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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Hi friends what's up more importantly has dio come back yet
  2. lord help me Binging with Babish and Cocktail Chemistry did a breakfast food and booze collab and I'm starving now
  3. Hasn't this been the story for almost a decade now?
  4. lmao who the fuck let me get to 22
  5. Not rerolling tbh Took me three rolls (60 orbs??) to get my first 5 stars (hector and boobufestu back to back)
  6. Upgrade is balls so far Even though I've said this about pretty much every IPB update BRING BACK POSTCOUNT DOTS
  7. flight delayed by 3 hours... ripperoooo
  8. I thought it was just one punch man with hair??
  9. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ikombTZCPq i tried to make it more clear that it was a short u by splitting it up from the hyun, not emphasize the h oops
  10. what about ジーヒョン tho? gee-hy-uh-n Same Except i came home before 10pm because i have a sad life
  11. Freytag discusses the laws according to which great plays are composed, supplementing the rules of Aristotle’s Poetics and referring to the works of Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe, and Schiller. He proposes that the events of the drama must be selected for dramatic effectiveness: there must be a link between emotion, character, and action, with the events proceeding directly from choices characters make that reflect their deepest inner feelings and conflicts: nothing casual, nothing incidental can drive the drama; Freytag’s drama is character-centered and action-driven, with action that can be seen and heard onstage (not limited to purely internal changes). He emphasizes the necessity of probability, magnitude, and progressive interest in the actions chosen, and discusses the nature of the “κάθαρσις” or emotional renewal effected by tragedy—the action must build to a deeply-felt climax. "In every part of the drama, both tendencies of dramatic life appear, each incessantly challenging the other to its best in play and counterplay; but in general, also, the action of the drama and the grouping of characters is, through these tendencies, in two parts . . . In an action, through characters, by means of words, tones, gestures, the drama presents those soul-processes which man experience, from the flashing up of an idea, to passionate desire and to a deed, as well as those inward emotions which are excited by his own deeds and those of others.”
  12. theater studies majors senior seminar: aesthetics and criticism, fall 2016. death incarnate
  13. pike is a social fraternity you're thinking kappa alpha psi LOL social fraternities are like the ones you immediately think of when you think of greek life and partying and stuff. obviously all of them volunteer and have like workshops and stuff but that's not like the crux of what they do. professional fraternities like kappa alpha psi (business), alpha phi omega (community service), alpha psi omega (theater arts), pi alpha (chemistry graduate students), etc. are co-ed organizations that identify themselves by greek letters and usually have a greater focus that they work towards other than just partying with whatever leftover money they have after their primary events if you're at umass lowell, your MALES thing (according to this website i found lol) sounds like the latter
  14. omg that was smoother than everything Esme has said to me times twenty
  15. Yes basically they are social clubs with alumni who do nice things for you. You don't have to dedicate your student existence to them. You can put in as little or as much work as you want to put into your fraternity. tbh I don't want to write too much about this rn because I'm really not in the mood. Just don't be a dick about fraternity men or the lifestyle if you haven't been part of that crucible or are absolutely unwilling to educate yourself in the proper avenues. fuck i thought it was scottish tbh I'm a kagsucker
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