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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It's a bit more complicated than that, but you've got the right idea. Robin x Donnel is usually going to be a massive loss of opportunity, but there are technically times where it could be wise- such as if Chrom married Maiden and everyone else save for Donnel is dead- so I wanted to hear Gardevoir out (seeing as he didn't say when it would be useful).
  2. Vanilla or Lunatic+? On the latter Morgan completely dominates as a Warrior. He's good as one on the former too, just not as good and you have more options. Either way,when starting off I like to go for skills that help units grow: he'll come with Aptitude so you don't need to pass that. You'll probably want to send him either to Merc or Cav, since they have useful Lv.1 skills, let him keep his Sword rank, give good pairup boosts and promote into great classes with skills that can make use of RK. What are you thinking of passing from Avatar?
  3. The way Renown works is that whenever you clear a file (beat Grima), the amount of Renown that file has will be saved. Whenever you start a new file, it starts with your amount of saved Renown, but past that saved Renown has absolutely no effect on the Renown of your files. So if you have 5000 saved Renown, start two files, grind one to 6000 and the other to 10000, then beat the 10000 one, your Renown will be saved at 10000, but the files will still have 10000 and 6000 respectively. Starting a new file right then will start it with 10000, but beating the game with the 6000 Renown file will set your saved Renown to 6000 instead (so that a new game will have 6000 Renown). To set it back to 10000, just beat the 10000 file again (replay the final chapter). In a nutshell, just try to avoid starting a new file while you have a file going that you've earned a lot of Renown on since you started, but haven't saved. As for your original question, each file's Avatar is individual. So you'll have two different Avatars in there, and updating the Lunatic file's one will have no effect on the Lunatic+ file's one. You can also save/update them manually without clearing the game by using the Wireless menu (it's not even a prerequisite, you can add your Avatar to the Logbook as early as post-Cht.3).
  4. There are plenty of maps remaining... But whether or not your units can handle them will be up in the air, since almost all of them scale with difficulty. Don't count on being able to train any but your strongest on some of them. Gerome can still make himself useful, he's just low on the ladder as far as child units go. If you pass him Renewal (use lots of staff exp to get there) and DG+ (don't go for Aegis, 14 more Fred levels is a huge amount even with DLC- and Gerome's Skl is awful too), he can reclass to Cavalier, promote to Paladin, and switch into a Bow Knight for tanking later on (or Hero for Sol, or Wyvern for flight). The thing about tanking in Lunatic+ is that it comes down to two parts: surviving a battle, and doing something afterword. Aegis doesn't actually help you survive the battle (if it did, you'd be running a high risk of dying if it failed, which is something strategically you should never have to do), it gives you a chance of leaving it with more HP so you have more things you can do on the next turn. But if Gerome's still a base scrub, there won't be much he can do regardless of how much HP he has... So it really is best to save it for later. Owain might work out. He does come with innate Vantage which is nice (though I've never fully trusted Vantage on a Nostanking set). If you have 18,000 at post-Cht.11 then you should be set for a while. I'd strongly recommend stocking up on Tonics (particularly Def and Spd, Str/Mag are useful too and Skl/Lck can sometimes tip the scales in your favor too) whenever you can, since Risen have a habit of blocking shops and they usually are only buyable in one place. The main thing to keep in mind for your budgeting is that each child you recruit will want an immediate Second Seal and Master Seal, with another Second Seal a few chapters away- and that adds up fast. It's also good to always have plenty of Javelins on hand, and Rescues too once you can buy them. You may also want to set some of it out for forging a Beastkiller if Cht.12 is bothering you- figure out exactly how much you need on it (with a Str tonic and good pairup) to OHKO enemy Cavs without Pavise+, as it'll bypass Counter that way and let you clean out the bottom left corner quickly. Go light on using it where possible, though, as you'll want it for the rest of Valm.
