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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Hmmmm guess my rooms need more torches x3 They don't look that dark to me but maybe increased brightness is just cheating

    Ooooh the badge took a new formy!

    Just wait until night-time and see what corners are too dark.

  2. Nooooope I was just out exploooriiinnnng and I'm 1000000000000000000% certain all my doors to the outside were shut. When I got back, a creeper was wandering around in there XD

    And also once it turned to night time, I found a zombie stuck in one of the upstairs rooms and banging to get out XD

    Even my pet spider Jerry just randomly disappeared without a trace ;~;

    Can monsters just.... spawn in the middle of your house then? =o


    And yes, they can, provided there's a dark enough spot in it. It has to be pretty dark though.

  3. ....... What the.......

    Creepers can open doors??

    So that means zombies can too then? I'm such a noob

    But buh bye anyways, I'm going asleepy~

    Wait, huh?

    [The Creeper] can not use doors but can climb ladders.

    Were you using a pressure plate as an automatic door or something?

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


    I didn't need bad luck, all I needed was to get infected from my pet zombies in minecraft ^~^

    Then I got showered in sunlight and burned but that fire cleansed me~ Now I'm alive again =D

    So all I need is sunlight?

    Curses! Oregon has none!

  5. You don't know it yet, but you've just reduced her life span by ten years.

    Actually, I figured that I decreased mine by ten years.

    You know, from (kiss)hugging an undead.

  6. Oh and.... and I forgot.....

    TheEnderman just left and disappeared on me ;A;

    Guess he was only there for a small visit.

    Bad TheEnd. *uses any excuse possible*

    I would have missed it if you didn't post it.

    But wow. Wondered what they'd do. That... wasn't what I expected.

  7. I do too since I just got it XD I did survivor mode and couldn't do anything without dying. Now I'm just doing Creative so I can build stuffs and also get used to the controls =D

    Good night maybe now...


    These two seem to do just fine in daylight =o That's perfect though because I always wanted one of the spiders as a pet~ =D I had two keep me company when I was in the middle of building the place earlier and I just couldn't resist wanting one x3

    I wanna name the Spider Jerry. But what about TheEnderman?

    I only play on Survival, so maybe that has an effect. BUT STILL that building is nice.


    Hellooo, Jerry. Considering they're usually just called Enderman, I think you have your name right there.

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