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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I was thinking more of engaging at the end of her range to force her to use the Spear. The AI prefers attacking Archers at 2 range over not attacking them at all.
  2. If he wants Staves then it will have to be either Sage or Monk. However, since you're not running a full 8 pair team, you should have plenty of room for Staffbots so it's not a terribly important thing for him to have (he'd rather spend his turns killing stuff anyway). Good/decent lead classes he has are: Hero/Assassin (high Dual Strike rates thanks to lots of Skill) Bow Knight (no Bowfaire, but 8 Mov ranged Braves are very nice) Berserker (make sure to use Hex or Anathema so he won't miss) Dread Fighter (mixed option) Dark Knight (another fun mixed option that also has 8 Mov) Sage (they're just good)
  3. War Monks aren't mixed though (they're actually one of the worst classes in the game, having all of Berserker's flaws but none of its pros). I'd strongly recommend not using one, Inigo has a ton of good classes to choose from.
  4. I almost thing Slow Burn not working after turn 15 is accidental. They probably based it on the same code as Quick Burn (cut off at turn 15 to prevent it from giving negative boosts), forgot to remove the turn 15 part, and never tested it (because honestly it's not the kind of thing you would figure out unless you were specifically needing that extra Avo from SB for whatever reason, and I don't think the Devs tested many thresholds beyond Lunatic earlygame enemy stats). Still, unless you need that Barracks Boost to avoid being doubled, I'd advise dropping it. They're still a pain to get, even with Tables' manipulation. Also have you tried using an Assassin with an Underdog Bow (or even Yewfelle) instead of a Hero?
  5. The only way I've ever been able to match the Lunatic+ Risen in no Logbook/DLC scenarios is through Counter/Fort/Falchion infinite heal grinding on Staffbots with Streetpass Second Seals. Lunatic Risen are fair game for challenge runs, Lunatic+ Risen are just mean.
  6. It means that using a VV Sorc is a bad idea if you're trying to get your whole team to be as strong as possible. They don't work well as part of a team. Another tip is to change the bottom screen to full view (there's an icon in the upper right corner that switches it). The simplified view is misleading and can often get you killed. If you're still having trouble in Hard, you should play Normal again, read the tutorials, and get a better feel for the game mechanics- most of that difficulty comes from not knowing how to play. DLC is tied to your Nintendo Network ID, so you can access it always, an unlimited number of times, from any file on any copy of the game you play on that 3ds. It's extremely reusable.
  7. To add to that, Yarne can run Sniper itself very effectively. He usually gets to 100% DS with Hero Lon'qu!Severa with very little extra effort that way. Hero is a Str/Mag neutral support (doesn't give either) so you can use it just as well to support physical units as magical units. Libra!Inigo can go either physical or magical, he's got +1 Str and +2 Mag, and there's not a lot of difference between that. He's got good classes for both as well (you could even make him a Dread Fighter, he's one of the better units for the job if you want to have one).
  8. It probably won't actually be that good of a watch because of all the EP/cutscene skips. I just want to see it for the time/exact routing implementations.
  9. I don't think you're using Stahl, and he makes a very good and versatile Inigo. Libra is also a strong option. Lon'qu gives nice mods but no classes or skills Inigo cares about. Vaike is pretty good as far as non-GF Kjelles go. You'll likely want him to pass Axefaire for Kjelle's Hero/General, both of which are good support options for her.
  10. Those pairing swaps would actually still have you using exactly the same 2nd gen builds (except Yarne, who would switch to Sage and Tomefaire). You could also, rather than freeing up Gaius, just give Kjelle Donnel or a non-GF dad (though Donnel does give AT) and pair her with Inigo anyway. She won't be top tier but still work well with him if you want the extra pair.
  11. I'd assume it has to do with the worst outcome in the case of a missed DS against a mook being a failed KO an required EP/Rescue use, whereas the worst case against Anna is that she dies. Of course, this requires that Anna lands two non-DG 1.05% hits, one of which being Luna from Aether, resulting in a KO (note that Hero's base 40 Def should be enough to get Severa out of non-Luna 2HKO range after Tonic, pairup, and optional Helswath if Hit permits). Victorious situations for Anna are pretty slim (though I don't care to do a full odds of victory calculation, it's probably less than 0.01%).
