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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It's out and partially translated now, and I'm still playing Awakening. Go figure.
  2. EXPonential Growth only works for low-level characters that have dropped off and need catching up. Once you've done a few promoted reclasses, have most of your stats capped and are just farming for skills or something, LB3 is a vastly superior grinding map thanks to giving Paragon (doubles exp gain and stacks with Veteran) and having 50 enemies, none of which are too dangerous and all of which will attack you on enemy phase. They're also split up into three groups so you don't get zerged too hard, and there's a Gate to tank on too.
  3. Normal gives you enough leeway that there's pretty much no way to get into a pickle, so if you want to learn how things work, I'd advise reclassing them however you like and then remembering what works better than others. Sometimes experience is just going to be more helpful than anything someone on a forum can say. As for children pairing up, just try to do it in a way that gives every child at least an A support without breaking up any good parent pairs- you tend to get a lot more female children than male ones so giving everyone an S support isn't always an option and you have to look to the A supports instead.
  4. If you're not grinding and on Normal, and especially if you're using a big team, you're not going to see any effect from mods whatsoever due to never capping your stats. You will be able to get your hands on at least one good skill per unit, and several others that are situationally useful. And often, those situationally useful skills will come in handy more than a full set of promoted Lv.15 skills. As an example of how classes and skills can be important, see Yarne: he has a lot of promise with excellent physical growths, but comes with no weapon ranks in anything. Cavalier gives Discipline, something that perfectly fixes his problem while still putting him in an excellent class with a strong promotion option. Is Discipline something you'd want to use on an endgame/postgame set? Nope. But for base Yarne, it's the most useful skill in the game, and requires no work to get as well. He doesn't come with Cav either, so you have to pass it to him. tl;dr don't go for perfect skills, go for useful ones that don't require you to sabotage your combat performance to get them. No cost. Big gain.
  5. 38(base) +4(mods) +8(Rally) +8(pairup) +2(tonic) =60. There's no way a +4 Wyvern is hitting 69 without LB.
  6. Random/everywhere. Probably alongside a load of Risen. Cynthia did try to find the Ylisse army... She just did a bad job of it.
  7. I get that you don't like the Outrealm Gate. What I asked was why. Additionally, tracking down a person who's not on record for anything in a Victorian-era pair of continents is no mean feat. If anything, you should be complaining that they found eachother as easily as they did. Not sure what you're talking about in regards to marriages.
  8. Making note of where that happens and posting it here helps the team fix them faster, if you want to contribute.
  9. And you didn't think of asking me? I can't skype (bad internet) and might not have an insane amount of time this summer, but have a ton of experience and am happy to work on gameplay, act as a sounding board for ideas, and other stuff (except story. I can proofread and edit but if the story is the whole point, you should write it yourself). PM me if you're still interested and want to take me up on this, because I don't check this forum that often.
  10. The Outrealm isn't a plot device and has nothing to do with Awakening's story, though. Regarding its making sense, dimensional portals in FE have a perfectly decent precedent in FE6, and most of the consistency problems that apply to it aren't exclusive to it within Awakening- sure, you can run off and ignore your quest to go to a beach, but you can also run off to go fight bandits in Ferox. Do you mind elaborating on your beef with it? Also, what would you count as the "logical potential" of time travel?
  11. Xenoblade stuff. With lots of custom loops.
  12. I'd really love to be that helpful, but I'm pretty sure all I've done is asked/answered a few questions in the other thread... Also the text in the difficulty selection screenshot looks a little squished (the descriptions are touching the icons). You might want to add a space at the start of each of those or something, unless the screenshots are old and that's already been fixed.
  13. 1. Yes. 2. That's right. 3. If your foe's Def is less than half of your Atk (after the Agg boost) then Astra will be more powerful. Otherwise, Aether will do more damage. You'll have to judge the value of Aether's HP boost yourself. But I can't think of any non-DLC units who get Agg and have the choice between Aether and Astra...
