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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Can't open that site through my school's web filter. Does anyone have a mirror download?
  2. He's not talking about how they act in-game, he's talking about what happens when you hack it and try to make them act like normal classes (eg can you promote them, do they get skills etc). I don't know about their skills (I assume they get none), but I do know they're all special classes and have no promotions.
  3. That's because unlike Lunatic(+), Hard actually has a difficulty curve and gets harder as you go along. The earlygame is supposed to lay down and die, but it picks up- especially if you try to do the harder child Paralogues early and train a full team- quite significantly later on.
  4. Yeah no need to stick to that asset/flaw, they were for a pretty specific purpose. I was just quoting the post where I wrote down her build.
  5. If stats and balancing is your issue, I think the best way to remedy that is just to get really good at FE. Play it a lot, play different ones so you can see how the differences between games affect how things fit together. Watch for and take note of cases where you're like "if I had one more Spd I could double this guy" or "if I send unit X to clear out those 3 enemies, they'll hit the next weapon rank in time for the boss"- being aware of stuff like that is the prerequisite to being able to do it deliberately. You also might want to look into making some other, non-FE games using a platform other than romhacking. Even if they're nothing like what you envision yourself doing in the future with FE, experience making any kind of game in any way transitions very well to making other games- you'll build skills like keeping your project's goal in mind, keeping track of many different parts, and so on. It'll also be a good indicator of whether you should be making games in the first place (which you very well might): if so, it'll be fun on its own, which is a win-win for you. Scratch by MIT is a very useful tool for this, since it keeps track of syntax, doesn't need to compile and has a built-in graphics editor, but also works like a real programming language. He's basically asking if you're in it for the end product (I want a game with my name on it that'll suit my specifications exactly and thus be really fun to play) or for the process of making it (I want to make a game because a) I'm an artist and a game is the best medium for expressing my ideas, or b) I just love to program and it sounds fun). The latter case will give you a significantly higher chance of sticking around until you're good enough to finish something, and then until you finish something good, and then some more after that. People who are in it for the former usually burn out before their game is done, and if not they find that either their game stinks and is no fun to play, or they spent so long playtesting and debugging it that it's great, but they're really bored of it. So back to your original question, what you should do first is make some really small stuff. Like, really small- 1 chapter or so. 2 if you're feeling ambitious. Do it for fun and don't worry how it turns out while you're making it, but do take note of what you made afterword (or not, if you don't want to). And also play lots of FE games. Anyway I think it's very neat that you're getting into this and have a good amount of drive, and completely encourage you to keep it up.
  6. You should ask Twitch chat. They're really good at this. Definitely use Yololi though. She's the champ of Lunatic+. It would be great if she could carry two records to victory (she already has Lunatic+ resetless under her belt).
  7. Sumia can only marry Avatar, Chrom, Fred, Gaius and Henry. ...But even then Avatar is the only 1st gen who can marry 2nd gens period, so you wouldn't be able to do that even without Sumia's limited support pool.
  8. Whether or not it counts to you is entirely up to you. If you get a sense of accomplishment from doing it, good for you. I don't advise basing your accomplishments off what other people have done. Because... Too many people have completed Lunatic+ (especially with Logbook/DLC/what have you) to count. It's difficult, but not so much that each and every completion gets burned into the general public's memory. Even Lunatic+/Cla runs using no Spotpass/DLC, limited Renown and no random events (Skirmishes, Merchants, Barracks, Event Tiles) are a dime a dozen. Unless you were to do something like all that without saving, of course... Or if you were the one to write the book on dealing with the Lunatic+ skills... Then you can be legendary. You're still in the club, though, so congrats on completion! Have any inconsistencies been documented outside Lunatic(+)? I want to find a way to isolate a control variable and figure out exactly what causes this (and adjust the formulas accordingly) but want to make sure I do so on the right mode.
  9. Yeah, it's from my 100% DS team. Katarina is currently a rallybot Falco with Spc/Hrt/Skl/Str/Mov. Sumia's a Falco, but otherwise I haven't found any super noteworthy roles for those two yet. Then again, I haven't been working on that team too much (the pairings to achieve the base goals were the main point, finding specific things each pair can do is just kind of something on the side). For more info about secondary boosts from your asset/flaw, check this page.