  12. Having a VV Sorc is kind of contradictory to your goal of getting the best skills/classes. They're really bad team players so they go against your goal of maxing everyone, generally lower the replayability of certain maps (read: all DLC), and are flat-out useless (or even liabilities) in the final DLC map. Maxing out absolutely everyone takes a really long time. It's a fun experience but if you're going to do it you may wish to do a few more playthroughs first to figure out what pairs you like and which ones you don't. It would be a shame to put all that work in and wind up with one pair that really bugs you. And if you like the game this much, you might as well milk it for some extra playthroughs before making your ultimate file. You also will want to get all (or as much as you can) of the DLC before then. Having it roughly triples the amount of hours you get out of a postgame/minmax file, and will both give you more interesting and faster ways to max your team than fighting Risen and Spotpass, give you more skills and classes that are very important for getting units to be "optimal", and give you something to do with your team once it's maxed out. Hard mode Risen really aren't up to the challenge.
  13. There are only ten Rallies, you know. You can fit them all on two Rallybots. Unfortunately due to a combination of not using Lucina, giving Gaius to Cynthia, Chrom to Kjelle and having a female Avatar, you have an extreme shortage of good 2nd gen females to make pairs with, so it't difficult to free up a good wife for Inigo without moving a lot of pairs around. The best way (for his sake) would be to give Yarne Libra (and actually make him a magical support; Libra doesn't have a negative Strength mod so Morgan can still be physical nicely), then give Henry to Cynthia, Gaius to Kjelle, and leave Chrom unpaired (you can do that). Since there's no way you're using either him or Lucina, they might as well not drag anyone down with them (unless you're fully open to using Lucina's sibling, in which case Chrom!Cynthia is superior). All told you get a top tier Kjelle out of the swap to pair with your Inigo.
  14. All of them actually have some sort of hidden depths. Just for a good half the cast (more concentrated in the 1st gen units), those hidden depths tend to be no more interesting than what they've got on top (and sometimes make you like them less).
  15. Unpromoted as in base? Short answer is yes. Long answer is the Boss has 71 HP, 29 Res and you're trying to take that down with Mire- sure, you're not under any time pressure, but it'll cost a lot and take forever (you'll also need to get Tharja to C Tomes if using her). Those two have 12 and 15 base Mag, Mire is 10 mt and you can get +6 out of an untrained Miriel support and Mag tonic and +1 more from C Tomes. That leaves Henry doing just 3 damage per hit, which will take more than two Mires to get him down. It's so ridiculous that you'd halve the uses required of base Henry by promoting, and the Master Seal required to do so only costs 500G more than an extra Mire Tome (or free, if you have a spare sitting around).
  16. OK. Here's a quote from Morgan-M's father B support, and three different fathers' responses to it. If you've actually read any of Awakening's dialogue, you probably know who those are right off the bat regardless of whether you've had them father Morgan (and bothered to read his identical support three times) or not. If this were any other FE, could you do that? This is a kind of crude example, but I'm not an English teacher and it's neither my job nor my talent to demonstrate this.
  17. The strongest physically attacking class that boosts Magic Yarne has is Dread Fighter. That gives a total of +6 Magic, up from Berserker's +3. In exchange, Yarne's Strength drops by 8, so you'll get an end result of +6 damage on Avatar and -32 on Yarne (over a standard six hits). There's just no way that's worth it. Berserker is primarily good because its dual strike damage is so high, the +10 Strength on pairup is just a bonus. If you still want to primarily use magic, try a mixed class like Dark Flier or Dark Knight, and go with whatever weapon is appropriate for the situation. Manaketes have no brave weapons and thus do effectively half the dual strike damage of any other class. Because dual strikes are your main damage source in Apo, this makes them pretty bad supports. There's no The One Team, but here's a list of pairs that give the children everything they need to be productive postgame without stepping on any other childrens' toes: Avatar-M x Lucina > Cynthia > Severa/Kjelle > Sumia/Cordelia/Aversa Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Gaius/Donnel Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Stahl/Gregor/Henry Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl*/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Vaike/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Ricken/Gaius/Gregor/Donnel Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry *The majority of Stahl!Severa users in this thread have reported that her hair is so atrocious they wouldn't use her again. Use with caution. That list is for postgame/Apo, by the way. Trying to follow it ingame (especially on nogrind) will get you screwed. It's also from memory so it changes a little each time I write it out, there are a good number of pairs in which I keep changing my mind on whether or not they make the cut.
