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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Breakers give you extra Hit in the back but they don't do anything to Avo. Inigo tends to turn out better than Owain in general due to having +2/1 Skl/Spd on him and a wider selection of good dads so he's arguably got more to lose. Barring Robin, Owain's Spd can never be over +1 with a proc, so he's got a bit less to lose.
  2. Probably Owain. Lissa is already so slow that Sage Owain with a DF support and no All+2 won't change Spd brackets because of it, and he at least gets his Luna out of the deal. Kellam doesn't have a negative Mag mod wither so Owain isn't hurt by that. Laurent and Yarne don't mind him too much, but he also has nothing for them except DG+, which is rather dubious in utility.
  3. Quickly looking over, Ricken!Inigo and Lon'qu!Brady will perform well so two of your Galeboys are solid. On the female side you've got Noire as a very strong AT Double Bow user with decent Spd and no GF, so if you pair the Galeboys with her and Morgan you'll have a team of 4 pairs. Cynthia is also around, and you've got a decently strong Yarne who can support her (or support Morgan so Cynthia can have Inigo, maybe). Yarne's SF Assassin will be strong and a possible 100% DS candidate, and his Berserker is still good. Since you want at least one more, Severa should be serviceable, hitting 69 Spd as a Dark Flier with a Dread Fighter support and no All+2 (she needs All+2 to hit it with a Sage support, which is a testament to Kellam's slowness), and having Luna/Tomefaire to back it up. She does have room for All+2 if you want it, though. Marrying her, your best bet is Laurent, who still makes a good Sage with Stahl on him. If you want to go DF instead, he's got a neutral Str mod and both Swordfaire and Axefaire, so he won't smell at it too badly. I... Don't really want to use more than that, unless you were to bring DF Cordelia and Sage Kellam in as a parent pair (they'll be stronger than any of the remaining children, and actually stronger than Severa too (DF 69 Spd with no All+2 and a Sage support)...). You're out of Galegirls and the only Galeboy left is Owain, who has no proc and would be pretty weak. Maybe he could make something work with GK Nah... Maybe... Nope, she's got no physical Faires.
  4. Naglfar isn't in Awakening.
  5. When you streetpass someone, their data gets loaded into a queue for each file... But it's random when and what teams appear when one appears on your map. Basically they will appear on all of them, but at random times. You may have to do a few more battles to get them to show up. At least that's my experience.
  6. Then what were you talking about? Chrom's second child father supports are the same as they are with any other father.
  7. Expenses from partially used cheap equipment are really hard to track. 100% AT or bust (or Falchion on Marth). I haven't done SB in literally forever so I don't remember how much you'll need for it.
  8. Of course Panne is going to outperform Cherche as a Wyvern Rider, the former has about +20% growths across the board on the latter or something. Cherche's primary role is meant to be drop-in utility for killing Knights and then be a tankier flyer than an untrained Sumia/Cordelia- not as a real long-term unit. If you want to see her to endgame, I'd strongly recommend a Hero support, as well as going through War Cleric for a small boost in Res. She's not going to be an EP sweeper without a lot of favoritism, but she can still be a durable offensive unit. Sully is best fixed with a Chrom suppport (fast supports and high DS gives good KOing power, and Chrom gives a lot of Spd) and possible Wyvern reclass. Otherwise she can be a strong contributor earlygame with a +Str/Def support like Vaike or Virion, but will drop off around midgame and can have her spot filled by a child. Maribelle takes a lot of staff spam to get her stats going. A +Def pairup is very good for her (retiring Fred onto her is a possibility for extra Mov, Kellam is serviceable too), and a War Cleric promotion can sometimes help. Ideally you would get her Def to be just higher than whoever she's trying to heal (use a Def tonic if necessary) so she can stand on the front lines with them and won't be targetted (the AI prioritizes squishiness over whether or not a weapon is being held). Anyway Paralogues 1 and 2 are exceptionally good for staff training.
  9. I think Lucina's sibling supports fit Cynthia a good deal better than they do Inigo...
  10. If you really want a Wedding Bouquet without touching your funds at all... Streetpass yourself a lone, unequipped Avatar with 50+ Lck and AT. Fight it with a Lv.20 Chrom (no experience from Lv.20, no weapon damage from Falchion), and then use it with something strong to solo SB2 with an unequipped Chrom supporting. If you can't Streetpass yourself and/or don't want to do that with Chrom, recruit a similar 100% AT character from the Logbook, make sure their price is a multiple of 1000, and keep retrying SB2 until they get exactly that much money from Leif's Blade/Despoil. Or have them do a different DLC map if more needs to be made up.
  11. Only on Lunatic+. Vanilla Lunatic is either fairly even or slightly in M's favor because he lets you get a lot more strong lategame units up. In Lunatic+ F is almost certainly better though.
  12. Awakening has too many sets of supports that are actively bad for the meh ones to count as horrible, imo.
  13. How's that a Jigglypuff though?
  14. If it makes you feel better, the number of topics complaining about "glitches" caused by misunderstandings of how the game works is actually really huge, and nobody ever believes me at first that their glitch is any different, so you're far from alone.
  15. You do know that Morgan is Avatar's child, right? Marrying Lucina and Owain will not give you a Morgan. Marrying Avatar and Lissa will give you one. What you have is a Lissa!Morgan.
  16. Yeah, I guess not having the DLC would put a damper on that. Definitely get as many Paralogues as possible to make up though.
  17. If Apo was possible I'd say do it, there's a lot of people who'd like to see it. Since it's currently kind of not, I wonder if it would be worth starting a new story run (probably not Lunatic+/Cla this time and with more of an emphasis on the DLC)... Personally I'd go for anything that involves chat suggestions for an Avatar-M since there's been nothing but F recently. Speaking of which I nominate Goombella for new returning Avatar.
  18. Yeah Sunday... Even with that early start I couldn't wait around for the finish. School just happens and it makes me sad. After that one hour Cht.14, there was nothing I could do about it. So deathless is done, what next? Obviously a bit of a break an then maybe cutting down the run days again, but what's the new goal? Do it faster? Get someone other than Dusky and Yololi to finish? As a side note, the chat has officially ran out of things FE-related to talk about.
  19. The child base stat formula is already known so all you'd have to do is just grab a Maiden!Lucina, look at her and Chrom's stats, and solve for Maiden's stats. If the question is whether or not Lucina's stats change based on Chrom's when he marries the Maiden, I'm 99% sure they do but to check just get two different Chroms to marry Maiden and check to see if the Lucinas have the same stats. Should be a lot simpler than grinding to caps.
  20. For what it's worth I usually promote early at 3 capped stats.
  21. Something tells me Chrom and Sumia aren't really married. Check Lucina and make sure Sumia is listed as her mother... And if so post pics.
  22. Did you a) play the Paralogues, b) get any S supports, c) open the Wireless menu, d) get any DLC or e) play Lunatic(+)? The main story by itself isn't too interesting after a run or two- you really need to use the extras.
  23. PSA to everyone: the current run is 6 hours in, at Cht.11, and currently deathless. It'll still be going for a few more hours but barring major derps the danger chapters are all done and this very well could be The One.
  24. *Joins in on the Awakening replayability appreciation* It's the game's greatest strength, folks. Take advantage of it and play the game. Source?
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