  10. They've also happened in FE before (though admittedly in much different circumstances)- see Levin in FE4. Fun fact: deserts at night are really cold for the same reason they're so hot during the day. There's no way Tharja could have been from a desert- wearing such poor desert attire, no less- and not been familiar with the cold. Though this is more of a plot hole with the game, since the devs never give any indication of knowing that and constantly do things at odds with it...
  11. With regards to +Mag, Morgan is actually in it for the +2 Spd. If it was just a matter of attack power, Avatar would be attacking more so he'd see more benefit from getting his own stat boosted but in Morgan's case the extra Spd lets her forgo All+2 in favor of Tomefaire. Combined with the extra Mag from her asset, that's +7 over just All+2 and +Str/Skl. Avatar in the back meanwhile will miss out on 4 Str (+Str) or 2 (+Skl). Assuming you use the pairs both equally, you'll still actually get the most average damage out of using +Str and All+2, but Lucina will have marginally less trouble killing stuff than Morgan so she takes the drop in power better. After a point optimizing Awakening becomes less about having pairs that can handle specific things and more of having all your pairs be able to handle anything you might throw at them- basically extra leeway for doing what you want while in battle. Once you get past that it starts to go nowhere, and that's where both Morgan and Lucina already are- so I'd go +Mag anyway because it frees up a skillslot on Morgan (you can use it for something besides Tomefaire if you like, like Armsthrift, Lifetaker or Deliverer). It's really up to you in the end. -Def is great though. If you're curious, my Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan (same as yours, statwise, but paired with Ricken!Gerome) wound up being +Skl. Chrom and Sumia are fine, though keep in mind that Sumia doesn't gain anything notable from All+2- just +2 Atk, +2% Luna and +4 Hit. You could easily replace it with something else if there's anything else you want on her.
  12. Yeah, Kjelle will be just fine without Axebreaker postgame.
  13. Well the main issue with Gaius passing Hero skills is that he'll have to reclass to it from a promoted class (since going Thief -> Fighter early on is completely unfeasible in Lunatic+). Going 20 -> 15 -> 5 (for Sol) already takes a very considerable exp investment (consider that Sumia, a hard lead who's very good at mopping up kills and comes three chapters earlier than Gaius, can't even make 20 -> 15 if more than ~3 other units are trying to go that far), let alone 20 -> 15 -> 15. And Gaius is primarily going to be supporting, too, since Sully has a significant advantage in weapon types/ranks, Mov/Def and comes much earlier so she'll be trained and have good stats too. For reference, a Chrom who hard supports an Avatar-F solo reaches about 10/20 -> 20(base) -> 20(promoted) by endgame off DS exp alone. So Hero's skills are both very good on Kjelle, I just don't think you'll be able to reach them (and even if you can, the amount of exp it would deny to more worthy units just isn't worth it). Besides, he already has Mov+1 easily in reach as a very potent option.
  14. In that case... Sumia as a Dark Flier and Chrom as a Bow Knight fit together well. Anathema is good on Gerome if using Henry, if Stahl use Hit+20. Brady would rather have Virion than Libra. Morgan may wish to use Valkyrie with All+2 instead of Tomefaire- or keep Tomefaire if her dad goes +Mag. She should also run Ignis over Luna. Inigo may wish to use swords over axes for the higher Hit- he only loses 1 Atk from doing so. Pairing Noire and Nah with Laurent/Yarne will leave you with a pair that has no GF units, making it pretty useless in Apo- so unless you don't want to use all the children (a perfectly fine strategy), you should split them up so all the non-GF girls are with Galeboys.
  15. 75 Spd, 220 Hit and check The Pairing Thread in my sig.
  16. Depending on what Kjelle's base stats look like (whether she can go through one or two base reclasses before promoting), either pass Aegis and go Knight -> Cav -> Peg or pass Discipline and go Knight -> Peg. If Sully gets far enough, you could even pass Luna and go Knight -> Cav -> Paladin but that's not too likely. Definitely make Dark Flier your first promoted class if possible though, you can have GF on her within 2-3 chapters of promotion that way. I'd also advise Gaius passing down Mov+1 (Sol is nice, getting it on him isn't). This is Lunatic+, not vanilla Lunatic. Generals don't work here- they'll fail to double to get kills, and since pure Deftanks get wrecked by Counter/Luna+ they can't do that either. They've got no niches as a result and simply wind up being low Mov units unable to outrace anything, which means they'll just get hunted down and destroyed by anything on a horse.
