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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Today sucks.

    First time driving on my own (didn't get my license earlier due to not wanting to pay for insurance) and the car dies as I'm sitting in a lane to turn out of the parking lot. I manage to get it home after spending about 5 minutes trying to start it (thankfully no one came up behind me till the very end), but still.

    Plus then find out that I need something from the library for a college paper. That was closing in 20 minutes. And I would have known earlier if I could have checked it yesterday, but my internet went out.

  2. Don't give me that look.

    *noms on 36 Kit Kats*


    I probably had more than that over the past two weeks.

    It's a mindgame within a mindgame.


    You know, just saying 'Inception' here kinda works already, no need to change it.

  3. They do look like M&M's :(

    They do.

    M&M's are superior anyways.

    I'm almost wondering if he's quoting/referencing something... but I have no clue because I never get those

    He is. Castlevania.

  4. Well really I've wanted to try for a while now and never got around to it just because~

    But I guess it's still working anyway? =3

    If you will try it at least soon, yes.

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