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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. not even the birthday 5-pull could get me an ayra tho
  2. i've celebrated 9 birthdays with this thread hECK
  3. I knew it was over when yodel had 43 hp
  4. Definitely have been going the refurbished/used route with most of my amazon purchases since college. Actually, most of the PS4/3DS games I own are used copies. As long as they work fine, I don't see anything wrong with getting it for maybe 60% of the price.
  5. Holy shit we were on the second page lol
  6. i minmaxed the shit (i.e. with limit breaker) my Morgan in awakening by marrying my Lon'qu!Brady and going ham with inheritance (RIP fates galeforce nerf)... but granted i literally did this with every other child unit in the game and running that busted af Sage + General combination. also my girlfriend saved over that file sad times
  7. It is, but Blazing Sword (FE7) was the first to be released in the West, so to introduce newcomers to the series they introduced a 10-chapter prologue to the mechanics of the Fire Emblem games, as well has giving it a much easier difficulty curve. Once you beat the game, you are offered the option of replaying on hard mode and from another main character's perspective (also with its own hard mode), so there's still a challenge there if you're not too eager to hop back onto Binding Blade. And it's nice to establish some characters and world-building by going through FE7, since the story was designed as a prequel to FE6, so there are some nice things you'll pick up on after the 20-year timeskip. Nice chart from like who knows how long ago here: https://serenesforest.net/general/binding-blade-blazing-sword-relations/ (obviously you probably don't need to read this right now) And as Jave said above, Sacred Stones (FE8) is its own game, with a much easier Easy mode (in addition to normal and hard) and two routes for replayability. Since it's a totally different story from FE6 and FE7, you could start with that. edit: also to answer the greater question of "how important losing someone is / stressing yourself out to finish the game with everyone vs. keeping a solid few." The answer is always going to be just use the units that you like. The GBA games have fairly large rosters, and you will never be in a position to use all of them after the first introductory levels of each game. There is no reward for finishing the game with all recruitable characters. In some games (i.e. FE6/7) it's actually impossible to collect them all just because of route splits, and therefore some units will never appear as part of the story. Train the units you want to train. Try to keep those ones alive and build their supports to enjoy their story and character (Yes, FE6 does have some crap units that are pretty much a waste to give experience to, but that's beside the point), but maybe don't go ham on hard resetting if you keep losing on one mage or thief during your early experiences with the series. You will always get somebody to replace them.
  8. omg yeah happy new years thread
  9. I mean it's been a running gag for... how long now??
  10. ::thinking:: Yeah, pretty accurate HAPPY CONSUMERISM DAY (wait remind me why we didn't have team green/team red this year)
  11. So basically Inflation without the Inflation?
  12. actually guys im going through the folder rn and i just now realized I wasted way too much of my adolescence here.
  14. You're the new OldMan, old man. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
  15. You're the new OldMan, old man. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
  16. I'm a fan of the original weapon triangle + bows, alongside the light > dark > anima (wind > thunder > fire > wind) > light triangle.
  17. :'( let's try to make it to 10. For the OldMan.
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