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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. But their support is one of the tamest she has (her age isn't mentioned once). By doing that, you miss out on a potentially huge amount of uncomefortableness and awkwardness. ...Though doing it does add some amusing context to Nowi and Tharja's support.
  2. Isn't the Deadlord Sage female as well?
  3. KEs and Elixirs are both buyable already and you'd probably use up more than one of each on that Paralogue anyway since it's really hard. Chrom has plenty of them anyway too. Also Morgan access doesn't matter because of how late Inigo will arrive. So anything good happen last night? I'm at home and couldn't tune in.
  4. Yeah but it just happens to look particularly bad on Severa. Some children (particularly Gerome) look really good in it.
  5. Tomebreaker basically goes well on anything other than a magical class and their stats are all really good (for ingame purposes). I really like DKs as ingame classes but their skills aren't that great so they're more of an ending class (so you wouldn't want to promote a child directly to one). Definitely consider it for Laurent later.
  6. Speaking of Henry his father supports with Nah are amusing and slightly uncanny.
  7. Kellam x Nowi for that S support and Stahl x Cordelia for sewage hair Severa. Seconding Inigo x Nah.
  8. I'm still not sure why you need a 3ds or any of the DLC to enter The Avatar Tournament. You don't have to actually make these ingame first.
  9. A quick note on DLC grinding in Lunatic+: with very few exceptions, the enemy 2HKOes your starting units. Read this as "knocks Stahl to 1HP with Luna+ and WTD". Say you put five levels of grinding under your belt and somehow get him perfect levels each time. Stahl is now 1 Spd ahead of whoever was doing that to him (previously 1 Spd shy of being doubled), is taking 2 less damage from Luna+ and has 5 more HP... And is now getting knocked down to ~8 HP by Luna+ instead of 1. Not even enough leeway for him to take a Counter, or an extra non-Luna+ hit. In order for him to take more than one hit, he'll need significantly more than those levels... And even a unit who can take two hits without dying isn't going to have fun being mobbed on EP. Basically there's almost no difference in utility between a unit who barely gets 2HKOed and a unit who nearly gets OHKOed, so be prepared to grind a lot to make a large team useful. That said, to get the most out of your Second Seal, I'd strongly recommend promoting to Grandmaster and reaching Lv.20 before reclassing back to a base class. You'll get a lot more stats that way and Master Seals can be farmed reliably from DLC (the boss in Harvest Scramble has one).
  10. This is pretty good advice. Berserkers do indeed have terrible Skl (second worst, the lowly Great Knight is one point lower) and their defenses are really bad so you'll still take a large amount of damage. If you want a tanky, well-defended build, I'd advise using a +Spd Hero with LB (if allowed) and All+2. You'll be fast enough that only a +Spd Assassin with LB (again, if allowed), All+2 and Spd+2 (nobody's going to do that) will double you, and 40/36 defenses with 46 Skl for PavGis is much better than what Berserker has to offer. You could then run both of PavGis, or just Pavise and Res+10 if you like, and use the last skillslot either for offense (Luna will give between +20 and +30 against LB foes, while Counter dishes out serious pain to anyone fighting at 1-range) or healing (Renewal is probably your best bet). Your weapon should probably be Ragnell for the extra Def and 1-2 range (so you don't get wrecked by Counter and don't have to eat retaliation from 1-range Brave holders). You don't need a 3ds to play.
  11. Assuming by N3DS you mean the small, Japan-only New 3DS I'd go for it because you can decorate it with a nice, spiffy FE14-themed faceplate that's most likely easier to get your hands on than a full FE-themed DS. But if you mean one of the original models... Then definitely the XL.
  12. I also support Paladin for Stahl. He really does not need GK's Spd drop and the Res bonus will be useful for all the promoted magic in Valm/Plegia.
  13. Unless it's with Chrom Inigo will arrive later than Cht.16 so doing that is slightly pointless.
  14. If you really just need to clear Cht.4 and will be home free, grab the Celica's Gale and clean house. Cht.4 is an easy break after the last two. You should probably start grinding on CoY 3 if you can manage it, since Micaiah might be useful and All+2 definitely will be- and if this is a postgame file you'll want them for later too. If that's too strong, get the same 6 units through EXPonential Growth 2-3 times and you'll be golden.
