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Discuss this awesome character. He makes Part 3 much easier (easier than easy anyway). He's pretty much needed to get the extra items, like stopping the Senators or helping Heather get the Energy Drop from that boss in the siege chapter. He wields Axes, has great movement, has Canto, can fly, and has great stats in everything but RES. If there was a broken non-Ike, non-Laguz Royal unit, he'd be it.

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Haar is the second coming of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, except he owns even more than all of them combined because he has a fucking DRAGON.

Oh and you can give him Nullify to erase his major weakness: he can use it for the longest time too, tied with those present in 3-2, but Thunder magic and Wyrmslayers are more common than Hammers or Knightkillers.

Finally let's not forget he actually gets a girl who is about half his age.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Although Jill does > Haar due to average-wise, I find him more useful just because you don't have to train Jill mainly I use him more as a tank.

Jill doesn't even compare to Haar since her caps are inferior and her is availability is much worse than Haar. Haar is overrated, but being among the best characters in the game will make you overrated.

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Jill doesn't even compare to Haar since her caps are inferior and her is availability is much worse than Haar. Haar is overrated, but being among the best characters in the game will make you overrated.

Heh, her caps are better simply because of that 35 Speed. That allows her to double a bigger range of foes. She's not the easiest unit to train with that pitiful strength base and average growth, though. The usual consensus if you want both is to give Jill the Urvan while Haar gets a Brave Axe. If you add Nolan to the list, he can wield the Tarvos with a Dragonfoe boosted Arbalest on switch.

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Jill doesn't even compare to Haar since her caps are inferior and her is availability is much worse than Haar. Haar is overrated, but being among the best characters in the game will make you overrated.

lolno. As CF stated, Jill's caps are much better, especially for endgame.

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His availability is still better. She's only beating him in SPD, RES, and LCK, which IMO aren't as important as HP, STR, and DEF. SPD is a pretty overrated stat. He'll definitely be a better choice for the Dragon chapter, since he can double them anyway and hand out more damage.

Edited by Knife
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His availability is still better. She's only beating him in SPD, RES, and LCK, which IMO aren't as important as HP, STR, DEF. SPD is a pretty overrated stat. He'll definitely be a better choice for the Dargon chapter, since he can double them anyway and hand out more damage.

In the overall scope of the game, Haar > Jill. For endgame, Jill > Haar because of caps. She's dodging more, so less defense and HP isn't a big deal, she doubles much more consistently so she one-rounds more often and the last 2 maps especially are entirely resistance based.

For the dragon chapter specifically, neither is reliably one-rounding anyway, but Jill is more reliably dodging. Speed is the most important stat.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Don't forget his bad speed.

I think he's a bit overrated, but a great character nonetheless.

This. 30 speed growth, 32 speed cap, horrible resistance. I consider him a flying marshall. Same pros and cons except with better mobility. He's awesome and a little overrated.

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In the overall scope of the game, Haar > Jill. For endgame, Jill > Haar because of caps. She's dodging more, so less defense and HP isn't a big deal, she doubles much more consistently so she one-rounds more often and the last 2 maps especially are entirely resistance based.

Wouldn't that make every high-RES user good for Endgame? But yeah, I agree that Jill is better for the last 2 chapters of the game.

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Wouldn't that make every high-RES user good for Endgame? But yeah, I agree that Jill is better for the last 2 chapters of the game.

No, not Saints. The thing is, Jill and Haar are about even for the first 3 maps, Haar perhaps a little better for the dragons (The red ones anyway) and Jill better for the last two. This is why Jill is generally better for endgame. Haar beats her for the rest of the game.

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No, not Saints. The thing is, Jill and Haar are about even for the first 3 maps, Haar perhaps a little better for the dragons (The red ones anyway) and Jill better for the last two. This is why Jill is generally better for endgame. Haar beats her for the rest of the game.

Haar is still better for the last two maps. A Brave Axe can allow him to one-round spirits.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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Harr is invaluable for Part 2. If it wasn't for the thunder mages, nothing could hurt him. And his avoid is high enough that he can dodge half of the thunder attacks. And even if he doesn't, you have Elincia there with the psychic staff, that he gave her!

I personally like Jill better. She has a higher speed cap and growth. And she was my MVP of Por several times. So personally, I like her better than Harr.

However, for most game, when you don't have Harr, you have Jill. (Unless you recruit her to Ike's team, which I usually do.) And both of them are essential units at different parts. So it's safe to say, that despite their individual defficiencies, the Wyverrn Lord class is the most useful.

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His avoid isn't that great. The thunder mages have maybe 50 or 55 hit on him, at least, last I recall.

You recruit Jill to Ike's team? Why... the Dawn Brigade needs her. >_>

-Its enough for him to avoid now and then.

-And because I think it's more of a challenge. And it gives more experience to Jill and Zihark, and forces me to use other members of the Dawn Brigade. So they get more EXP. Like Aran, or Meg, or some other obscure DB character I may feel like using for that specific runthrough.

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-Its enough for him to avoid now and then.
Still unreliable.
-And because I think it's more of a challenge. And it gives more experience to Jill and Zihark, and forces me to use other members of the Dawn Brigade. So they get more EXP. Like Aran, or Meg, or some other obscure DB character I may feel like using for that specific runthrough.
If you want to really challenge yourself, try going through the game without Haar, Sothe, or Nolan. Taking Jill away is relatively minor in comparison to taking the latter two away.
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You recruit Jill to Ike's team? Why... the Dawn Brigade needs her. >_>


Plus, Jill and Zihark will be underleveled when recruited to Ike's team unless you BEXP'd them like crazy. I just keep them with the Fail Brigade.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I'd say if you really want to recruit them, recruit them at the very last chapter of part 3. It doesn't really hurt the DB, though you shouldn't let them near their support partners.

Give a Wind Edge to Zihark and a Javelin or a Hand Axe to Jill to make it easier. Just lure them and recruit them with Mordecai/Lethe and Haar.

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I dunno. I kinda like recruiting Jill and Zihark into Ikes team. Every once in a while I let one of them stay, but I just like doing it more often than not.

It's just my way of doing it.

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