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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. General Spoon? If so then I was! It's me Gamer 7625 if you needed to know...
  2. Creepy! (I was going to say that but kept getting stopped)
  3. Likes Mario and Luigi (I was ninja'd again)
  4. Used same thing twice to describe me.
  5. You are Roxas!! I added you when yuo were Ryuzaki.

  6. Thank you! I have wanted to change my title!
  7. Annoying how we have to readd friends.

  8. Happy Birthday!!

  9. Since we're back (even though we lost all that data) I figured I would do this. List the Akatsuki form strongest to weakest (your opinion). Then list them on how you like them. 1 being the highest of course. STRONGEST: 1)Tobi/Madara 2)Kisame-He does have the highest Chakra of all the Akatsuki. He can also make his own pool of water for his water Jutsu. Add in his skil with a blade and how he is Tobi's friend. He can't be weak just never tried hard. 3)Itachi-If he hadn't held back on Sasuke he WOULD have won. Hell he could have killed most people! 4)Pein 5)Kakuzu-He is very smart and deadly. Kakashi almost dies to him which is why he goes lower then Pein since he did kill Kakashi... 6)Sasori-Deidara did say Sasori was stronger then he was. 7)Deidara 8)Konoan-I don;t knwo why I just get that feeling that she is pretty good. 9)Hidan-The only real think Hidan has going for him is his Immortality. Hidan said it himself he is the slowest of the Akatsuki and he has the worst aim. Plus he seems kind of stupid... 10)Zetsu-I know we haven't seen him fight but his skills seem as though he is only really good at spying. This could change once we see him fight but for now that is where I put him. FAVORITES: 1)Kakuzu 2)Itachi 3)Sasori 4)Hidan 5)Kisame 6)Tobi (Not Madara. I haven't seen enough of him to put him here yet) 7)Deidara-WOuld be higher but I like others better... 8)Zetsu 9)Konan-We don't see her enough. 10)Pein-Kills way to many people then half of them come back to life?
  10. Fuck! I had some good points lost! As well as some friend adds! I also had to rechange my name. Oh well no big deal I guess. I'll have to make it up though. Jyosua it really isn't your fault it's the hackers for doing this. I mean they even caused a man to commit suicide. You can't blame yourself for that. At least we're back up!
  11. Well actualy I can kind of build the team but I don't know if the moves are good. Also I don't know the whole EVs and stuff so if thats a problem I apologize.

  12. Nice youtube battle. By any chance may you help me with my team?

  13. Thanks I was wondering. Take your time no need to rush art.

  14. I would have it but I don't have any of its consoles. :(
  15. Yeah I usualy wait till the chapter were we fight Valtner and Calleuch(Spelling may be off) since most of my men are pretty good leveled by then. Some may go on the chapter were we get Cormag. Thats when I usualy Class Change my men. But okay I will take that advice. Now what about my teams supports?
  16. I want any good specs for any Fire Emblem and Bleach charecters people have created. INclude Class and Jobs weapons if they have to have a certain weapon or if you want to. I don't have Soul Caliber 4 so no one say anything about that.
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