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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. Well I'm in Part 4 now my onlu problem is with Ilyana...she is 4 levels higher than Calil and she had only 2 more magic than her, I had given her a Spirit Dust in part 1 so really she'd be equal! I gave her the Spriit Dust from 3-9 also but her speed bugged me, it was 17 for like 7 levels damn! Though she is pretty good her and Heather make a nice tag team lol. Mist is doing nicely getting final kills alot along with heather and Ilyana. Titania is great for my team really helping in kills, Mia and Nehp are very good as well. Kill and Marcia are pretty nice each with Adept almost auusring kills, ELincia is as always very good with Amiti, Micaiah is doing nicely she loved all the Laguz in part three with her Paragon and Discipline.
  2. I said I was going to use male characters if I had too, I will have to use BK for that chapter however for Jarod I will probably have him be a sheild for Micaiah to gain last minute EXP
  3. I have been thinking and I think I have a skill set up feel free to comment on anything... 1)Ilyana-Flare, Shade, Cancel Cancel adds even more defense if she attacks the enemy and incase they can double her (providing Shade doesn't work) 2)Jill-Stun, Adept Makes Jill's somewhat messed up attack better... 3)Elincia-Stun, Vantage, Cancel Mostly to make her very annoying and I always laugh at how it van really work. 4)Marcia-Stun, Adept Same as with Jill... 5)Nephenee-Impale, Wrath, Adept Makes her a real beast especially in Endgame 6)Heather-Bane, Shade, Gamble She doesn't want to get attacked too often so Shade keeps her safe and Gamble should help her get kills. Never used her before so I'm not sure if these are best with her. 7)Calil-Flare Hard to think of something for her... I do plan on raising her up a lot so Discipline and Paragon aren't needed for her really. 8)Titania-Sol, Nihil So she can help with the barriers. 9)Mia-Astra, Vantage, Wrath Idk just somethin I've always loved on her. 10)Mist-Sol, Pavise Defense...
  4. I was going to give her Adept for a little bit but I wasn't sure if she needed it for later chapters, she never seems to have really for me anyways.
  5. I'm going to use Laura when I need to probably class change her once idk we'll have to see what happens. Fiona...I have never used her because every chapter her movement is reduced making her even worse. It seems her only worthwile stat is magic... In Part 1 and 3 Sothe and Volug will help a little trying not to do too much but they will be used if I need them.
  6. Ok so based on responces here are the characters Iam thinking of using... (including forced people who I actualy am going to invest in) Ike-Aether, Nihil Micaiah-Corona, Miracle, Paragon Ena-Ire, Resolve I hope that can fix her STR problems...idk if i should really use her or not still wondering... Sanaki-Flare, Stillness Leanne-Celerity, Miracle Those sets are going to stay unless I hear something otherwise, the other character idk exactly what they should have so I'll only list Master skills and innate skills i think they should keep 1)Ilyana-Flare, Shade 2)Jill-Stun 3)Elincia-Stun 4)Marcia-Stun 5)Nephenee-Impale, Wrath 6)Heather-Bane 7)Calil-Flare 8)Titania-Sol 9)Mia-Astra, Vantage 10)Mist-Sol
  7. Um ok I'll give a little more detail on my intentions... Normal Mode I will use Ike like normal I am going to be using Mia, Neph, Titania, Ilyana, and Jill for sure. Stat Boosters will go to my female characters I'm going to be using male characters when needed but focusing on the female ones I want to train up Idk about Laura...the whole frailness and no magic till class change always bugs me with her and she's gone for so long
  8. Best archer ever!! *adds*

  9. I finished my PoR female play and really enjoyed it so I deicded I would do one for RD, only trouble is idk who exacly to use...any and all advice is appreciated. I will make a list once i get advice. I will be gone for a few days starting tomorrow don't know exactly when I'm leaving but when I come back I'll read new posts and unless I get a lot of info, make the list then. Thanks to anyone who gives advice!
  10. well this is my final week of school thank god! Going to be a Junior soon lol

  11. Luckily this is Finals so I get to relax afterwords

  12. Pretty good overall. You?

  13. Hey long time no speak lol

  14. Lol I odn't mind. Hey!

  15. They were going absolutely fantastic for awhile then was the worst time ever, now it's ok I guess haha. How about you?