  15. It took about 50 resets on some skirmishes to get the KOes I needed- making a niche challenge more possible is definitely not the same as overpowered. Spotpass teams on Lunatic(+) give 1 exp per kill and no money/wExp. They're pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as grinding goes- if you must do it it's best to play Hard or get DLC. Risen give a ton of exp though, so if you can take them you'll get very strong very quickly.
  16. Two battles in front and one in the back gives 8 front attacks and 8 back attacks (assuming doubling). Bowfaire adds 5 damage for all 16 of those hits- +80 damage total. To beat that over just 8 (half) of the hits, you need a damage increase of 10 or more. And since it's been demonstrated multiple times (when comparing Aether to Agg for Morgan gender debates) that Aether is a 11~13 point increase...
  17. Assuming Lucina takes 2 battles in the front and 1 in the back per turn and is always using braves, Aether still provides a greater increase in total average damage than Bowfaire (even though it can't proc in the back). It's always worth it to use Aether over a Faire unless Lucina is hard supporting a VV Avatar for a challenge run.
  18. Rescue is buyable in Cht.12 and Hard is pretty easy.
  19. Counter takes a little while to reach, by the time you reach it it'll be useless because everything will either be missing you or doing nothing, and once you've gone through 15 levels of Warrior you won't want to leave because Warrior is a much better in-game non-GF bow using class than Sniper. You can buy Rescue Staves before Owain is recruitable. If that's too close to the end of the game for your tastes, you might want to look into a 1st gen Bow user. As long as you play smart, kill as much stuff as possible on player phase and stay in control of what's hitting you on enemy phase, a Bow user won't be in any more danger for taking damage there than any other unit. But consider this: if you have a melee weapon and kill the enemy who comes to fight you, that space where they were standing is now open and another enemy can come in to fight you. This will continue until you miss a kill, run out of enemies, or die. Since being able to counterattack doesn't reduce the damage you take, the best way to protect yourself on enemy phase is by not fighting anything. Bows do this automatically- you'll never face more than 4 one-range attacks in one turn, and if you're fighting smartly (in formation) you can have two or more of your facings blocked off by ally units. So are you really worried about your Snipers dying because they're unable to face enough enemies? Or are you worried that once they're invincible, you won't be able to throw them out into the middle of a pack of enemies alone and let them soak up exp? Because the latter isn't the point of Snipers. If you want a good Bow user ingame anyway, Virion has good availability and is in time to paste the myriad of Plegian Wyverns, and Chrom!Cynthia has an easy Galeforce inheritance along with Archer (GF is the best way to make use of Snipers' offensive capabilities, since they can use their high offense to kill a high-priority target at 3 range and then retreat to formation and equip a more common/cheap weapon).
  20. Lucina wouldn't use Tomefaire even if she had it so this isn't too big of a problem.
  21. They're definitely supposed to be that way and it's precisely so that you can't (or at least not easily) grind. Beating them is still fully possible but you have to plan ahead even more than normal. That exponential jump Kuroi's talking about is right when they promote and the jump in their defenses is primarily what makes it so brutal- I ran into a party of Great Knights that were taking 5 damage each from an overleveled +Def Avatar's attacks and doing 20 back. I don't claim anything to be absolutely necessary but Lethality was pretty huge for me in getting past some of the early promoted battles in my Lunatic Risen run. Basically, at the moment you should think of them less as training opportunities (though they should be hitting their caps by Cht.17, which means with a good team you should be catching up to them by now) and more of temporary random shop disablers. They're kind of annoying when they're blocking an item you need and you can't move them. Finally, speaking of difficulty spikes, the game's difficulty ramps up sharply right where you are now.
  22. Can't comment on which ones are actively good with eachother support-wise but if aesthetics matter at all you should avoid Nah x Inigo like the plague.
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