  17. I'm not seeing a husband for Sumia and only one wife for Lon'qu or Libra... You should try to fit at least one in because it's a shame to train parents up without getting children from them (especially Libra, who takes so much exp and gives such a good skill as a result). If Panne can get her S support with Gregor definitely do it. Also prioritize getting Sumia one more level because Rally Spd is really good.
  18. I would not advise bogging down your first playthrough with any optimization concerns. Just play on Normal/Hard, completely ignore what's "good" and pair who you like together. Don't worry about the DLC either (don't touch it until after the final chapter, or even until your next playthrough). Once you're done with the main story, grind your heart out (but not before, or you'll wreck the difficulty and the game will quickly stop being fun). If you're still set on being optimal, say so and I'll go through your team. But it'll still benefit much more from you having a bit of actual gameplay experience than being put together well, so you won't see much of a difference yet (and you definitely won't see any difference without an idea of how unoptimized pairs perform).
  19. OK guys, sorry I was gone. Between sleep loss and the sheer epicness of that run I haven't really felt like doing anything since Friday night (technically Saturday morning), but I think I'm back in the game now. Well, 95% DS will give you a whiff every 20 attacks on average. If you're attacking four times per battle (not likely, but the maximum possible), that's an average of one whiff every five battles. 85% DS brings that down to a whiff every 6.66 attacks- so you're looking at three whiffs every five battles (more than once every other battle- it's more likely for you to have one whiff in a given battle than it it for all four to work). If you're fine with wanting to expect not all four DSes to work, A supports will be fine. Again though, that is ignoring the fact that quading and needing all four DSes to win is pretty much unheard of. Those aren't really that unfavorable (they've all got the basics, just no bells and whistles) and would still work if you did them. I wouldn't say you need to scrap your whole team, I mainly said what I did because pretty much every one of those pairs looks copy-pasted from two years ago and it was a bit of an eyebrow raiser. Avatar-F does give your team an extra GF unit, but her and Morgan-M's significant stats wind up in significantly worse places than Avatar-M and Morgan-F's, so it's not quite that easy to say one's flat-out better than the other. Essentially there's a ton of stuff female leads are able to do by having a +5 Spd mod, which Morgan-F can reach easily even with a +Str/Skl father (gives no extra Spd), but Avatar-F never can. Not to say there isn't still plenty she can do, she just misses out on a lot. Falchion on Lucina is nice, but you'll generally find (especially in Apo) that having a forged Brave on hand is much nicer than having and unforgable non-Brave, even if it doesn't break. Falchion is still useful to keep around for free infinite healing, but that doesn't require Swordfaire. RK would be a little nicer if Inigo had room to run it in Apo, but unfortunately he doesn't. He already will be using LB/GF/Agg/Luna/Faire, taking out GF is pretty much off the table and RK's increase to his average damage output is less than any of those other skills... You can take some off for other utility skills if you want, but RK's only purpose here is to boost his average damage and he's got too many better skills for it to work. Same goes for Morgan's RK as with Inigo's, but here there's an extra consideration: running Ignis and Luna together gives you a higher chance of proccing a skill than does RK + Ignis. Kjelle would really like a +3 Spd support instead of +1 (Berserker, Hero, Bow Knight), I'd advise giving her someone else if you really want Morgan to have his Tomes. Gaius!Kjelle with a +3 Spd support is indeed awesome. There are two main sets for her you'll want to decide between; both start with LB/GF/Faire/Luna as a base. With one, you go Wyvern Lord and use All+2, with the other you go Paladin and use Astra. Both have 8 Mov, hit the same Spd threshold, and are extremely useful and deadly; Wyvern Lord offers 6 more Str than Paladin (+4 from class, +2 from All+2) and flight on top of its Mov, while Paladin's extra Spd allows it to not need All+2 and be able to run Astra instead, significantly increasing its damage output when leading. I'd advise