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Co-op FIre Emblem Campaign Ideas?


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Hey. So I woke up this morning with an itch to play some Fire Emblem Co-op with some of my friends. Not like the battle arena from the GBA games or the wifi battles from the DS games. Just playing through any main  campaign of any fire emblem game with multiple players. I've heard users on other forums and such suggest these ideas, and I'd like to ask what you guys think I should do.


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Two game styles I have played on this forum come to mind. First what in the Fire Emblem community is generally called a Relay Game (although other games and their communities have other names for this type of run), where one player completes a chapter (or few chapters), and when done pass the save file on to the next player to complete, who does the same, passing the save file around until the game is completed. The second is a Linked Ironman, where multiple players are playing ironman runs of a Fire Emblem game, but their units are linked, so when a unit dies in one players game, the units they are linked to die int the other players games.

In a way I would say you have terrible timing, as there was someone organizing an FE6 ironman relay, but closed admissions for players on Monday.

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What I've done with some friends is use parsec and an emulator and split control of the army and roster evenly between ourselves, taking turns moving our own units. It's pretty fun, but be warned that coordination can suffer as a result, so be wary of playing games that heavily punish uncoordinated offense. Fates is definitely in the advanced category. Even Birthright Hard can be shockingly difficult if everyone wants to do their own thing.

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This feels like it could work as a dedicated GBA hack. You can use the ally army and make them playable to have two armies for two players and then design maps specifically around two armies working in tandem.

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