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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Roxas x Rei is a totally valid ship, just saying.
  2. It's valid but it also places a lot of faith in how 18/19-year-olds meet each other: "Wow wasn't that an interesting discussion on Freytag's principles of the drama? Hey [fellow student], what do you think of what Freytag offers as a contemporary update on the principles of Aristotle’s Poetics? I think, he offers more to the discussion in terms of story structure, rather than the tropes and archetypes that Aristotle offers in the Poetics, most obviously seen in the construction of the Five Parts and Three Crises of the Drama, where Freytag’s pyramid attempts the sweeping task of discussion story structure as a whole instead of characters and story elements as seen above. Let's continue this conversation over lunch!" versus "Literally fuck [professor] and his stupid fucking tests I hope he dies in a fire like hey [fellow student] did you not understand anything on that quiz? what the FUCK. Do you want to drink your sorrows with us and maybe study for the next one together?" Ok you don't have to be such a massive dick about it you you kagsucker. what does that mean anyway
  3. Also join a fraternity, seriously. Assuming your school does spring rush, I'm pretty sure nobody will bat an eye at a sophomore rushing. >https://www.reddit.com/r/Frat/comments/2t3spo/my_brutally_honest_guide_to_rushing/ It's usually the crucible nature of STEM classes that bond people together. Not to generalize about humanities classes, but they usually don't have competitive class scaling or the ruthless premeds. 4 out of 4 people living in my apartment bonded over our school's freshman honors organic chemistry three years ago LOL.
  4. Also didn't this come out last year??
  5. I would pay for an OldMan headpat
  6. Freshman year roommates/suitemates are rarely friendships that last throughout the rest of your undergrad career. Just play nice with them and don't get into any dumb shit and bid them farewell at the end of the year and hope that they wave back when you randomly run into them on your way to your next class two years later. Also git gud (looking)
  7. Doesn't superstar saga have an entire chapter about this.
  8. to be fair big bang has been around for ten years and they only have three full albums lol I think kpop marketing culture shifts towards releasing one EP a year and having a "comeback" every year, even if you're coming back from nothing?????? seolhyun maneuvering through security lasers/10 I FEEL BLESSED
  9. that's when you nope.jpeg right out of there
  10. o wow I didn't even realize you started it. I thought that it was Bal for some reason. its okay mine was like five pages and pretty shit anyway :>
  11. o are you dying in the med school interview process too??????/
  12. wait what did you put peppermint vodka in your eggnog??????????????????????/
  13. post-christmas shits hmmMMmm HOOOOOO
  14. his pink suit and hair and stupid big orange glasses are too much for me rn send help
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