, if very frowned upon, tactics in the game).

    So what did I do?

    Accept my loss with grace?

    Shut off the game?

    Find some creative way to defeat it anyways?

    No, I showed them what a REAL Mech rush looks like

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