  18. No problem, it's what I'm here for. Dunno if you know this, but it might help when choosing your Asset/Flaw. Basically they affect more than just the one stat you choose- going +Skill also gives you +2 Strength and Def. I recommend physical for your Avatar because as a Berserker Yarne is giving +10 Strength on pairup, which is really massive and you want to take advantage of it. Mire can't double, activate skills like Ignis, or get Dual Strikes, and it rarely does over 20 damage in Apo so I don't like it there (there's also a danger, on pairs where both units can lead, that you'll forget about it and leave it equipped for dual strikes, causing you to miss a KO). Physical weapons can strike four times as well, they're just limited to 1 range (or 2 if you use a Brave Bow, which is why Bow using classes are good in Apo), and engaging at 1 range is pretty safe unless the foe both has Counter and can retaliate (not too many of those around) because very little can actually kill you in a single battle. Fred gives Severa good skills and bad mods. If you're open to changing her father, Vaike gives +1 Strength and +3 Speed over Fred, while keeping Luna and gaining Axefaire for Hero (in exchange for -1 Skill and no Paladin or Deliverer), and Lon'qu/Virion give her excellent Wyvern Lords with a good Hero (Lon'qu) and Dark Flier or Sniper (Virion) as alternate options. Virion's hair also looks good on her. Manaketes are good everywhere there's no Luna+/Counter. Both Lunatic+ and Apo have plenty of that, so they're not very good there. Nah makes a good Hero with Vaike or Gregor as her father (though Vaike is a little better), and a good Valkyrie with Henry as her father. Apo has 20 deployment slots and all the other maps vary quite a bit (usually between 10 and 15, but you won't usually need to field your whole team). When in doubt, add more staffbots. If you can Olivia's stats with Limit Breaker, she's still in the "can take a hit" boat, and will be fine as long as you remember to Rescue her (or kill everything in range). With Limit Breaker and a Bow Knight Chrom support but no Rallies or Tonics, she hits 59 Spd, which is enough to keep her from getting doubled by everything except Apo's three fastest bosses. You can add Spd+2 to get her out of doubling range of the one above that, too.
  19. Assuming you're talking about the difficulty curve, neither is Lunatic.
  20. Oh sorry. LB is Limit Breaker, GF is Galeforce, Agg is Aggressor, and TF is Tomefaire. Avatar x Yarne will actually do really well if you just make them all physical (use Speed, Skill or Strength as your asset). Yarne wants to be a hard support Berserker, with Limit Breaker, Aggressor and Axefaire. For his last two skills he needs some way of boosting his hitrate- Hex and Anathema work well. Avatar will want to be in a high movement class like Paladin (I'd advise this one), Falcon Knight or Wyvern Lord, and will want to use Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Ignis, Luna, and one of the Faire skills. If you want to use Armsthrift on her, I'd replace Luna with it, but the Faire skill can go too. Severa x Brady: Brady needs to be magical (he'll be a Sage with Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aggressor, Luna and Tomefaire). To go with that, Severa will either want to be a Hero (doesn't give +Strength on pairup so none of her stat boosts are wasted), or a Paladin (8 Movement and she can use Lancefaire). Don't try making Severa magical because she has a bad Magic mod and no Tomefaire, it's not worth it (however, if you were willing to switch her father to Virion, she could make a good Dark Flier). Severa's skills will be Limit Breaker, Galeforce, and either (but not both) Luna and Vengeance. You want Armsthrift on her, and her last slot can be for Lancefaire as a Paladin, or Deliverer as a Hero (to make up for the loss of Mov). If there's another skill you'd like on her, though (such as Lifetaker), put it over Lancefaire/Deliverer. Morgan x Cynthia: Morgan really wants to be physical. Some good classes you might want to try on him are Sniper, Assassin, Hero, Paladin, Wyvern Lord, and maybe even Dread Fighter if you like it. He'll always want to use Limit Breaker, Galeforce and Aggressor. If you want Armsthrift, that goes in slot four, and the fifth should be some sort of damage booster: Ignis, Luna, Vengeance, or a Faire. Cynthia will probably want to go physical to work with him; any classes I recommended for him that she has will work well also. However if Morgan is a Sniper, you may want to make her a Sage/Dark Flier instead, as magical dual strikes on Longbows