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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Avatar-F can't pass her classes on to any kids but Lucina, so you'll have to marry for her and Morgan alone. Morgan likes dads with high Str/Mag, Spd and Skl, while Avatar likes pretty much every 2nd gen male except Gerome. Maybe him, too.
  2. Hate to break it to you but you're #4001. Those three should be good, though think about how you're going to pair the kids up with 4 girls and 1 boy, and be very careful not to neglect anyone early on. Miriel and Sumia both really want training in Cht.3, and the latter has an important level threshold to reach (GF for Lucina) while the former can be an excellent contributor as early as Cht.5 with enough training.
  3. -Def gives exactly the same negative mods as -HP except you get +1 Str/Mag and -2 Def over -HP. It's almost universally better.
  4. Hey hey no fighting in the War Room. It may be rated a bit highly for the wrong reasons, but it's still very good for others.
  5. There is a huge amount of conflicting advice being posted here and I strongly second taking your question to the linked thread. Also, make sure to say what you want these pairings for (if the answer doesn't involve DLC or trivializing anything including and above Hard mode, then the only thing that matters is how much you like the pairs).
  6. Avatar, Chrom, Lissa, Miriel, Sumia, Panne, Cordelia, and Nowi all can pull their weight once trained. Good males are much rarer but Fred, Gregor, and sometimes Vaike and Kellam can stay relevant long enough to father someone if you don't care much about the child's bases. All the children except Brady and untrained Olivia's Inigo are good, and you should swap out your lower-performing parents for them. In general, keeping your team small is more important than the units you use (with exceptions for really bad units like Ricken and Donnel).
  7. There's nothing that's 100% necessary. If you have a pair that you like for some other reason than gameplay, we can make it work.
  8. Spd, Def and Mag are typically the preferred assets for general purpose Avatars, and Skl/Lck are the normal flaws. HP and Spd flaws tend to be the worst. I could give a bit more specific advice if you could be a bit more specific on what you want her to do...
  9. Most of Apo's really dangerous bosses have 2 range and low Res, so a Sniper lets you hit them from out of their range (Longbows) and the Sage support hits their weak Res without hitting Aegis+ for massive damage. Weapon uses generally aren't a problem since you can carry five of them (100 Celica's Gale uses? You won't burn through that in a hurry) and can restock from Chrom whenever you want. Honestly AT is more of a convenience (so you don't have to go get a ton of new weapons after every clear) than it is a necessity to keep from getting stuck. Keep in mind that Avatar isn't going to have an S support with Cordelia (that 10 DS makes a really big difference), and that Ignis does nothing in the back.
  10. I wonder if there's any worth in trying to swap Stahl and Lon'qu (if whoever requested Stahl x Maribelle is fine with that, of course). Stahl has been getting a lot of support and wexp but he has a fairly low amount of exp invested in him so far and Lon'qu has probably gained more stats in just one chapter than he has all game.At this rate, if we leave Stahl in he might be able to take a hit eventually, but he'll need a hefty +Spd pairup and will still do almost nothing back.
  11. I prefer non-GF lead Noire (in a similar fashion to Vaike/Henry!Nah). Pair with Galeboy, give him kill 1, switch and give her kill 2. Since you don't have Agg or GF you have a ton of extra skillslots to play with and it's actually pretty fun.
  12. I've never used Donnel!Kjelle (in a minmax setting), so no. It would be worth it if you ever wanted her to be a dodgetank for some reason (she does get a good set of Breakers, Patience and Avo+10).
  13. Unless something has happened within the last week or so that I'm not aware of, you'll just have to wait for someone to come up with a new ram dumping/injecting method that works on current menu versions. My advice would be to check the Awakening Hacking Thread every time Nintendo prompts you to update again, to make sure there's no reason why you wouldn't want to update (but do update if it's OK, because these exploits often don't work below a specific version either).
