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About Excalibro

  • Birthday November 10

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fire emblem, dark souls and yu-gi-oh. I also run my own TF2 highlander team, the Dboyz. Oh yeah I also love pokemon and the tales series. I also watch a bit of anime, my favorite being Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Beebop.
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. On my first playthrough I used Ricken as bait to save Maribelle >.>
  3. This. Male Morgan's face just annoys me I also prefer male MU for no real reason. So yay
  4. That is correct. Those are all Japan exclusive games, so not too many people outside of Japan played them. Also you can only partially count supports getting to A then having a special ending. In FE13 it's much more important. 13 also combines Avatar and marriage for ULTIMATE SHIPPING
  5. Exactly. The series was never really popular so to make it more popular they had to add a bunch of new things like the avatar, pair up, and marriage. Some of the stuff they added was pretty good, some of it was bad or just completely unbalanced. Also don't be too paranoid about buying the game even though everyone is saying the plot is bad. Everyone has just had a lot of time to look at every part of the game, but the first time you play the game it really is fun.
  6. Couldn't this also apply to Cynthia? Anyway I fully support MaleMUxCrom as the only canon pairing in this game.
  7. I already knew you did it (hence the oh wait...) I just wanted a link to the video Now do it no pairup/no rally
  8. Yeah well I bet you can't show us a video of Dancer Olivia taking on Apo Anna Oh wait...
  9. All bows? Sounds like a lunatic+ run... But hey I love bows I would so follow a bow run
  10. Because he's Kanji Tatsumi and you can pair him with Lucina/Naoto He's also a great unit in grind environment.
  11. While Tharja can't reclass to war cleric in any way, it's still possible for noire to have counter/renewal. Her father would have to be Avatar, Gregor, Donnel, or Henry. The father would pass down the counter skill and noire would get troubadour which can promote to war cleric for renewal. In terms of which father would be the best it would probably be Avatar> Donnel for galeforce=Gregor for vantage(depends on what you want the set for)>Henry
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