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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Normal is for beginners and people who want to grind without dealing with high ILs. I can beat entire chapters using any unit in the game on Normal. Doing that with Donnel is absolutely nothing special. The number of times something is said has no effect on how true it is. In this case, whether or not the Devs have said anything on canon has no bearing on the fact that there are a set of pairings that have lower support thresholds than any others. Do you think it's a coincidence that each child has exactly one set of parents who can do that? Not really. Chrom x Sumia is both good and pushed in the same vein as Levin x Fury, but there's nothing outstanding about the other ones gameplay-wise (apart from being able to go from nothing to S in four maps, of course).
  2. First playthrough? Completely blind bromance with Chrom and later Ricken. No Second Seals, either (Ricken was DK). It was pretty fun. No clue who killed Grima. You can ingame if you saddle her with Taguel's no skills/weapon ranks.
  3. The obvious solution is to make Robin's coming back entirely dependent on support levels (having an S support isn't sufficient, the comeback should be dependent on the total number of supports they've got- 10 or so for gameplay reasons but I think something like 25 would be better for story).
  4. Yes I am. Brady certainly would do better KO wise with a DF, yes. VV is still bogus even without DLC. DSt+, which is required for it to work well, still assumes 120 Skl total, which even with Rallies is not instantly guaranteed on a Mag/Mag pair. Additionally with the loss of Atk from LB, you need much tighter Vengeance thresholds for it to do its job, requiring in-depth setups that just aren't worth it. For comparison, the first person to officially clear Apo without LB basically did it how it's done now (Rescuebombing with GF/Procs/Faires) as opposed to the old strats. Both +Mag and+Spd are good for both ingame and postgame. -Def is much better than -Skl postgame, and -Skl is much better than -Def ingame so you'll just have to prioritize there. Also don't try to raise a full team ingame, Lunatic won't let you. Just stick with 2-3 pairs at most there. Chrom!Cynthia is the absolute uncontested best Cynthia. Unfortunately Morgan-F generally outdoes Morgan-M (especially if inheriting Aether) so you're not going to get him to be as good as possible, but making Ricken!Owain (either asset) or Lon'qu!Yarne (+Spd only) his father will work very nicely anyway. In regards to the rest of your top pairings, Severa gets top pick of Virion, Lon'qu and Vaike, and Kjelle gets Gaius for sure. Owain doesn't particularly care and will be happy with any magical father or Stahl (though he'll want Ricken if he's going to be Morgan's dad). Brady cares even less and will like any magical father or whichever of Lon'qu and Virion Severa might not take (with a slight preference for Lon'qu, but Severa still has dibs). Inigo can run a great DF or mixed set with Libra, be a decent Sage with Ricken, or gain a ton of good physical options with Stahl. Frederick!Inigo is also really cool and Fred is in very low demand so he won't step on any other pairings. Normally Noire's first pick would be Gaius but since Kjelle has precedence over her (she'd have it even if you didn't specify that), she needs to pick between Donnel and GF or good mods and no GF. Frederick, Gregor and Vaike make good non-GF options for her. Gerome wants a father who has either Berserker or Sniper, and if he doesn't get either he's benched for sure- just give him the dregs of Henry, Vaike, Gregor, Ricken, Stahl and Virion. Nah really likes Vaike and Henry, the latter of which should be fairly free. Yarne loves Virion and Stahl. Barring those two, he'll be happy with anyone with a positive Str mod- Fred is a good choice.
  5. If you don't have the sprites you need done, use placeholders instead. Having to wait on full finished sprites to even start a project is a real drag.
  6. Since this is neither a gameplay nor favorite character thread and it's pretty well known that Donnel = bad, I'm going to guess that's just troll food. But if you're actually serious... -His class set is pretty much nonexistant, -He has to start at E weapons twice, -His ability to grow when trained is nothing special on Normal/Hard and still a net negative investment in Lunatic(+), -He's got the worst mods in the game, so bad that they're sometimes not even worth GF (he doesn't pass anything useful other than that), -He's very annoying.
  7. Sorry, double post. Post 4000 get. I regret nothing.
  8. They're a pretty good reason to pack lots of Staffbots, certainly. You could also pack Res+10 on a 40 base Res unit with a +Res support to make them tink, but you'd still have to catch them and spend a few turns taking them out. Child pairings: complementary class bonuses and standard stuff. Lucina goes to any Galeboy. Ragnell isn't very good in Apo due to not being Brave so not having it on Owain won't matter. Avatar-F doesn't have any different effects on the pairing imbalance than Avatar-M- you'll still have a round number of pairs if you marry 2nd gen and get one child left out if you marry 1st gen. That Severa notably won't 75 Spd (2 short) which is kind of a shame on a fast unit like her and Brady's damage output when leading will be pretty bad due to no +Mag support and Falco's weak non-Agg DSes. GF is definitely mandatory for postgame; ingame only it's worth it on Inigo but not on the other two.