  5. You could do that too, but Fred and Lissa have a reasonably faster support growth than normal (they'll go from nothing to S 1-3 maps earlier than most, depending on how lucky you get with Event Tile convos). Also keep in mind that Fred!Gerome has a remarkably useless skill pool, and for Henry being able to nostank successfully requires you to be at least far enough ahead of the curve to make back what you're taking in damage, which would be a lot easier to get going on a child. Henry is sometimes still worth keeping around on Lunatic+, but he gives a better return on investment if you use him as an Anathema bot (which takes no investment at all besides keeping him protected). I suppose Fred would have a much higher level than normal if you'd been using him as a support for Robin until Olivia shows up, but it's still a good idea to be careful with what he gets. Also keep in mind that while DLC gives a nice boost to exp, it only costs gold (since there are a lot of enemies and you have to use up your weapons on them). And unless there's a specific skill you're going for in time for inheritance, having large amounts of money can make an even bigger difference on your performance than having large amounts of exp. Seals to use that exp on are expensive and getting to their shops often gets you higher than you wanted to be already, and running out of things like Javelins and Rescue Staves will give even units with twice the enemy stats trouble. How much of it have you done already?
  6. No reason. Skills with lower activation rates are always ahead of those with higher, but there are three Skl% procs and one of them has to be the bottom of the three, and it just happens to be Ignis. No problem.
  7. Yes and yes. To elaborate on procstacking, each proc has a certain priority, where Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance > Luna+. So first the game checks for Lethality, and if it fails/isn't equipped, it checks for Aether and so on... So if you have 50 Skl and Sol and Luna equipped, you'll have a 50% chance of activating Sol and a 25% chance (50% activation rate * 50% Sol failure rate) chance of activating Luna. A good deal of parent/child supports, child recruitment convos and FP convos mention or imply the future parent dying sometime after Grima had already returned to power, so there were definitely survivors from the Dragon's Table. One of them must have brought it back (my guess is Fred, but nothing says for sure).
  8. There will be lots of forged Beastkillers. Nether of Cherche and Henry start out very good, but you may get a chance to give them some in Cht.14 (give Henry an Elwind, Cherche a Hand Axe, and hang out on the water where you only fight Pegs). I would try to marry Fred off to Lissa and then stop feeding him. His level is way too high and the rest of your team looks a little low as a result, but you can still turn it around with the children (in my current run he managed to be very helpful throughout the first half of the game, while only being at Lv.3.69 for Owain, for reference).
  9. Spd doesn't actually do anything on VV builds because the whole point of them is to defeat the enemy in the first 6 hits.
  10. I'd go with Hero either way. Severa is his better option, though Sorc is wasted on her (her Mag growth is terrible for ingame, and postgame she wants to make use of her Hero or Wyvern Lord).
  11. Hi folks. I haven't decided whether or not I'm back yet, but decided to peek in anyway (I've been laying low to avoid FE14 spoilers, which were everywhere a month ago). It's cool to see this place is still going (and especially thanks to Duck, who is making guides)! Wrt those, the one thing I would do differently is to not rate the pairs at the end of their explanations. Yes, some are clearly better than others, but my style has always been to take an existing pairing and get the most possible out of it rather than to take two pairings and try to figure out which is better. But they're your guides, so it's up to you. Also I didn't read them fully, but Robin's greatest contribution to Owain is actually his Spd- he puts him a full +4 Spd ahead of Owain's next fastest Luna/Vengeance dad. Morgan comes out of it with +3/5 Spd/Mag (ideal for a Valkyrie) and Robin gets a GF/Faire wife too, so it's not half bad as a pairing. Great availability ingame, too. The only things that are really wrong with it are that Sumia and Cordelia are so much better as 1st gen options, and it's difficult to do an ingame Lissa GF passdown so you can't use it for a run that does both ingame and postgame very effectively. Not by me (though I'm biased against her because of her hair). While she's a very good unit, I don't feel like Stahl properly takes advantage of Severa's innate potential like Virion, Lon'qu or Robin do (Virion is probably my favorite Severa). I mean, she has Paladin and Sniper, but +3 Spd is absolutely nothing coming from her and for a heavy-hitting Luna user, Vaike is both faster and stronger. Gregor!Laurent is a boss at everything and Gregor is typically a low-demand father. I'd definitely go with him.