  14. Auras on Staffbots are overkill for normal play though.
  15. "Rather mediocre or otherwise poor" is putting it lightly. GKs have the worst Skl cap in the game of any promoted class, and the second worst Spd. Their caps are terrible. Anyway, I'd hazard a guess that the reason Sumia is lagging behind is because she went Knight in the first place. You can do either promotion (I'd advise GK for Luna/Aether passdowns), but what you really want is to get her back into something with wings and Spd.
  16. Oh hey, welcome back. Actually I'm pretty sure nobody who's still here has read the first half of the thread, so we probably won't remember that... Chrom and Sumia: Sumia's Spd is slightly overkill, so I'd advise swapping All+2 for Lancefaire for 3 more Atk (most of All+2's other boosts will be negligible on her). Otherwise they're good. Inigo and Lucina: they should fit well together. Lucina has a lot more killing power than Inigo though, so try to give her the tougher kills and him the weaker ones. Kjelle and Gerome: Donnel!Kjelle is unfortunately really slow. I think it's worth switching Lancefaire for All+2, which would give you enough Spd to double the Helswath Berserkers. Gerome himself won't ever want to come up front (since support units get twice as many attacks, they effectively get twice the Agg boost, so he wants to stay there as much as possible...), so Luna and Deliverer can be switched out: I'd recommend Hit+20 as the first skills since supporting Wyvern Lords aren't terribly accurate. If a class change is on the table, he could function very well as a Bowfaire Warrior (he'd get +2 class Str, +5 from Bowfaire and only -1 from switching from a Brave Axe to a Brave Bow, while still giving similar +Str/Def boosts and not caring about the loss of Mov). Morgan and Owain: Morgan would almost always see greater damage output from Ignis than Luna, so unless you prefer the latter for some reason I'd advise switching (typical enemy Res in S.Apo is 50-55, her Str is around 60). She could also benefit from All+2's split Str/Mag boost and Spd boost, and since she's already in an 8-Mov class you might want to swap that over Deliverer. In Owain's case, he'll never actually be seeing much use out of Vantage: he doesn't want to end up front (for the same reason as Gerome: he wants to use his Agg in the back as much as possible, so he'll only be taking one of the pair's three battles and giving the other two to Morgan). Additionally, since you don't have 100% DS, the amount of guaranteed damage you'll be able to do before the enemy hits you is going to be too low to really get many kills (and relying on random DSes for VV strats is a very good way to have the RNG kill you and sink your run). So I'd advise switching it out for Tomefaire or something. Noire and Laurent: Noire will want to run Astra alongside Luna for massive damage. She doesn't have anything particularly important to put in the last slot due to lacking Tomefaire, so you could either switch to a class she does have a Faire in (Sniper x Sage is a very powerful combo, or you could make her another Falco), or just use a filler skill like Anathema, Mov+1 or even DG+ if you really like it. Laurent is in the same boat as Owain with regards to VV, except he doesn't even want to be coming up front to be using Vengeance- I'd advise just piling on all the +Atk skills he has, and then adding +Hit skills after that, like Anathema and DSp+. Use Agg, TF and All+2 at the least. Brady and Cynthia: pretty much rock solid. Though since Brady has Cynthia as his ferry, he may want to run Luna over Deliverer. Cordelia and Vaike: wait, where's Severa? Vaike!Severa is really good. Oh well. Cordelia definitely wants to grab Lancefaire for more damage (probably over Bond/Sol, since Sol restores almost nothing in Apo), and possibly Vengeance over All+2 for more damage as well (she doesn't need the Spd). Vaike is fine- his skillset is pretty limited- though I doubt he'll be seeing much use out of Res+10. The only thing Res is useful for in S.Apo is approaching the Mire DFs in Wave 4, and they only have 74 Atk which does pretty much nothing to about half your pairs. Gregor and Yarne: they don't ruin your team, but since they lack Galeforce and don't have much Mov they'll pretty much require a Staffbot constantly assigned to take care of them, or else all the battles will be over before they arrive and they'll barely see any action. Well, that's my advice. Feel free to take and leave it at your discretion. The only really important thing in there (if you're just skimming) is to beware of using VV units without going all out to make sure they're safe, because using those carelessly is an extremely easy way to sink runs. Got bad RNG with a normal combat pair on player phase? That's OK, you can still get them out of there or send help. Left the door open to bad RNG while VVing and it happened? Nothing you can do except hope you don't die. Also, whenever I mention various amounts of Spd being worth it/not worth it, that's assuming you're using all the Tonics (especially Spd). If you're not... They really help on some of the tougher bosses. And finally, I don't see your Avatar anywhere... Consider making him a Rallybot just to get him in somewhere.