  9. I believe that's actually a flaw there. Anyway both GM and Sage supporting DF can work well. GM has more "canon" appeal but the real reason to go Sage would be for the +6 supporting Mag. Either way though they'll both be a strong pair that pulls their weight due to not really missing anything. A note about what Avatar x Cordelia's Spd mods mean for kids: going +2 will leave them with +5, which is great for Wyvern with All+2. Unfortunately +Mag doesn't match up with Wyvern's physical tendencies, but it will also let them hit 75 in DK with a +3 support (likely Hero) without All+2 which does match their mods. Unfortunately it's not enough to hit 75 in any magical class except Valkyrie with a +0 pairup and All+2 without going +Spd- so you could also consider Valk/All+2 on them.
  10. Yeah there are five Shadowgift Dark Fliers with Mire in wave 4 (74 Atk). Annoying to approach safely without either a Restank or enough Rescue to get 5 KOes worth of Galepairs to cover 20 spaces and reach them. You can try pulling them but their range tends to overlap with some dangerous Berserkers that you won't want to wait to dispatch as it's a timed map and your team will already be very spread out. Yarne can KO Anna and everything else, and even be your MVP if you just let him out of Taguel. He's got the best physical modifiers out of any child bar his own Morgan and a perfect class set with Virion or Stahl as a father.
  11. If you want to stuff Lissa as much as possible, do it in Par.1. The walls of the Boss room are 1 think and there are two Archers in there, making it extremely safe and easy to get 70 heals from them (and have two Archers with broken weapons to feed to whoever you wish). If the Chest Room Archer lacks Pass, you can do it to him as well (you can do it even if he does have Pass but you'll have to stuff the corridor to stop him from moving). That's 105 heals (more if you can't heal all the damage in one shot), which is usually a good 10 levels for Lissa at least.
  12. The main differences between Normal and Secret are that there are no fast enemies in Normal (it's perfectly reasonable to expect to double everything bar one or two with just LB, no pairup and a low Spd mod) and Def actually does something because there are no Braves, Luna+ or Counter and Atk is a good 20 lower on most foes so you can expect to tank. For comparison's sake I've got a decently reliable clear of N.Apo using nothing but a completely 100% untouched base Chrom and the stuff he can find in the Convoy, whereas you need a lot more stuff for Secret. Severa with Lancebreaker works against Anna if you know you're going to be doubled and can't do anything about it except tilt the RNG odds in your favor as much as possible. This mainly occurs in extreme challenge runs where your stats will be >20 less than normal- actually surviving her is almost never an issue unless engaging at 1-range since she never uses that Brave Lance unless you can't retaliate at 1-range. The actual Bosses you should be worries about killing are Wave 2's Nightmare Sniper who is unsurvivable through defense alone- you need to take him out before he can attack- and Wave 4's Thronie who is the tankiest enemy in the game and capable of 2-shotting any unit (1 with Counter damage). Having a bosskiller there basically involves piling on as much damage as possible very quickly. Taguel is completely unfixable in Apo. You can bring him but his pair is always going to be the one you save for the "easy kills" that don't appear as often as you'd like. The only way to make him not comparatively useless is to bring everyone else down to his level and ban Braves, which could create issues with the above two bosses if you're not specially equipped for them- and even if you do that he'll be a good 20 Atk below other hard supports due to effectively not having a weapon. Henry is actually pretty good for Gerome if you're just going for damage. LB/Agg/Axefaire/All+2/Hex or Anathema will see him doing very well in terms of damage output- his only concern might be giving lackluster pairup bonuses, but there's nothing anyone can do to help him with that. If you do give Henry to Cynthia though, Avatar definitely wants to go with Cordelia. She's the best equipped out of those to be in a pair with him, and like Sumia their base classes are both pretty good and compliment each other well. Something to keep in mind when packing Breakers in Apo is that Hawkeye is everywhere. You won't see much use of using them unless you've got specific enemies in mind that you want to dodge (or just care about the +Hit boost, which shouldn't happen here). Lunatic: ingame enemies grow too fast and give too little exp to make training more than five pairs viable. Postgame training on Risen is really hard and training on Spotpass is really slow, and even with DLC your internal level caps at 50 instead of 30 (Hard) or 20 (Normal) causing your exp gain to absolutely tank after your second promoted reclass. Many of the DLC maps also get huge stat boosts from Lunatic, so things like grinding Limit Break will be harder and take more preparation, too. Normal is the best mode for grinding because units always gain tons of exp even after multiple reclasses- only do Lunatic for bragging rights (not too important), or if you want the Lunatic+ Risen available as an extra challenge option that can take most stuff you get postgame and return a good fight.