  12. Yeah he does, Libra actually has 14 (it's Donnel with 12). My bad.
  13. I'm a bit rusty since I haven't been doing this for a while, but... 1. See #4. 2. They're completely independent of the unit's class, and are all listed here. 3. More or less. But some characters have base classes with only one promotion, and others have two base classes that share a promotion, so most have fewer (Libra has the fewest, at 12). And children typically have a lot more. 4a. Streetpass has no meta since it's impossible to make a team that can stand a chance against someone properly prepared. The best you can do is to slaughter people who aren't prepared, which is usually done through Lethality spam or 1-range Counter spam. I'm running 10x +Str/-Def Avatar-M@Warrior/Hero/General/Wyvern (LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter) with +3/25 forged 1-range Braves, and anyone who ends in my range is basically guaranteed to be dead on EP. 4b. There are several ways to handle Lunatic+, all of which begin with stuffing Robin to Lv.7/8 in the Prologue, storming Cht.1, 2 and the bottom left of 3 with Player Phase Offense, and then turtling the rest of Cht.3. The three dominant non-grinding strats from there are to pull a Robin/Chrom solo, using forged Thunders to attempt to OHKO threats, spam Bow users (since they can't counterattack at 1 range, they're completely immune to Counter and tend not to take as many EP fights), and to get both Sumia and Cordelia to Lv.20->15 Dark Fliers (extremely tight, but reliably doable- promote Sumia 3-5 levels early if you're running late), married to Chrom and Robin, in time to get four GF passdowns, then reclass them to Falcos and crush the rest of the game through superior offense. If you want to see the first strategy in action, you should check here at 7:00 PM PST. No matter which way you go, a +Spd asset gives you the most power if you know what you're doing, +Def hurts the least if you don't, and -Skl and -Lck are both common flaws: they make you a bit more prone to bad RNG, but leave you alone in the long run. 4c. Secret Apotheosis is the main map people care about optimizing for. It allows 20 units to be deployed, and the two main ways to do it are to bring 7 child pairs (Robin marries a child), two Rallybots, Chrom and his wife, and either two Staffbots or a Dancer, or to bring a smaller number of child pairs (usually 2-5 pairs), pairing Robin either 1st gen with Sumia/Cordelia or 2nd gen, and then use the remaining space for more staffbots (and possibly a third Rallybot, if you want to make extremely tight strategies). Regardless of which template you use for fielding units, children all tend to want the same things: girls with GF want LB/GF/Faire/Proc/Proc (Procs being Aether, Astra, Luna, Ignis, and Vengeance- never stack Vengeance with another, and always have at least one with a trigger rate at Skl% or better), boys with GF want LB/Agg/Proc/Faire/GF, boys without GF want LB/Agg/Faire/All+2/+Hit (Hit+20 works best, Hex/Anathema are good too), and Nah/Non-GF Noire do whatever they want. Lucina swaps her Faire for DSt+, and girls using Vengeance/GF typically use All+2 as their last skill. Second comes class and pairing choice: your combination of stat mods, class, support class, weapon forge and optional All+2 want to hit a few important thresholds. 75 Spd will allow you to double anything in the map (moderately easy to hit without making sacrifices); while 69 is the next step down, letting you double all but three units and being very easy to hit. Never drop below 60 Spd or you'll start missing doubles on non-boss enemies. Next is 220 Hit, which gives you 100% listed Hit on all non-boss enemies (you'll need 257 or so to get 100% on everything, don't remember the exact number). The former is very easy to hit, the latter takes a bit of work and isn't always worth it. Finally, 160 combined Skl on the lead and support units gives you 100% Dual Strike with an S support and no DSt+, which is very difficult to hit unless you're specifically aiming for it above all else (with very few exceptions, you can't get it period while sticking to the above skill outlines). Don't try to go for it too much, but having one or two pairs with it is useful (you'll always have Chrom and Lucina, but another doesn't hurt). 5. Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Avatar-M x Chrom!Cynthia/Sumia!Lucina > Maribelle/Olivia!Lucina > Severa/Kjelle/Cynthia > Sumia/Cordelia > others Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Gaius/Donnel Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor/Libra/Henry Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gaius/Donnel Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry There you go. That list covers parent pairings for postgame/Apo and is from memory so it changes a little every time. Just because something's on it doesn't automatically make it good, just because it's not on it doesn't automatically make it bad, but it's a good place to start. Kellam being missing isn't a joke, he's really that bad. In terms of Robin fathering 2nd gen children, Severa gets the awesomest with him as her dad, Nah sees the greatest increase over other fathers, and Owain strikes a balance between the two. Asset/Flaw typically involves -Def, with +Spd and +Mag popular assets and +Str/+Skl good as well. People here are pretty cool with nonnative English speakers, but if you're self-conscious about it you can always set your Location in your user profile to somewhere really exotic.
