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Magical Glace

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Posts posted by Magical Glace

  1. Got through 110 boxes total.  I got to 105-ish a couple days before the event ended and decided to chill out after that.

    Wish they gave us the nerfed HP, would have made the event less of a pain.

    Not gonna go hard on Da Vinci because I have close to zero use for monuments since all the EXP I got from those boxes helped me get everyone in my barracks (besides Assassin Shiki who I didn't have the ascend items for) to FA.  Unless I suddenly drown in gold Lancers, I should be set on monuments for a while.

  2. I really hate every bronze mat in existence.  Stakes are no exception.

    Seriously, Eresh and Reines both want 72 per skill... Saber Diarmuid wants 60 per skill... And event shops always have underwhelming amounts of bronze mats.

    Guess I'm gonna be camping on the Gallows Hill for a while, thank goodness I can three turn it.

  3. 3 hours ago, indigoasis said:

    If they aren't being properly supervised, then it could very well count.

    As @Johann mentioned, it only affects monetized channels, so unless you were making money off of that video, you should be fine. Also, if you're the only one with a link to the video and it's unavailable to view, I doubt that the FTC, if anyone, will find it or see it at all. I hope that eases your worries a bit.

    I've actually seen some conflicting information on the monetization thing.  Some people have said it only effects monetized because otherwise the creator doesn't benefit from the data, while others said unmonetized and demonetized accounts are still affected because Youtube still automatically gathers data on those videos.  


  4. The big issue as far as I can see is the FTC's definition of "Child friendly" is far too vague to be properly followed for a lot of creators.

    It doesn't matter if your intended audience isn't children.  If the FTC says your video is "child friendly," and you didn't mark it as such, you get fined $42k even if children aren't your intended audience.  With the guidelines we were given even something as simple as color is considered "child friendly."  Honestly, to me it seems like "Any video a child might click is child friendly" and at that point it seems like just... any video at all.  Children aren't robots, they have varied interests especially when the range is as wide as 0-13.  The FTC by that logic can fine just about anyone they want, because the rules are vague enough that it's impossible for content creators to really tell what they mean by "child friendly."  There needs to be clear, strictly defined rules on what content is aimed at children.  

    There should also be some kind of safe option for creators who are unsure.  Normally, that would just be marking videos as not aimed at children and going on with their day, but that's not the case here.  Some kind of "please submit my video for manual FTC review before it goes live, I'm not intentionally targetting children but I don't want to be fined $42k for doing so under your definition by accident."  Or perhaps "This video is not intentionally aimed at children, but do not collect personal data from viewers in case children watch it." Currently youtube's advice on navigating this vague binary is "consult a lawyer," which is expensive.

    Hopefully, either the FTC hears the complaints in the comment period and changes its course to something more sane (best case scenario), or the rules are sued and deemed too vague or something similar.  

    Also, I'm worried about an old school run account of mine I used for assignments I can't access anymore... the link to a video on it just gives me "video unavailable" with zero elaboration but I worry that I could be fined for it anyway since it may not be properly deleted... I can't log into an account associated from a place I graduated from... I don't know if the account was completely nixed when I graduated or what.  It has me very antsy.

  5. Went ahead and did the NA CQ with Amakusa/Merlin/Waver/second Merlin because my Waver eventually died.  Wasn't too difficult since the buffs were all removable meaning spamming Amakusa's NP worked wonders and took away a lot of the difficulty.  

  6. Spoiler


    So, I pulled all my tickets for Ishtar, got her ~43 tickets in, noticed I was one copy of the Amakusa CE away from MLB'ing it, pulled the remaining 7 tickets and got a second Ishtar.

    I also MLB Prisma Cosmos on my NA account so that's cool I guess.  This CE really loves me for some reason, I have it MLB on both NA and JP... 

    Also also, my first Volumen on my NA account!  Finally!  

  7. 7 hours ago, redlight said:

    I had a horrible nightmare. The goose from Untitled Goose Game was JP's Christmas welfare.

    That's a nightmare?

    Because it'd be a step up from the Halloween welfare by virtue of existing, and it also sounds pretty hilarious.

  8. 15 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    I don’t mind mission based events, but I hate the fact that mission events with welfare always require you to level welfare, and it’s such a waste of embers.

    Starting with Santa Quetz's first run, Welfares get doubled EXP while their event is on (reruns included).  Meaning you need only around 134 or so 4* embers to get them to 80.  It's a good investment when that happens.  

    There were a lot of mission events this year on JP as well.  Prisma Codes rerun, SE.RA.PH rerun, Gudaguda 3 rerun, Case Files, Summer 4, and Saber Wars II, though the last one lacks a welfare.

  9. Meanwhile I can't get over Tokiomi running the mission list... That really caught me by surprise.  What's he doing here IN SPACE?

    Are we gonna stab him in the back?  Considering the Christmas events liked to joke about this.

  10. 10 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    In fact in this year alone and last year Ooku and Summer 3 is THE grand champion of pretty darn shitty event and the former is apparently popular lolw

    I'm pretty sure the main appeal of Ooku was the writing in the first half of it, I remember a lot of complaining about the Labyrinth of Loading screens part of it on Reddit back when the event was running.

    Granted they did patch the load times a bit over halfway through the event, and it gave a lot of basically free mats once you got past all the loading screens.  

    Anyway, grailed Lanling to 100 and got him to 10/10/10 on JP.  I'd been debating myself on who I should spend grails on on that account and that's who I decided on.  

  11. On that topic, DW seemingly decided to deliberately annoy just about everyone with this announcement, specifically two things

    1. No welfare!  The Voice actresses in the stream seemed so puzzled when that was mentioned...
    2. The only servant who boosts Artorium is OG Artoria.  

