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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Those are ending skillsets, not class paths. Sparx I'd go Valkyrie next after Lv.15. I normally do it before DF (promotion from Troubadour, if I don't promote straight to Sage), but having the extra Mov is useful for staffers (if you still want her to be that). Sage and Falco are your other options but Falco is more of an ending class, and you can probably skip Sage since you'd mostly only want it for TF for Dark Flier, or for staying in a decent class after promoting instantly (War Cleric isn't that good). Also, if you're worried about posting tons and tons of topics, there used to be one around here called "I just want to know one thing" or something that was for exactly these kind of questions. It's likely in necro territory now so you'd want to ask Eclipse for permission to bump it, but it is there if you want it.
  2. She'll want to be a Paladin or Sniper, taking advantage of Stahl's Luna/Astra procstack inheritance. If you pair her with a +3 Spd class (Berserker/Hero/BK), she'll hit 75 in those classes when up front without All+2. Her last skillslot is empty because of no GF, so you can run something like Deliverer.
  3. Ricken!Gerome is really cool. I'm using him with a +Skl/-Def Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan in my main team and they can do just about anything together- 8 Mov 100% DS, 75 Valkyrie x Sage, and 75 Wyvern. Noire's three main hard support dads are Ricken, Vaike and Fred. Ricken gives +6 Mag and TF/Sage, making her a much more potent non-+Spd magical hard support than Nah. Vaike gives excellent mods and AT for Sniper, and has the very useful benefit of getting her to 75 Spd with All+2 and a +3 support. Fred is discount Vaike who isn't in demand and doesn't give Spd/AT, but still has strong Str/Skl and high availability. General Donnel!Kjelle with a DF support needs All+2 (or an upgrade to Paladin support) to avoid being doubled by Anna. She's pretty slow. She's the only non-Morgan girl who can hit 75 Spd as a DF with All+2, a Sage support and Tomefaire. Unfortunately she doesn't have room to run both All+2/TF and her procstack from Gaius, but given the rarity of 75 Spd 8 Mov magical units, it's pretty noteworthy. She can also go GK with the same set as a 75 Wyvern (All+2, +3 support) and hit 75, but it's probably a bad idea. Her main downfall isn't the Peg overlap, but the fact that her Spd and class set put her in a great spot to use All+2 strats, but she has a procstack and doesn't want to spare a slot for All+2. It's a real pickle. Apologies to anyone who's been waiting for answers from things for me. It's the start of summer, things are a little chaotic and internet is spotty. I'll be back full time soon, probably early July. In the meantime, thank you Alastor and BK for holding down the fort.
  4. Mostly good. Stahl!Severa is usually a Sniper or Paladin, but should work fine as a Hero (she's got everything she needs for it, just Vaike and Lon'qu make better Hero Severas so Stahl doesn't do that much). As previously mentioned Noire won't make a very nice DF thanks to having an extreme Spd deficit (with a Sage support, she needs All+2 to hit 69) and no Tomefaire, but it might work if you're short on magical units. If you want Morgan to marry a Dread Fighter, consider Bride (with Ignis). Stat caps will be fairly low all around, but you'll be able to take on pretty much any combination of Def, Res and PavGis with impunity.
  5. Down + A? Why do that when you can skip everything with Start? Anyway, those convenience features are there for... Convenience. They let you experience exactly as much of the game as you'd like to. You can clear something like Sacred Stones with just as much effort, but it'll take longer because you can't do that. So I don't really see how the presence of convenience features is a problem- it's actually one of my favorite parts about the game. My first playthrough (Normal/Cas, no Spotpass/DLC/Paralogues, occasional Risen) took 35 hours with no story skips and taking it easy. I think that's a fine amount of time for a playthrough.
  6. Then I'd advise starting off with Merc or Cav. Promote from there into Hero or Paladin either at 20 or by Cht.10. For late/endgame, switch to a class that gives desired support bonuses to your husband, or that he can support well.
  7. Set out long blocks of time to do it in and make sure you can play for that long. Streaming it on Twitch is a good way to keep motivation up mid-run because you've got a chat cheering you on. I second not practicing on vanilla, it doesn't do much to prepare for +.
  8. Lon'qu could be swapped onto Brady or Severa for better results than their current fathers, so I'd do one of those and keep Gregor!Laurent. It's also just plain cool. Gaius!Kjelle is easily A tier, with very potent Paladin and Wyvern sets. Gaius!Noire is still good and can do things like 69 Spd Sniper x Sage without All+2, but she'll still be more of a utility unit who's more reliant on skills and classes than mods (and less of a dominant offensive powerhouse). Noire also fares much better with non-GF dads than Kjelle does thanks to her mods and class set- if Kjelle can't lead, she can't really do anything. Donnel will severely take the wind out of Kjelle's sails thanks to leaving her with a +2 Spd mod, and Sully's -1/-1 Str/Mag make Kjelle a poor fit for a supporting role, no matter her dad (contrast Vaike!Nah's +5 Str, Henry!Nah's +3/3 Str/Mag, and Ricken!Noire's +6 Mag). The reason people in the old metagame used to recommend Donnel!Kjelle and Gaius!Noire was because Gaius!Kjelle has Myrmidon overlap and people were very averse to class overlap back then (it's never a nice thing, but losing the potential for extra classes doesn't matter if you've already got all you need).
