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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. I have this sick idea that I should texture hack the Black Knight from FE10, change his armor to white, give him Olivi Grass, text edit that to "Tangerine", and text edit his name to "Mumu".

    That seems like a whole lot of trouble for very little payoff.

  2. You didn't kill it, it slowly dies when I step in. It's like that with the IP chat too. I'm like a truckload of gray spilling over the black and white that went was going on, bringing everything to a halt.

    Sirius the Grey Knight eh?

    I am no Knight good sir.


  3. Everytime they have played "The Black Knight Lives" on stream or on Skype call, my mom has appeared.

    She is ALSO aware of her own theme song.

    Me and my brother were listening to the Star Wars soundtrack when my mom came in with an angry look on her face.

    I was trying so hard not to laugh while my brother was failing at keeping a straight face while talking with her. She finally just went "WHAT is so FUNNY?"

    Then we pointed out the fact that once she came in, the Imperial March started. Even she started laughing at it.

  4. Today I found out she likes one of the lifeguards...

    you know those guys who sit down on the beach all day with the six-pack...

    She was looking at him so eagerly...

    Well the fact is she prefers him so...


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