    I wanna be hype for all the recent Ishtarin love but the no welfare announcement kinda killed the hype badly for me.  Hopefully this gets made up for somehow, a new years welfare or something...

  12. It's the first time in three years I'll be able to pass out candy.  The past two Halloweens, I was unfortunately busy during trick or treating time.  It actually made a neighbor really upset, she called us Halloween poopers...

    Not a Halloween pooper this year though!  I still have the costume I asked my grandma to make for the year before last that I never had the opportunity to wear back then.  It's of Milly, from Dragon Quest VI.

    ...I doubt any of the children who come to my door will recognize it though.  If any do, I'll be pretty pleasantly surprised.

  13. 13 hours ago, Shiki said:

    Also the game doesn't approve of me getting her. She only passed 1st Ascension. Why? I have enough EXP and mats to make her fully ascended with 10/10/10 skills.
    Gated. By. Saber Pieces. Not Monuments but Pieces.

    This isn't as nonsensical as it sounds.  Since the best nodes for grinding events usually drop monuments but not pieces, most pieces you get will drop from grinding gems in dailies.  Which if you're grinding 40 AP will often drop monuments instead.  

    Monuments are ironically the easier one to surplus on.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Parvati banner and new Interludes where announced for NA.

    I’m wondering if I should pull for her, at least for gameplay reasons considering how good she is.

    She's a permanent SR, just hope she spooks you or something.  The only real reason to actually pull for her is if Sakura is your waifu, imo.  The game is easy enough that pulling for gameplay isn't really worth it outside of like... Waver/Tamamo/Merlin/Skadi.

  15. Me: Finally!  This Saber node I can't three turn is over!  What did it change to?  I hope it's Archers, I can three turn an Archer node easi--

    Sees that it's Sabers again

    Me: 😕

    Well, I guess that sucks.  Curse you trip for making me miss so much of the node I could actually three turn.

  16. 1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    its the reverse for me


    I loathed the first node


    Then this node appeared and now im on grinding overdrive. The fact that they improved the droprate is also neat

    Mind explaining why the first node gave trouble?  I was able to 3 turn it pretty easy with Sieg (MLB Imaginary Element), NP2 Achilles (Kscope), support Skadi and the Mage association uniform.  Casters give extra NP when hit so it was pretty easy to get enough to get the Achilles to NP twice in a row for the last two waves.

    Edit: Thinking about it, anyone with a Waver (or Skadi of their own) would be able to use him to substitute any quick Rider for the Achilles if the plugsuit replaces Mage association uniform.  Astolfo should work in place of Achilles even without the Waver.

  17. Why does the second Kuji node suck so much 😞

    Seriously, the first one I managed to grind 52 boxes out of before I left on a weekend trip on Thursday, because it was so easy to three turn...

    Meanwhile this one I just can't find a good setup.  Sabers so I can't bring Fionn, NP2 Atalanta can't oneshot the last wave, second wave has only two enemies, and a Jeanne in the last round as icing on the cake... and my only trained  AoE Berserker on JP is a NP1 Lancelot.  And I lack Skadi/Merlin/Waver/Reines/Helena of my own.  I have Lanling, but Stingers so his second is only level 8.  

    This honestly just killed all the motivation I had to grind this event.  I want the caster node back.

  18. Can we just say all bronze mats are hell?  DW just loves to inflate the amount needed to a crazy degree then only put 30 in event shops when they're present!  There should be at least 60, and even that feels like not enough.

    Currently, I'm in Fang hell on NA and Proof and Stinger hell in JP... well, Gilfest will alleviate the proofs a bit, thankfully.  But Lanling and Moriarty are really hungry for them stingers... Stingers...

  19. Did 168 boxes on Nerofest and managed to max ascend most of my 3* and 4* (only 4* left unascended was mat gated, same for some 3*, Christmas Lotto and its Babies and seeds can't come sooner)

    Also got Kiara and Lartoria to 10/10/10, leaving Enkidu (10/8/10) and Altera (6/4/6) as my only 5* not 10/10/10... and frankly, I don't care about the latter. Just need babies for the former.

    Things still in need of max ascend, out of fangs, horseshoes, seeds, and babies:

    Saber - Artoria Lily, Fergus

    Lancer - Leonidas, Benkei

    Archer - Robin Hood

    Rider - Boudica, Teach, George

    Caster - Geronimo, Paracelsus, Mephisto, Shakespeare

    Assassin - Phantom, Cursed Arm, Mata Hari

    Berserker - Asterios, Darius, Lu Bu, Bloodaxe, Caligula, Spartacus

    I guess I'm farming Horseshoes now since next lotto has babies/seeds

  20. 1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

    I never pegged waiver as a tsundere. He comes off as too meek for me to even consider the thought. Most male tsunderes are similiar to characters like Fuyuhiko from danganronpa or Takumi from my understanding. I thought the resident tsundere of fate was Rin cause yeah. I mean I love waiver probably my favorite character in Fate/zero but I never though of him as a tsundere cause when I think tsundere in Fate I think Rin Tohsaka.

    I do overall agree though that the archetype is very hit or miss. As many others have said this archetype is just kind of filled to the brim with really shitty characters that are just there to fill a fetish quota but when done well this archetype can lead to some of the most complex characters I've seen in fiction. I mean there's a reason I like Severa so much and it isn't solely because of my aforementioned love of the archetype but rather that she is a complex character that just so happens to be a part of that archetype.

    Waver is pretty Tsundere, at least during Fate/Zero (he mellows out on it a bit afterward, though it still occasionally shows itself with Reines and Flat when they annoy him).  It's probably most notable in his and Iskandar's drama CD though, where some of the stuff he says to Taiga and Iskandar is like, the most textbook tsundere things in existence.

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