  16. hey it's been awhile

  17. Thank you for the responce. It is Latias I'm using. I may change Recover back to Surf after what you said. My friends I will be battling the only ghost type I see as a possibility is Gengar and the one who will likes Hypnosis+Dream Eater so I would use heatran as a sleep absorber so Gengar isn't trouble really. I should use Flamethrower shouldn't I for heatran? Lol that will be changed. Agility is an interesting option I may think of. Do you think it and DD would be good with the switching I will have to do??? And thanks for posting the chart. I was wanting to use it but didn't know if I could, I used that site when building it to try and cover my weaknesses pretty well. :D Maybe I should go into my friends and what they could possibly use... One of them loves powerful Pokemon and only uses attacks doesn't care about anything else but attacks. Loves Dragons and other powerhouses (normally has all three starters for generation and ultimate attacks) His brother actually is harder he builds his teams more and will use other attacks (stealth rock etc) he uses strategy and tactics though he won't build his team to cover each other he will obviously have some coverage depending on what he uses. he likes to train multiple Pokemon at once and use whatever he wants a s a team. My other friend uses a normal balanced ingame team nothing special...
  18. least i still have some contact with people I know from Gamefaqs haha

  19. lol thanks Killer!

  20. Thanks for the responce. I'm gonna change his Flamethrower to Fire Fang guess in the long run it's probably more damage. Dragon Dance would be great but since I'm switching so much I don't want him to always have to set up getting hurt. His nature changes to Jolly then. I found out we can get a Beldum in SoulSilver so I can make a new one! I decided Brick Break for it's last move and it's Nature is Impish (in case you aren't looking at my changes above) Latias will have Recover...
  21. Gamer7625

    Team Help?

    Me and my friends are gonna battle in awhile we agreed on our guys to be level 60. I want a good team (as they have gotten more into team building as I have) that can be very good it's not a competitive team but I still want a good team for casual play. It revolves around Salamence and I think it it very good though i want opinions... Infernape-Focus Sash Nature: Naive Ability: Blaze Stealth Rock Flamethrower Close Combat Fake Out My lead in Pokemon starts with Fake Out then can choose to use rocks or something else. Naive nature for speed and allowing Focus Sash to activate easier for Blaze guarantee. Not much to say he is more of a suicide... Forretress-Leftovers Nature: Relaxed Ability: Sturdy Spikes Protect Rapid Spin Gyro Ball Spiker! Protect to allow him to hopefully keep his HP up. Relaxed nature helps Gyro Ball damage as he gets slower for more defense. I know my friends will use Stealth Rock so I needed a Spinner and he resists it and is pretty good for a lure for Heatran. Salamence-Life Orb Nature: Jolly Ability: Intimidate Earthquake Dragon Claw Fire Fang Roost My teams main Pokemon! With Spikes and Stealth Rock I didn't think Dragon Dance was needed so I gave him Fire Fang for perfect coverage with Dragon Claw and EQ. He is paired up with Metagross Latias and Heatran quite well I can pick and choose which to use and make adjustments in attack and defense. Dragon Claw for STAB, Earthquake for coverage and power, and Fire Fang for what the other moves don't cover. Roost for healing and a good thing with Life Orb. Metagross-Muscle Band Nature: Impish Ability: Clear Body Meteor Mash Ice Punch Thunder Punch Brick Break Meteor Mash for STAB Ice Punch and Thunder Punch for great coverage able to beating rock types he may switch into with Salamence and Thunder Punch for annoying types (Gyrados is a possibility. His last move I'm not fully sure. Brick Break can be good for Ice types and T-Tar (another possibility) but Bullet Punch has priority... Me and my friends don't like Choice items so I figured Muscle band would give me a boost and I wouldn't be locked in. Heatran-Leftovers Nature: Modest Ability: Flash Fire Flamethrower Dragon Pulse Rest Sleep Talk He can take sleep, not only cuz there is a chance for a sleep user but also it helps him survive. He comes in for Fire weaknesses and other weaknesses and then hits hard. No Earth Power cuz he learns it too late for when we want to first battle I settled on Dragon Pulse. Flamethrower for obvious STAB. Latias-Leftovers Nature: Hardy (caught him like that before I cared) Ability: Levatate Wish Protect Surf Dragon Pulse Wish support! Can be used in interesting ways with Salamence and is a good Special Tank. Protect allows Wish and leftovers to have time (obviously may not always pass wish) Dragon Pulse for STAB Surf for added type coverage.
  22. If you're talking about the Endgame Generals I figured it was due to them being blessed by Ashura...
  23. Yes I am lol. I had to restart it cuz Ike was getting Str screwed so I gave him the Fighter's Band. I am on chapter 6 so I am SOO close to getting Mia which makes me happy haha.

  24. yeah sorry haha got distracted with other things...

  25. Thanks for the birthday wish!

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