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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. Gamer7625


    NICE!! I expected some of that but very nice.
  2. Gamer7625


    Sorry for the first impressions of us. Welcome!
  3. Noticed that I joined before Roxas (finally someone did lol!)
  4. Doesn't have a Brawler card on display anyway... (My sig is going to change once I get an order in)
  5. Lol! think my cousin would like to see this. She's a gymnist and (to my knowledge) is a Shawn Jonhson fan

  6. Noticed what Jonathan noticed. (Lols at Vincent's presence)
  7. (Double I know but just noticed it) Ypu lost your friend adds...

  8. Whats with the Avatar change?

  9. Is thinking stuff I never really thought about. (not bad though lol!)
  10. Is Tana Fanboy! (I never knew that cool.)
  11. Gamer7625


    Yeah I got bored and decided to read the chapters from where the English Manga left off so I read from 413-453. Lol! Okay I pretty much like what happened really. There were good fights and stuff like that. I just hope Danzo dies soon. Sasuke will probably do it then Naruto and Sasuke will see each other Taka will flee Kisame will get 8 tails then I have no clue. Just guesses. I also liked Zetsu being able to split himself up into his two halves it fits and would be a good defensive/offensive move. I was a bit shocked I never expected Kisame to last so long when he was first introduced but he grew on me and I heard he had the most Chakra of all the Akatsuki I knew he would be there for a long time. He is now one of my favorite Akatsuki ranking fourth for me . EDIT: I never expected Konahamru to have Rasengan!! The Shadow Dopplegangers maybe but never the Rasengan!!!
  12. Um Soren is the best mage in the game... In my opinion that is. I have also heard a lot of people say he is also. I always use Soren and no one has really given me TOO much trouble for using him. Most arguments are that Endgame enemies have high Res. I just say Soren has Adept AND Flare! Most of them would shut up after that...
  13. How is she in this game? I have heard some people say she's crap but I notice a lot of people using her. Any advice cause I'm thinking of trying her out now.
  14. DAMN!! Michael Jackson, Fawscet(I can't spell the name well but i know who she is) and Billy... Not good at all. May all three of them RIP. Poor families and fans of the three of them. Michael was the most commented one though with his music and the fact it looked VERY much like the Elvis death he was even married to his daughter. But I never saw Billy dying damn...Oxy Clean will never be the same (no one be mad I said that...)
  15. He mostly does normal mode. He was the one that said they were the best team as well. Finally he is working on a hard mode play (for about a year now...)
  16. Really. They only use Greil Mercs or rather people that join in their chapters. Here is what I have gotten is their team... Required Reyson Boyd Nephenee Mia Rhys Rolf Shinon Titania Tibarn Haar Soren They occasionally use Elincia, Gatrie, they have used Zihark and Pelleas like once. I have tried to get them to use people like Nolan but they say Boyd is better without even trying Nolan. What I love most is that they use two Archers because he just loves to use them both since they are so strong. I have no clue what weapons they give them though. They use them becasue they are the "best team" and their Part 4 starting teams are mostly Greil Mercs on one team making Micaiah's path VERY hard. They like how easy Ike's chapters which is another reason they use them mostly. Do you think this is a good way to play the game or cheap (or whatever word you want to use)?
  17. I couldn't find the official One Piece topic so I decided to make a topic for a few of my questions. Which episode does the CP9 arc start on? What I mean is what episode is Robbin kidnapped (or when do they meet Lucci if that happens first)? I am currently watching the show but I wasn't for a good time and some friends told me all that had happened form Eneru through Thriller Bark. I started watching from when they met the Light Admiral (I forget his name) and have just seen Kuma make Luffy's crew "fly" now they have are on an island and aren't all together and don't fully know one another... I'm so confused right now but I was wanting to see the CP9 arc so I could know what FULLY happened in the so called best arc in One Piece yet!
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