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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. tfw you realize this is the first time vincent has answered one of your questions what thanks wow ok this is all i needed
  2. Copy data into an extra sd card slot and delete it from the cartridge slot and see what happens when she saves over it? + hope I can still access my revelations file when I put the cartridge back on my own 3ds? spooky scary risky sad mad bad
  3. ship them to me and let me build my own Brazilian bootleg instead of gaming on a macbook as I have been for the past eight years.
  4. yeah what a fuk it's ok, i got an interview for Rutgers RWJMS today so i'm pretty hap hap
  5. if TE reaches 100,000 posts in this thread, will we all finally be free
  6. as far as I know my dad just sets up a thing where the lights will automatically go on between certain hours when no one's home to deter people from breaking in but we live in upper-middle class white washed suburbia so i feel like it's a total waste of time like he could've funneled that money into me not getting into drugs or something idk but apparently people breaking into your home is a bigger problem than fighting the war on drugs that are slowly corrupting households in our district
  7. tbh I was the 22nd highest out of 33 and that was actually the first time I've been ranked in a class since middle school and it made me sad tbt to middle school when I could shitpost on the fe4thread all day and still get into hotchkiss w0 w omg that post was dripping with sincerity omg omg My cousin went to uchicago and did a year abroad in Syria writing for his thesis (before uchicago got weak and made the thesis an optional requirement for history/journalism majors in order to renew undergraduate interest in the department) and tbh i'm pretty sure he almost died like three times then again this was at least a few years ago so maybe it wasn't that bad but honestly i cant even keep track of the middle east post-arab spring anymore whoops
  8. oh wait right you're the one who's actually helpful and provides sound advice unlike everyone else hey so I'm three rejections in right now and I haven't heard from 22/25 of my schools yet even though I literally submitted my AMCAS/secondaries as soon as I could what do I do about this giant pit in my stomach ;~; lol 8am get outta here
  9. yeah same tbh or are we all just yeah same tbh
  10. tfw you change your profile picture to something so fire mumu can't help but drop the facebook like
  11. i got a 68 on my first grad inorganic midterm currently pulling an all-nighter for a pchem exam tomorrow but the new bts album dropped over the weekend and ive been listening to that nonstop so that's pretty great hows my late night club doing
  12. hi friends guess who's dead and hollow inside
  14. Back to school >_< Let the final year of undergraduate commence
  15. I haven't seen hype die down this quickly since Federation Force was announced.
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