are very powerful. Whatever you make her, give her Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna, an appropriate Faire, and a filler skill- maybe All Stats +2 or Mov+1. Owain x Nah: Nah lacks Galeforce so she'll be staying in the back most of the time. She'll want to be a Hero for this, and need to inherit Axefaire (she can use Swordfaire instead, but Axes are better in Apo). She'll run Limit Breaker/Axefaire for sure and actually have three whole slots empty: obviously you'll want Armsthrift, All Stats +2 is a good filler skill, and then whatever you want. Alternately, if you're willing to switch her father, Vaike is exactly like Gregor but better. Because her pairup boosts are Strength/Magic neutral, Owain can do whatever he wants, and Stahl makes him well suited for this. He'll be most powerful as a Sage, but can also be a good Paladin if you like high Movement, or even a Dread Fighter. He has Sniper too. Whatever he is, he'll want to use Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aggressor, Luna, and a Faire. As for protecting Chrom, if you really think you'll get him killed if he's not behind somebody, Olivia is the best person to take him as he'll just be a +1 Movement pairup for her (Bow Knight), which she wants. If you don't want to field her, put him behind a Staffbot or Rallybot. There's no reason to fill up an entire deployment slot just for a unit to go on top of him. Overall that team will give you 10 attacks per turn, which is pretty good for Apo.
  21. Don't confuse a bad plotline or bad execution with bad writing. Bad plot is where the story is riddled with holes or based on an absurdly boring premise. Bad execution is where the actual plot can't be properly discerned from the telling, and bad writing is simply when it's painful to read, no matter the subject. Awakening's writing is actually the strongest point of its story, and it's certainly better than past FEs- the plot and execution are just lacking. *coughWestbrickcough*
  22. Yeah, that's what I was looking for. Severa and Owain might be fine but in Apo you'll have trouble if you can't kill at least five enemies per turn. There are turn limits in some of the waves that kick you out if you exceed them, and enemies usually spawn in groups of five. In most other maps you might be OK as long as you don't care about defending anyone, but four attacks per turn is still really low (outside of Apo, think of Galeforce as a mobility skill to allow you to position your units better to clean house on enemy phase). You can't "clear out a little area" on enemy phase here. Enemies spawn too close together, so even if you kill a bunch, there will always be a bunch more right next to you that couldn't quite make it to you to die. I don't know if you've played Lunatic(+) before or not, but the AI launches the whole map at you at once- you can't just stand on the edge and pick off units one at a time. Luring enemies away from weaker units toward stronger units is pretty hard. Unless that stronger unit is the only thing in their range, they'll just randomly lose interest and go fight the weak unit instead. Nos is also useless in Apo, so don't even consider using it there. The best way to stay alive in Lunatic(+) is to just be strong yourself. Chrom is a very competent unit and could protect somebody himself if you train him. But if you do want him out of the way and just staying alive, make him a Bow Knight or Paladin and leave him unpaired. He can run away better that way. Ricken!Brady is one of the only A-tier units on your team. You should definitely use him to his potential and not just stick him in the back, give him LB/GF/Agg/Luna/TF, make him a Sage and let him help you. Gaius!Cynthia should be fighting too, she has Luna, GF and good mods. PavGis can be fun to play around with, but at the end of the day everything in in Apo will pretty much wipe the walls with you. They're never strong enough to ORKO you at full HP (unless you happen to engage a boss very poorly), but beyond that just killing things before they can attack goes a lot farther than tanking. You should be focusing on offensive skills like Luna, Faires, and Aggressor rather than defenses, PavGis and Sol/Nos. You'll have plenty of room for staffbots with a team that size, so healing isn't an issue. I also don't see Lucina here. Both her and Kjelle will be pretty bad due to having no Galeforce, but still useful if you give them husbands who do have it- Owain would happily leave Nah for Lucina, for example.
  23. You should seriously find a way to record these.
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