  14. That's quite a nice map. How long have you been working on this project?
  15. Maybe so, but... To avoid being doubled by something with 20 Spd, you need more than 80% of that amount of Spd. To avoid being doubled by 60, you need more than 93.33% of that. Even if the real difference is the same, the relative difference keeps getting smaller, which sharply increases the chances for the RNG to either wildly screw or completely overpower someone.
  16. Gregor can build support with Nowi very quickly and is a decent option if you don't want to spend too much time on her. Vaike gives very nice mods (much more useful than Kellam's) while giving useful skills, and Henry is a great option if you ever want her to leave Manakete.
  17. Noire will benefit a lot more from Gaius than Nah will. You'll also have a hard time finding anyone with worse mods than Donnel. -1/-1/-1 Mag/Skl/Spd is pretty low in a game where the average Skl mod for a 1st gen unit is 1, and all he has to make up for it is +1 Str.
  18. Donnel can pass Aptitude or something, he's not particularly useful as a father. Kjelle can end as a Paladin, Wyvern Lord or Dark Flier- pretty much anything with 8 Mov will be fine.
  19. I don't keep very good track of who does what when, but I don't recall much Avatar x Cynthia prior to my 100% DS team last year so I assumed I did it (unless you mean who explained it recently to Bunsel, which definitely wasn't me).
  20. Patience (Merc 10) is really easy to get since Merc is a good class, and since most of your fighting should be on enemy phase it'll almost always be active. Outdoor Fighter is another one that's easy to get, though it's a little more situational than the former. If you're willing to go through some poor classes to get them, Avo+10 is always active in exchange for no +Hit, and Lucky 7 gives a huge boost if you're fast. However, do note that dodgetanking is very easy earlygame because enemies have comparatively low Skl and very inaccurate weapons, and becomes much harder lategame when everything spawns with +20 Hit forges on their weapons and the Hit+20 skill. Having an appropriate Breaker is pretty much the only way to reliably dodge those (dropping hitrates from ~80 to ~30).
  21. When I made my argument for that way back when, I had no intention of dethroning Avatar x Lucina as the superior pair- I just wanted to justify using Cynthia because I like her more. Though she might still be better... The toughest target in the game for a Sniper x Berserker pair to beat is Thronie. He's got 99 HP, 67 Def, Aegis+ and a ton of Avo (though I won't take that into consideration here). Lucina's Atk (LB/GF/Aether/Luna/DSt+): 41(base) +0(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(pairup) +2(tonic) +20(Double Bow) =93 Avatar's Atk (LB/Agg/AF/All+2/Hit+20): 50(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(AF) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +18(B.Axe) =111 Thronie takes 6+22+22+6+22+22 =100, which is a guaranteed kill even if Aether/Luna always fail. You could even swap them for other stuff like Bowfaire (to not need the Longbow) or something. So basically the distinction between their powers won't even matter when everything's on the table. You can go either and it'll be fine. It's good on him when he's leading certain non-GF Nahs and Noires, since they provide the +Hit skills for him. Though he'll usually want a Vengeance dad because Berserkers have bad Skl for Luna.
  22. Astra and Sol together is a pretty good combination for ingame. What happens is that the game first checks to see if you'll use Astra. If you succeed, you'll use it and that'll be all. If Astra fails, the game then checks to see if you get to use Sol. So if you have 40 Skl, you'll have a 20% chance to use Astra and a 32% chance to use Sol (40% Sol activation rate * 80% Astra failure rate). However... Adding all that together with Luna and Ignis won't work so well. Both Astra and Sol are checked before those two, so they'll very rarely activate (Luna will be less often than Astra, Ignis almost never). You should probably stick with just those two and use the other skillslots for +Mov, +Avo, or self-healing or something. Be warned that Swordmaster is a really bad class, though. If you want Astra, get in and get out fast.
  23. If he needs a quick and simple ingame dad, use Libra. He can mutually build support with Lissa without hogging through Staves, and gives Owain some good mixed/magical options. For postgame, Owain's mods will always stink so you're looking for classes and skills. Ricken gives him Luna and good Mag, and is the most straightforward option and best in a vacuum. Stahl gives a mixed Owain instead of magical, trading good Mag and Dark Knight for useable Str. He has strong sets as a Paladin, Berserker, Sniper, Dread Fighter, and the good old Sage as well. Libra and Henry let Owain use Vengeance instead of Luna and usually leave him set up to be a Sage (though Berserker is still an option, especially for Henry).
  24. Are you serious? Owain is a magical unit. Ricken is the best there is.
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