using Wyvern if she's marrying a Galeboy and Paladin if she gets a hard support, but the sets are very similar so it's up to you. Henry!Cynthia is unfortunately slow and also keeps Henry from several other good options, but will otherwise serve you well. If Morgan still wants to be a Dread Fighter, he could easily fix her Spd- she'll want All+2 if going Dark Flier with him, but can do without it if going Valkyrie or if he chooses Grandmaster instead of Dread Fighter. Vaike!Owain is a trap a lot of people fall into when trying to make Owain physical (he's really bad), but Stahl!Owain is the top of the top for mixed/physical Owains, maintaining terrible mods but with a class set so good that even Morgan-M, who has everything in the game, doesn't really have anything on him. Ricken is tried and true for magical and nothing but magical, but be aware that all his mods will be much more one-sided than Stahl's (Mag will be decent, Str terrible, everything else still bad). Still, those mods are mainly Lissa's fault so there's not much you can do about them. Lon'qu is fine for Brady. He'll take any +2 Spd support (magical/neutral preferred, of course). Since Virion!Severa also has a lot of potential for 100% DS builds thanks to her +5 Skl Sniper, I'd advise pairing her with Yarne. He's good at those, Gerome isn't. Of course, this is just for something to change things up after a run or two- you'll still be fine with either as long as you're sticking with Berserker. Gregor is a good fallback for Gerome. I wouldn't call him amazing by any means, but he'll work. If you decide not to do Chrom x Olivia, make sure he gets the resulting free Henry (Inigo gets Fred). Yarne is good. Consider that with Severa, they'll have an easy time switching to a 100% DS build, whereas with Lucina he's got Hit+20, which has good synergy with DSt+ (100% DS is slightly useless without 100% Hit- Gregor!Gerome will need Breakers to prop his Hit up on bosses). Vaike!Nah does well as a Hero with Axefaire. Since she doesn't give either Str or Mag, she can support even a magical Galeboy this way. Noire can run without GF with Fred, Vaike, Ricken or Gregor as her dad, if you don't want to use Donnel. Libra!Laurent is OK. He won't be good for much outside of Apo, though.
  20. KTT's Fred seems to be implying otherwise- that Robin's Def being too high will sink the turtle.
  21. So I wonder if it's worth revisiting +Mag? Sure, it would make the earlygame much less consistent (both not doubling stuff and less shots on the Pro dudes), but by this point those runs are a dime a dozen. Nobody cares about them. Stuff that makes it to the point where Spd stops being vital (still useful, just not vital) are the runs we really care about (both completion and time) and I've got a feeling that Mag may help more there: missing OHKO thresholds is a huge time waster because of the amount of stuff you have to do to make up. It would have the downside of less exp for Chrom as well, but might still be worth it (or at least worth looking into). Alternately, it might be worth looking into changing the class path up a bit (totally experimentally). If there was a way to get through Myrm, you could go Tact -> Myrm -> Assassin -> Sorc -> DF -> whatever. Losing Tomes would really hurt, but in exchange you'd get Vantage (makes lategame VV possible), Pass (ultimate skill for turtles), and you go through Sorc late enough that you'd have Nos access, allowing a blitz of a few more chapters. Avo+10 is also really nice and you'd have it early. It's probably not worth it because of Myrmidon Swordlock alone (and thus no way to deal with Counter) but there are enough pros that it could merit investigation.
  22. I like Sully going Cav -> Paladin -> Wyvern. Going GK too early will slay her Spd; she really needs to run through at least one promoted class with decent Spd before touching slower things, and Wyvern works better than GK once she can take the Spd.
  23. It also makes it difficult to find exact moments when time moves so fast as you try to jump to a time- I think 3 hours is a good max for segments when uploading. Maybe separate it along Pre..Cht.3, Cht.4..Cht.7, Cht.8..Par.4, Cht.10..Cht.15, Cht.16..Cht.20, Cht.21..Endgame? 6 segments is a little less than 2 hours per segment so yu could go higher but those sections also fall in nicely with what's happening in the game at the time.
  24. Henry got brutally abandoned and Basilio failed to make it through Grima, but Cherche and Say'ri both survived.
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