  14. 1. I usually go to 20 or when my stats are starting to cap, but it's not very important. 2. Nope. 3. None of those are problems, and you've got room to make any pairs you want. 4. I'd advise pairing up all the units you intend to use, no more and no fewer. How you pair them won't matter on Normal/a first playthrough.
  15. Same as Alastor but with -Def instead so I don't lose any Atk (+7 Spd Morgan can easily be either physical or magical, and since you get two of them I don't really want to lower both Str and Mag). The main point of Warriors is having the strongest Bows in the game (by 7 Str, which is really huge), which makes them very useful for taking down the Invincisorc (as well as the Wave 4 Sages). Axes aren't too big of a deal since there are lots of other strong Axe classes that give similar pairup boosts. I'd go for the 100% DS if it gives you enough power to 100% ORKO those guys (the Sages are really squishy so even without Braves it shouldn't be too hard), and otherwise sacrifice some reliability for more power in the back.
  16. Electronics can do weird things when they break, but a problem solved by wiggling wires and stuff is more likely to be something loose than something overheating (handhelds should never have a problem with heat in the first place since they use so little power). Then again I didn't see what was happening so I can't be very sure.
  17. First off, that's way too big. Increasing your team size in general will always make Lunatic harder, and even very good players start seeing big setbacks when going above five pairs at any time. If you want "maximum overpoweredness", the only way to go is Chrom x +Def Avatar and bench everyone else. Chrom x Olivia: This pays off if you're willing to do a lot of dance spamming and subsequent exp funneling to get Olivia as strong as possible by Cht.13 so their kids get decent bases and skills. EXP funneling doesn't work so well with a large team, though, so you'll need to take care not to have everyone else fall behind. Avatar x Nowi: The faster you get Nowi off the ground, the better they are. Make sure to buy her a Spotpass Dragonstone+, save her a Seraph Robe or two, and have lots of tonics (and maybe a Tiki's Tear) on hand, and have Avatar a high leveled Merc when you get her for optimal training. Donnel x Sully: Donnel is a bad unit. He has to go through E weapons twice no matter what you do, requires an extremely rare and valuable Second Seal (which is even more important if you're using a large team), and once your other units start capping their stats, he falls off hard due to having mostly negative stat modifiers and a limited reclass set to keep picking up skills from. Essentially, he's a liability early on and late on, and performs well in the middle of the game. Here's the problem with that: Lunatic is very difficult early on, since your units all start behind the curve and you have to do a lot of work catching up. It then gets much easier during the middle (Cht.7-11) because enemies grow much slower than your units and haven't started promoting or getting forges yet. Once promoted enemies start coming in, and especially once you start capping stats and the enemies start catching back up to you, the mode becomes much harder since you're no longer far ahead of the curve. So Donnel is essentially terrible when the game is hard, and good when it's easy- exactly the opposite of what you'd want in a unit. Gaius: Being able to dodge everything through Spd alone is a pretty tall order. The game's Avo formula gives 3 Avo for every 2 Spd you have, so a unit who's 10 Spd ahead of all your others- which is quite a bit early on- is only going to have 15 Avo on everyone else, which is nice but not enough to be invincible. Actually dodging reliably involves using everything there is- +Avo skills, C+ supports, advantageous terrain, WTA, and high Spd. At the least, he'll need a very good support to do that job, but he'll still never be 100% untouchable and with his poor HP and Def won't be able to take more than one hit for the majority of the game without a lot of investment (and frankly, the game offers much better sword users like Gregor and Stahl if you really want to use one for dodging Axes). Lategame, all the enemies will be packing Hit+20 and weapons forged with +20 Hit, so dodgetanking without a Breaker is pretty much impossible. For chest utility, Anna is your best friend and can generally take a hit with little investment until very lategame. Maribelle x Lon'qu: "Withstand a few hits" isn't something you can just ask a unit to do when you're looking at 25+ mt attacks before you can even choose who to field. Lunatic generally demands that you have a good tank with plenty of investment (or Frederick) to take more than one hit, Maribelle is one of the frailest units in the game and you're not even giving her a +Def support so odds are she'll be getting OHKOed by most everything all the way through. Switching to Lissa with a +Def support is one option, since Lissa has a lot of availability on Maribelle and generally better physical growths so she can take a hit sometimes- also a decent chance of having supports with Fred. Libra and Anna are both fairly bulky prepromotes who can take two or three hits before going down, but they come a bit late. What I usually do is rely on Lissa early on, add in the prepromotes as auxiliary healers with Lissa still as my main when I get them, and reclass Sumia and Cordelia to Falcos around Cht.18 when my children really get going. Those five hold down staff duty pretty nicely for the rest of the game. In general though, no matter who you use learning to keep your healers out of range will do more good than any long-term team planning. Tharja: She has big issues early on with getting critted, has no real magical reclassing options once she hits 20/20, comes fairly late and has no way of hitting and running without Rescue (what you seem to want her for). If you need a non-Avatar/child magical unit, Miriel is much better: she has four promoted Tome classes, comes very early with good training opportunities in Cht.3, 5 and 6, and gives one of the best children in the game.
  18. I didn't get to see any capture card issues, hopefully it's the usb cable and not the card itself.
  19. Aversa is one of the best three 1st gen wives as far as Avatar's concerned (the other two being Sumia and Cordelia). Her Morgan is probably the worst of the three, but still turns out nicely with +Mag.
  20. I nominate Fred!Gerome. The one thing you should be careful of is overusing Kellam as a bad parent, because he's pretty close to bottom for everyone and there are usually other choices- for example, Tiki!Morgan will not only have a perma-weakness and bad mods for postgame, but comes late ingame and gives Avatar one of the worst postgame wives in the game (definitely explain parent synergy for Morgans- Kellam!Nah!Morgan is an example of a Morgan who looks good in a vacuum but has meh parents). Gaius!Yarne could also be used to talk about opportunity cost. Basically, try to get each pairing so you can use them to illustrate a particular problem that applies to children in general, rather than simply showing a bad pairing and saying why it's bad.
  21. In order of importance... -Robin acts like a self-insert, but isn't. This would be more OK if it were apparent that they're their own character, but having a character who seems like they're supposed to be you plotting behind your own back (Cht.23) or committing war crimes with no input (Cht.14) is a really major problem with the world's continuity. -Support conversations have absolutely nothing to do with what's going on in the game. In a game with a shortage of world-building, that's a huge missed opportunity, especially since they put in the work to write all that anyway. Relevance also could have acted as a major incentive to collect them. Similarly, they have no effect on the plot, despite effectively being a quantifier of friendship that would have been easy to use. -The pacing is very off. The Paralogues are all 100% irrelevant. At best, you get a new character who then has zero story importance, but typically they all simply involve fighting bandits, thugs and never-do-wells to keep a village safe or something. Yes, Chrom and co. are good guys. That should not take 23 extra chapters of nothing else to explain, especially when everything important gets so little. -Similar to the above, the game devotes a lot of early chapters to doing very little (Cht.2), or setting up something that could have been better done elsewhere (Cht.8), and then gives no time to actually important things (Valm in general). Additionally, that random Paralogue unlocked after Cht.9... Making the story/game in general longer could have been a first step to a good solution, but the work to fill it out would still have needed to be done (and they definitely could have done much more exposition with the space they had...).
  22. Sounds like a great team. I'm interested to see what you guys come up with.
  23. Rom hacking won't really have that much to do with it- it's game design in general you need to know a lot about to make something good. There's no such thing as a "make game" button.
  24. I've watched enough Awakening stuff in the past that I'm sure it'll pop up in the "recommended for you" section for me anyway, so I'm just flat out not using YT for now.
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