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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. update three years later: recent events have led me to conclude that my SAT score meant nothing and I am currently getting fucked at my second-tier university ganbatte high schoolers the real tatakai is about to hajimeru
  2. Percentile wise it's 93% so it converts to like a 34/35 omg but i did shit in biochem/orgo but i hate math awoefjasndlkfahowefajsdf its over
  3. Did you get a BS or BA in chem? Did you get wrecked by p chem? I'm scared for p chem am i going to get wrecked by p chem how do i do p chem
  4. I already took the mcat in January I got a 514 lol the only thing that's holding me back from easy breezin into med school is my 3.5 GPA tbh
  5. wait don't you go to stony brook too wait don't you graduate this year wait we're old
  6. I got a B- because I'm ass at orgo But I got A's in both organometallic and inorganic, so I guess I'm good at orgo things that aren't orgo???????????? or maybe it's because i didn't fully understand electron pushing until after I took the class
  7. If I'm not a shota anymore does that mean I outgrew my Deu blood
  8. Online, anyway. also i started shaving last year
  9. It was before I transferred to boarding school, so it had to be when I was 14 or 15 by april 2010. Still that was six years ago, who woulda thunk i'd continue to be shitposting to this day urban terror too holyshit
  10. hey man i still remember when I was 14 and we'd play SF3 together and I would always desync with you because my dad would walk by and I had to alt-tab the fuck out of there and now i'm doing the same thing just with h games i mean what
  11. yeah but I mean like wtf we made it to our 20's here
  12. wow 22 we're both adults wtf
  13. okay don't pull a roxas man
  14. omfg litten is a lit kitten fucking fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji
  15. I main mermaid you goof :^)
  16. idk I usually just play to Gold V every season (for like the past three years lol) and then quit once school starts back up and play only intermittently but I haven't really been playing leeg that much this year so I feel like I'm going to be stuck in s3 for a while :c
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