  9. Welcome to SF! The reason Lucina is typically chosen for Avatar is because, while more 100% DS attacks are nice, ~95% ones are sufficient for most of the stuff in Apo and you only really want the extra power for a couple of tougher bosses. For those bosses, you want a dedicated hard support, who can focus more on optimizing their Atk and Hit than a Galeboy could. Also, double Galepairs have diminishing returns over single Galepairs, so it's not that important anyway. And Lucina tends to make a much better lead than support, given that she always goes without a Faire and often in a class with low Str (and has a low Str mod). That said, Avatar x Cynthia is a very potent pairing too (and the one I'm using). It somewhat comes down to the role you want Lucina to have in your team. Donnel!Noire can work, but her mods are very underwhelming and she won't make use of his GF very well. Her best bet is as a Vengeance Sniper, but she can do that with any father. Good dads for a non-GF Noire are Vaike, Fred, and Ricken. You should always use Gaius!Noire if marrying her though (preferably +Mag/Spd), because Avatar-M should never have a non-GF wife in an optimized team and Donnel!Noire's mods won't end well on Morgan.
  10. By whom? I doubt Lon'qu is so locked to Gerome that there's only one way to get him off...
  11. What about Henry, Virion and Stahl? They're good options for him too. If you need to use Lon'qu!Gerome, he's got Swordfaire and Hero/Assassin, but that's about it. No high Str classes for him to take advantage of his Str with, and nothing to do with Lon'qu's good Spd/Skl either.
  12. The nice thing about having skills and strats that you can swap out without changing pairings (or sometimes even class) is that you don't have to redo your whole file to change them, so you can go in with both of them, see what works best, and stick with it from then on.
  13. Don't forget Wave 0, the Bows in Wave 1, and 9 Sorcs + 5 Sages + 5 DFs should be 19 Tomes. Functionally Apo is almost completely comprised of Axes and Lances. Though the other weapon types still have high counts, these are the only two with waves they're almost completely dominant in. Additionally, it's important to look at Hawkeye distributions, since you shouldn't be having Hit issues yourself and the 1 mt from WTA doesn't make much of a difference. All the Axes except 6 (I think) in Wave 1 have Hawkeye. In general I suppose it comes down to which of Axes or Lances you'd rather not have WTD against- I prefer Lances because Swords lose 1 more Atk than Lances from WTA, so Lancefaire may be better. Your team composition could matter too, if you're heavy on Lance users like Wyverns and Falcos already then Swords would be more in demand, and if you're packing a ton of Heroes and Assassins then Lances it is. tl;dr they're pretty much even.
  14. I would definitely go Falco if 75 Spd is your priority. Flight is nice. If you drop down to 69 Spd while keeping the +Spd asset, though, you get a lot more options- hitting 69 in any base 40 class with no All+2, or as a Wyvern Lord with it. If you do go Assassin, Bowfaire doesn't lock you out of swords for NS or anything, you can still use them on him. He's still preferable to fight with magic, though.
  15. Difficulty? Typically you'll go to Tactician 20, make one base reclass (back into Tactician if you want to promote to GM), promote, reclass into Dark Flier, and then go to your final class after getting GF. However depending on what you're up against and how many units you're using there'll be very different amounts of exp on the table, which could change your options quite a bit. Merc, DM, Cav, and back to Tactician are the most popular base reclasses, by the way.
  16. I always go for Sol if I use her. It's no good in Apo but at least very nice for training.
  17. I don't feel like getting both of them would be a wise investment if you're that low on cash. Maybe one of them. As a side note, if you pass Veteran to Lucina, you won't need GF until Morgan's Paralogue which can be put off another chapter if really needed.
  18. I'll third that. Cht.2 used to be worse but has had so much more success with current strategies than Cht.5, and now the latter is the problem. I don't think it will ever become infamous like 2, because a) the majority of the people who complain about Lunatic+ (and thus 2) don't know about these strats, and b) 2 is before the Outrealm Gate and 5 is after it, so the people who just want to beat Lunatic+ without caring how never have to deal with it. Anyway, my preferred strat for Cht.5 (using plenty of Renown and Spotpass, admittedly) is to do it before Par.1 so Robin's still a Tactician, grab a forged Thoron (or Mjolnir) and go to town on the middle with a Sumia B support (she makes the Mages more palatable and can ferry him to a much better spot), while Fred@Gradivus with a Chrom support and Vaike x Lon'qu waiting in backup fight the bottom left. It's by no means reliable due to being 100% ad-libbed past Turn 1, but I've gotten Cht.5 down in less than an hour real-time (including resets) with a Def flaw with it before (and keep in mind that no Par.1 means my level is a good deal lower).
  19. Both, actually. There's no reason for Fred to have it in the Prologue, but in Cht.1 Avatar wants the exp more than Fred does so (s)he should hang onto it there too.
  20. Shouldn't they just be their portraits? Or do you want the whole thing animated? And do you want them for a specific Robin build, or...
  21. Maybe it could be the sum of all statboosters (sans Seraph Robe). Though that seems really expensive... I'd probably knock it down at least 50% from that because typically I've only got 1-2 stats that I really want to boost one one character.
  22. But a) +Def isn't even the best asset, b) you can't have All+2 for Cht.2/3 anyway, which is where +Def helps the most, and c) +Def gives a big growth boost in addition to that small base Def boost. It's a nice skill, but it's no substitute for Asset/Flaw earlygame.
  23. You can get away with that but will likely be retiring Gaius and Miriel from combat after a while (and onto staff duty). Trickster Gaius will be able to get staff exp, but make sure to actually give it to him since Trickster will pretty much sink all hope of combat potential for him, especially later on. Panne, Cordelia and Cherche are all good units, Lon'qu will be the weaker link in that pair. Switching to Panne would give Cynthia a husband, though- I'd say Panne and Cordelia are around the same utility here.
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