  13. Try giving classes their standard Lv.1->10 and 5->15 skills that are transferable and whatnot, then giving them new skills that are tied to promoted classes and only active when at Lv.20 (such as crit bonuses for SMs, even more range for Snipers and stuff).
  14. I'm seeing Virion!Brady x Donnel!Noire and don't think that will get 100% DS with Noire leading due to no Defender boost. My chart has Virion!Brady at 86 supporting and Noire at 73 leading, and that's one short.
  15. New question isn't letting me vote for some reason so saying yes here instead.
  16. I'd imagine it would be released in both precompiled and source code versions. Adding unit-specific weaknesses seems like something you would be able to do without even touching the source code, though.
  17. Falco Cynthia only needs a Sniper with a +4 Skl mod to hit 100% (Just All+2 if Henry, All+2 and Defender if Chrom). Ricken!Yarne can fit that perfectly but the other two are a little overkill.
  18. I don't like giving Yarne a Sniper dad. He's already a really great support thanks to Panne giving +3 Skl and there aren't any girls who should be taking that level of support- Nah has no GF so she doesn't want him and Noire has base Sniper allowing her to work with a wide range of options. He's better off taking a midrange father, investing in Atk and then supporting a mid-upper range girl.
  19. If you're conflicted about this one, I highly recommend running damage calcs and seeing if there's anything they can't KO already without Luna. If you have no experience with/idea what to expect from Apo you're going to be in for a rude awakening if you try to use some of those pairings there. Namely, everything has 55-99 Lck there so your critstacking Gerome won't work (Henry!Nah is the only unit in the game who can pull off a non-dedicated critstacking build there, though some Laurents can pull off a full dedicated one). Taguels have borderline zero damage output even before considering that they have no Braves- 50 Atk between class and weapon base is the lowest in the game, no contest (and it lacks a Faire, too). He'll be looking at 85-90 non-Brave Atk tops. Sorcs are highly ineffective in Apo due to Nos and Def not doing anything useful and Sages beating them by miles in all relevant stats (Sorc also isn't even in Laurent's base class line). Vantage is never safe there without Vengeance, 100% DS and a ton of number crunching for thresholds and setups beforehand- trying to use it with anything else is guaranteed to either do nothing or get you killed. There are a lot of very simple strategies that can smash Apo, but it has a reputation for a reason- people have tried to extrapolate good ingame strats to it and they don't work. Anyway, if you're not using Morgan then definitely go Avatar x Sumia. Avatar x Nowi in base classes can't really do much in Apo, but Avatar x Sumia can and Cynthia will turn out really good. Virion!Severa has BF if you want to go BK, though Lon'qu is definitely better for Hero. However, if you're willing to leave base for either of them, they both make incredibly good Wyvern Lords with a set of LB/GF/LF/All+2/Vengeance and a support that gives at least +8 Spd (your Fred!Owain would get the job done) who have everything necessary to wreck bosses. Having a dedicated boss killer will give the rest of your team a lot more leeway in goofing off. There's nothing that's 100% required but Sumia!Lucina x Libra!Owain is pretty much completely optimal for the context while being a great pair outside of it. Gaius!Kjelle is also very hard to trump, and Nah and Gerome both have dibs on Sniper dads. Again those aren't required but they help a lot.
  20. ...I don't usually rag on language barriers and whatnot but in this case I can't actually understand what you're saying. The Lunatic+ skills have a 100% activation rate only if you meet the conditions for them to actually do something; Vantage+ does nothing on EP, Pavise+ does nothing if you attack with Magic/Bows/Manaketes, etc. Lunatic+ does not rely on those skills to beat you. Vanilla Lunatic, which is the same except for the skills, has claimed many victories against players as well. The skills are merely another thing you have to deal with.
  21. You know that every single normal 1st gen female in the game does that, right? Cool, thanks.
  22. Being contingent on having high Def isn't too bad since it would be a backup strat for a very specific skill combination.
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