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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Fighting adjacent but not paired gives very little support in comparison to fighting paired. Even if you've got Chrom/Robin's support maxed from the Prologue, it'll still take at least two battles while paired in Cht.1 to hit C. Jealousy is interesting but I wouldn't expect to see it in Awakening. Maybe though.
  2. Alvis and Bleck being as good of villains as they are, I'm gonna have to go with good old nostalgia and say Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie). So ugly. So many rhymes. Such a nice lair.
  3. Sadly, this isn't the only place where Awakening does meta-double subversions like that.
  4. Then maybe call this a submissions thread in the title?
  5. It's likely saying that due to picking tie/don't care. Doing that messes with the sorting algorithm a bit and can make it overlook things it normally wouldn't. (why is everyone posting theirs in a single paragraph? It's really annoying to read that way)
  6. The only thing Emmery and Nyna have in common is being the rulers of the main kingdom on the continent. I wouldn't lump them in the same archetype at all.
  7. Where else would you even play it? Awakening doesn't give you many reasons to be sad while your units are beheading mooks. Maybe Cht.18 if it had a better buildup, but I think it's fine being exclusive to Cht.10.
  8. Defender is good in any instance where you'd normally be using a Stat+2 skill (other than All+2) to hit a threshold, but doing so leaves you 1 over your target. Then you're sacrificing +1 in one stat you may not need for +1 in six stats you may not need, which is usually a good deal.
  9. Pretty sure Awakening rounds down in all cases, including Def/Res against Luna(+)...?
  10. That Cynthia has 60 Spd? I spy a free Ricken for Brady. You're using a large amount of Hex/Anathema, but keep in mind that you can just park Staffbots there to achieve the same effect.
  11. In A vs Y/Z's case, the crit RN was lower than your crit rate against either of them so they both got critted. In B vs Y's case, B was using a different amount of RNs for the battle, causing their crit RN to be drawn from a different place in the RN string (for example, a proc could have been equipped on one and not the other).
  12. This isn't strictly true. The same RN will be used, but if you switch from attacking an enemy with a high crit rate to one with a low crit rate and that RN is no longer below your crit rate, you won't crit. I initially wondered if programming limitations might have had something to do with it but am not so sure now- the most likely way they still could be a thing is if having the supporting unit die to Counter causes a softlock or something. Most of the other reasons I can think of to make DSes partially functional as a way of stabilizing the code would have other, easier fixes.
  13. It usually won't hurt, except where it does, and in those places it'll hurt a lot. Still one of the more manageable flaws, though. The main concern would be the -5% Spd growth it brings.
  14. Virion!Severa trades Luna and Paladin for a very fast Wyvern and TF to go with her Dark Flier, and has more Spd/Skl on her Sniper. Gerome gains +2 Str for hard supporting, Paladin for goofing around and doesn't really lose anything except 1 Skl- Virion!Gerome has some pretty bad class overlap.
  15. Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Calvin & Hobbes and PewDiePie. The story should use becoming the President as a plot device!
  16. +Spd and Def are typically the optimal assets, with +Def being a lot safer in general but +Spd letting you pull more shenanigans if you're good and/or lucky. -Skl is usually the best flaw, as -Lck hurts both your offenses and increases enemy crit rates, which you will learn to loathe in due time as pretty much every Barb has Gamble.
  17. Probably just gameplay balance. I'm sure they'd have the full range of extra effects if pairup was more like having multiple party members out in an RPG (say, TTYD), but as-is supports are more like pieces of equipment that turn into units when not being used. It's more likely that they disabled player procs and enemy procs went away alongside those. Having pocket Vengance DSes would be incredibly overpowered, as would being able to heal without coming up front.
  18. In that case, definitely keep messing around. None of that stuff will make any pairings prohibitively bad. Though you could still try to avoid large amounts of class overlap and/or focus on getting some good 8 Mov classes spread around on the children, as those make non-Apo postgame pretty fun. Switch those two and you'll be good. Both of them are upper-midrange already but if you switch them they'll both be top tier. Use Interceprot Strats (in my sig) for Cht.2/3.
  19. You can try, but Fred's not guaranteed to be able to get you as far as the Outrealm Gate, especially if you're on Classic and want to protect your recruits. It's usually very random with a lot of dodging involved and long-term strats (training Avatar instead) are much safer. The first four chapters are bad if you use Fred as a lead or are playing on Lunatic+ without being a legend. They're doable very consistently if you use him as a support and train Avatar, though. Spreading exp out is a bad idea. Enemies don't give enough for you to keep more than one or two units ahead of the curve and a handful of others up with it.
  20. Dual Strikes aren't affected by Counter, Miracle or PavGis.
  21. Vaike doesn't really give Owain anything he wants, and his mods don't fit very well with Lissa. He could make a nice Hero, though. Donnel x Nowi is OK. Nah won't be anything special but she works. All the other pairings are good. What difficulty are you on, and what's this team for? Ingame? Apo? Non-Apo DLC? I wouldn't call him good but he's definitely not bad. Since Avatar-F is a completely self sufficient lead, though, pretty much anyone who can S with her can do the job of Agg support, so that's not saying much. What you should really be looking at is Morgan (Priam's Str is OK but he doesn't have much Skl/Spd to offer) and whether or not you want to take the pairing imbalance.
  22. Spd+2 shouldn't even be necessary with the right pairup. GL has different stats for M and F. F has 3 more Spd so Lucina will actually be at 49- she'll need Spd+2, tonic and a +2 pairup (or Defender and a +3 pairup) but she can do it.
  23. Right now Berserkers are your only remotely fast classes. You're going to have to invest more into Spd if you want to hit 60- it's not as easy as 75 in NHB. Try going for Assassin on Severa and Kjelle and seeing where it gets them (53/54 base + mods + tonic can reach 60 with a +2 pairup, which is pretty easy to come by). GL Sumia!Lucina is also a candidate for 60.
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