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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. You seem to always say that on this Forum. Maybe you should be banned since you keep dping that and I am sure people are annoyed by that.
  2. Hey Mushasi I got the Pennsylvania Admin as a friend!

  3. Okay here is a revised Class Chart... Eirika Ephraim Tana-Falcon KNight Arthur-Bishop Seth Ross-Pirate-Berserker Gerik-Hero Joshua-Swordmaster Natasha-Bishop Franz-Paladen Colm-Rogue Lute-Mage Knight The Ross not Berserker if we use Colm is a bit dumb personally I mean we get a Master Seal for Colm. Also what level should I Class Change my men at? Finally how are the Support Chains? If you need me to list them I'll try my best with them.
  4. Yeah after watching Code Geass and Death Note last night on Adult Swim Code Geass has my vote. For all of the reasons above also Kallen....Need I say more?
  5. Can't you get it from someone in Chapter 9?
  6. For the no swords vs swords axe users will kill her thing they do have Axecreavers(Spelling?) I mean all I would have to do is not have her near Swordsmen then for one turn and she can get a second move so I can move her back.
  7. Natasha I can live with as a Bishop and since I have her paired with Joshua and all. But someone seriously tell me the reason Tana should be a Falcon KNight instead of a Wyveren. As for Lute I have herd confliction reports about what she should become but movement may better suit her I am not really sure.
  8. Fire Emblem Planet? No the only other website I have an account on is Gamefaqs.
  9. Yeah I really did not want to do tihs but I decided I would. I have been here a few weeks now and all not a month so I still can do this. I (odviously) love Fire Emblem favorite is RD(Radiant Dawn just in case). I got introdiced to it by some friends they kept talking about a Gamecube game they decided to buy and kept talking about it over and over again and it really intressted me so I decided to buy it now Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn have become my favorite games pretty much. My favorite non FE game Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. Favorite Anime Code Geass/Death Note. Anything else you like to know about me just ask.
  10. Ah Lord Glenn you may want to check your pending approval of friends list...

  11. When are these two coming out in English? I herd FMA2 is coming to Japan in April and was wondering and I have ben waiting to see Naruto for a while. I really don't want to watch them in Japenese even with subtitles I don't know why.
  12. Really any height is okay with me. I said medium because their are usually the most "even" in everything if you know what I mean. I mean all of them have their advantages short girls are cute and make up for their height with breast size usually. Medium girls are just even in everything and most girls I have seen are medium height and about 77% of them aren't small chested. Tall girls are TALL I really don't know how I can describe them. If they are taller then me I don't care really I'm about 5'4-5'5 myself so yeah it doesn't matter how tall/short they are.
  13. Both shows are great and I was just wondering what you people thought which was better. Its a very hard choice for me personally. Death Note-Great drama, great suspence, AMAZING storyline, great charecters. The Manga is a bit better then the show by how it ended but the show brings out the darkness in the show the lighting look darker and awsome. Code Geass-Pretty much the same as Death Note except a bit less. The lighting is lighter but still good. The drama is probobly close to Death Notes in ways. Code Geass does have fighting in it which kind of evens it up in the categories Death Note leads in. Plus its longer then Death Note in show. Honestly I still can't decide but I'll put my vote in soon after some thought.
  14. Yeah I just wanted to know how my team is doing with the revision. I want to make a support chain so most/all of my men have supports. Eirika Ephraim Tana-Wyvern Knight(Why would she be better as a Falcon Knight. Since all the argument I've herd says Falcon Knight.) Arthur-Bishop Seth Ross-Pirate-Berserker(Wondering if I should make him a Hero and go the Fighter path) Gerik-Hero Joshua-Swordmaster Natasha-Valkerie(Not sure if I should make her a Bishop with Arthur and all) Franz-Paladen Colm-Rogue(Assasin loses the Lockpick ability right?) Lute-Mage Knight Also when is the best time to Class Change my units? Honestly I'm not fully sure of all of my mens supports here.
  15. Ah well then I guess you will see it.

  16. I thought you would. Wait till you see what Princess Kilvas is making for me...Byw thanks for adding me as a friend.

  17. So is this revised list better? I want good Supports for my men. Eirika Ephraim Tana-Whyveren Knight(Tana is quite powerful and in my last playthrough she got my #1 kills lol! Why would Falcon Knight be better on her?) Arthur-Bishop Franz-Paliden. Ross-Pirate-Berserker Gerik-Hero Joshua-Swordmaster Natasha-Valkerie Seth Colm-Rogue(Would make him an Assasin but wouldn't he lose his Lockpicking and Stealing powers forcing me to continue to use Lockpicks?) Lute-Mage Knight A Support Erika+Seth Ephraim+Tana Arthur+Lute(I think they have a support) (Franz may not have an A support) Ross+Gerik Joshua+Natasha Colm-No A Support (In fact I don't think he has any supports here) B Supports Eirika+Ephraim Seth+Franz Natasha+Franz Joshua+Gerik
  18. Lol. All Hail Emperor Lelouch! Zero is the Terrorist of Justice!

  19. Looked at some og your drawings and if I may ask may you make me a drawing?

  20. Well picture and Signature. And yes I'm a Code Geass fan.

  21. I don't think she sucks but some people may think that way. I can see Sigrun having it but we didn't have her in the last game so I was basing it off of that. Part 4 okay just have it unavaliable or something or maybe they were strong enough to be unstoned I mean Callil's daughter was. But in ways they did make up for it she does have better HP then PoR I don't think my Tanith ever had above 40 HP.
  22. I think she should have kept that skill I mean it made her unique it would count for 0 of her Skill count and made 3-12 harder for Micaiah and more fun (Also easier to beat in ways more men attacking=quicker chapter and more EXP).
  23. Vantage+Adept is better personally also no matter which range the enemy attacks Soren close or long Soren will attack first. Neph needs Adept compaired to Tanith plus the fact Tanith would have to lose Rienforce to get Adept. Ike needs Aether its the best skill in the game and Mia needs my Wrath skill.
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