  17. The main drawback from General Severa is then that your female has 5 Mov. Typically in a pair where the male has GF, you always want to end on the female's turn so you get one more Agg support battle... But here it's more tempting to end on Inigo since then you'll be trading one Agg battle for one 8-Mov battle. If Severa had 6 Mov she'd still be cool with starting from the front. I'd check how much DF Cynthia is doing with a Lance and see if there are that many enemies you'd want to Lance even with the DF bonus.
  18. If Gaius isn't going on Kjelle (because she's already got something else), he's definitely Noire's best bet. If he is busy, you'll just have to go with Ricken or maybe Virion for Tomefaire and Sage, because... All of non-GF Noire's good physical dads (Vaike, Gregor and Fred) are already taken. I also strongly recommend using Sage over Sorcerer as the latter is kind of bad postgame.
  19. I don't actually want to be in Awakening, so I'd need to be as awesome as possible to compensate... Name: Czar Class: Arceus (caps are 120/120/120/120/120/120/120/120/8, weapon is Expiration) (you didn't say I can't) Skills: Ignis/Vantage+/Renewal/Lucky 7/Prescience Recruited in: Future Past 3 Supports: All children (A)
  20. I think it would be worth it Dread Fighter's Mag didn't stink so much. As-is, they're just not able to properly fill the niche of getting 42+5 Spd magical units to 75 without All+2 due to being too weak. If you want, you could switch Severa to General and give her All+2 over AT (to keep the Thronie double) to give both Severa and Inigo a nice +8 Str.
  21. I'd change Noire to DK for more Str, Mag, Mov and Tome access unless that 3 Spd is preventing you from getting doubled or something (it shouldn't be). I also wouldn't worry too much about Severa. She's got 42(base) +5(mods) +20(LB/Rally) +5(AF) +7(pairup) +23(Hector's Axe) =102 Atk before DSes/Luna (and 75 Spd so always doubling). Against, say, 55 Def with no Pavise+, that's 46 damage from her two attacks alone, with Luna adding +13 and DSes likely adding 21 more, that's on ORKO with two DSes or one Luna and one DS. You'd have to whiff a DS and both Lunas to drop the kill. Both DSes at ~95% failing just isn't likely to happen. I'd honestly be more worried about Inigo getting kills since he has no Agg support, and also gets no +Str from Severa's Hero. ...Since this thread is slow, a small theorycrafting thing: I found a unit who can actually both use GK well, and doesn't have their GK's role eclipsed by another class: Gaius!Cynthia. She has the +6 Spd required to hit 75 with All+2 and a +3 support, and unlike Lon'qu!Severa (the only other non-Morgan Galegirl with +6 Spd) she actually has GK. She gets her choice of Swordfaire and Lancefaire to go with it as well. Unfortunately, GK is still a really bad class, as demonstrated by her combat stats paired up with a Libra!Owain@Berserker: she features a paltry 66% Luna and 91% DS, despite her +5 Skl mod. And even though GK has +2 Str over Wyvern Lords, her +0 Str mod still puts her on even footing with the various +2 Wyvern Severas (and +1 ahead of Wyvern Kjelle). So she can't make use of GK's one selling point... And is stuck on the ground with 7 Mov. Oh well. It was worth noting. Incidentally, Gaius!Cynthia is also the only non-Morgan Dark Flier who can both hit 75 Spd with All+2 and a Sage support who also gets Tomefaire. Too bad she can't run TF and All+2 at the same time while still using her Luna/Astra procstack.
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