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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. When I watched a playthrough I was stuck at Synthetic/Biologic and Absolute Destruction of Synthetics.

    Ahh, turning a B-plot that was just resolved into the main conflict at the very last second.

    I went with Destroy. Since it's not genetically raping every living creature in the galaxy and hey, if the Catalyst lied about you dying there, I can claim he lied about killing the Geth too. :awesome:

  2. Nevermind. Forgot I posted that image. :P


    You suck then.

    hahahaha yeah ME3's ending.

    Color change to make money, yep.

    Yeah, I guess that's a plus, I guess I'll just get ME3 when that comes out and I should finish ME2 soon.

    Signs of the ending being rushed? Absolutely. EAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Do it. Especially if you can get it for cheap. The moments before the ending are well worth it, even if the Extended Cut doesn't help the ending.

  3. Is ME3 worth it, Pilot?

    The whole series is. Best series I've played in ages.

    Until the last five minutes of the third.

    It's just that the ending makes you like "wait how did they think this is a good idea"

    "Extended" Ending DLC is coming out on Tuesday though.

  4. Sneak, One Handed (Daedric Daggers), Archery (Ebony) for combat. A lot of Pickpocket, Enchanting, Alchemy and Smithing as well.

    I'm actually really surprised about it.

    Honestly, I did that as well, but figured it'd go without saying.

  5. Oh, Breton. I thought that was the name of your character. Currently I have an Orc.

    I guess.

    Ha, figured. What do you use mostly?

    *shrug* That and cap space. Doubt they'd trade for Lindback just to get Luongo right after.

    Besides, honestly, I think he actually wants to return to the Panthers, specifically. And besides, Florida-Vancouver? They trade EVERYTHING back and forth.

  6. I strongly suggest against Destruction unless you have mods that increase spell damage. What's the guy's race?

    I guess so. I'd probably strike a deal with Tampa before Sunrise first, though, if Luongo really wants to go in Florida.

    I realize, I played before. still fun And again, Brenton.

    Tampa just got Lindback. They're off the table.

  7. Well stop it D=

    It's not on purpose..!

    What is your character in Skyrim?

    Florida really? With Theo already in place?

    Brenton, with primary focus on bows and one-handed right now, Destruction later.

    Makes sense on all sides, maybe with Theo/Clem going to Vancouver plus other bits.

    On the Vancouver side, one team that actually would agree to a trade and be willing to give stuff up (Bjungstad has been identified, apparently).

    On the Florida side, immediate improvement while giving Markstrom more time (with his knee injuries and such), maybe give him a bit of backup time, as well as a plan in case Markstrom doesn't turn out.

    On the Luongo side, his family is down there, and he owns a house there.

  8. Accurate description of summer for now.

    I've been busy with my draft and some Skyrim today.

    Fun stuff.

    FreeSpace 2 Open and ME3 for me here. And maybe some more Skyrim later. :awesome:

    Oh, and hidden behind the whole Toronto thing, seems like Luongo actually wants to go back to Florida. And they're probably the more likely takers, with Burke not liking long contracts.

    But Fia is cool. o3o

    You still exist which is nice.

    And Dio is there willingly I'm sure.

    She's still a Bad Fia.

    But I disappear often.

    Of course.

  9. Oi Pilot, what do you think of the dfraft so far?

    Odd trades. Weird how Forsberg has dropped so low (COME ON ENOUGH FOR FLORIDA TO GET HIM yeah right), same with a few others.

    Oi, defense heavy much?

    And Jordan Staal to Carolina... Would be cool if Jared ever became NHL ready.

  10. So I played Megaman Battle Network 2 a bit today.

    I forgot how absolutely awesome its Undernet is.

    It is.

    Marthur made fixes too!

    Maybe I shouldn't have-

    That reminds me I still don't have a description. D:

    ... Sorry Dio. Here they come.

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