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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Meh. I can never get him past lv 15-ish by chapter 5 anyway.
  2. ...teehee.

    I'm an obsessed little kid when it comes to KH. :P

  3. Say you have a weapon that has a secondary effect besides attacking (i.e. Parthia, Sword of Seals, etc.) If you give it to a unit who CANNOT use the weapon, can they use the secondary effect? Example: If I give the Parthia to a Paladin Abel, can he still boost his res +7 with it? Another one: If I give the Sword of Seals to Lugh, can he still heal his hp with it?

    Why you gotta mess up America's free enterprise system?

    y u gotta do tat amethyst? D:


  6. Eh. When I first joined, I made a topic about making Colm a rogue or assassin and I spelled it like rouge too. XD [/derail] kay sorry. :P
  7. Roxas


    It has been established that Drifloon > Churuya.
  8. meh. Your sig looks like somebody from Yakitate!! Japan. not VC. BLAH.

  9. Meh. Rayquaza doesn't strike the 'TOTAL PWNING AWESOMENESS LEGENDARY' type compared to the others. :/
  10. ...:P

    jk lol.

  11. Hey there~ *waves back*
  12. Romanji is for nubs. D:

    At least make an attempt to write it in Katakana. :P

  13. I dunno, but it's possible to get Dialga/Palkia/Giratina in this game as well. First, you have to get a special Arceus from an event. Then, Cynthia from D/P/P comes to you and tells you that Arceus is teh god and can creates more pokemans. You pick from a LEVEL ONE Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina. The end.
  14. Because its really cool to say Lux Aertena in Japanese. ;)

  15. ...Actually, yeah. i'm hoping for some more Fe8 stuff. It was pretty half-assed, and the only game in the series that didn't fit on the same continent for more than one game. Fe 1, 2, 3, + 11 = Archanea Fe 4 + 5 = Jugdral Fe 6 + 7 = Elibe Fe 9 + 10 = Tellius SACRED STONES IS A LONER! :(
  16. Roxas


    Eh. Classic Rock/Alternative/K-pop (bleh)
  17. Nah. I'm pretty sure Ultralisks now have, like, 4 tusks or something... Is it teh queen?
  18. I seriously want my Fe4 remake NAO. ...and we have like 5 of these topics within a month or so... o_o
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