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*makes christmas list*

Destiny Hero

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Do you realize how scary this is to anybody who has a brain such as your imaginary self? Any good audio reception is aided best by a visual reception. Whenever I have to do listening assignments for music history, the teacher always tells us to look at the scores as we listen along. It helps the memory issue when we get quizzed on the listening at the end of the week, and it stays with you more. And besides, your wording is innacurate; you don't listen with your eyes, but your ears. Some notes are called audio-visual supplements for a reason.

1. I said I DON'T listen with my eyes.

2. Why would I need to stare at my teacher while they talk? It has never helped me, and it never will.


Debate: I'm athiest, but Christmas is fine. It will continue to be celebrated as such, debate over.

As Creator of this thread, I command you to stop master debating.

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1. I said I DON'T listen with my eyes.

2. Why would I need to stare at my teacher while they talk? It has never helped me, and it never will.


Debate: I'm athiest, but Christmas is fine. It will continue to be celebrated as such, debate over.

As Creator of this thread, I command you to stop master debating.

1. I know you said that you don't listen with your eyes. Your wording referring to eye listening is pretty stupid, though, as you don't even listen with your eyes. It's either your ears, or your heart, but never with your eyes.

2. Have those teachers written anything on that board behind them as they talk? That, my friend, is what you pay attention to. Not the old people wearing the glasses that are probably saying 'I need to get a better job'. You pay attention to the board.

Oh, and being a college student, let me tell you something now; almost all of the time with college lectures you will never get a single piece of notes written on boards unless it's the name of something in a foreign language and a student has to ask how it's spelled. As such, unless you have impeccable audio memory that somehow is not affected by the creation of crappy visual art, you have no way of coming back on track when you miss something important and nobody else will give it to you. And what happens then? You get a bad grade, you fail out of college, and then you have to spend the rest of your life in a low-paying job that you don't like with a bitter housewife and badly behaved children. Think ahead, kid; you're only setting yourself up for failure.

3. It's not your place to tell people when to stop debating. You don't rule the world; stop acting like you are.

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Now, what can I get for games on the PoS3? Shooters and sports? There's also shooters, and a few sports. Did I mention it had shooters? It also has some nice 360 ports, and lots of shooters.

It has a wide variety of titles. Saying that it only has shooters is like saying the Wii only has Mario games.

New video games. That's about pretty much it, probably general stuffs. But I like to keep things to myself of what I want for Christmas.
I don't want any video games.
It's difficult to give specific suggestions, but I'd suggest you look at anything that might do with replacing (or anything you would simply like to have, but that's a given you've already considered) as a starting point. I'm going to ask for a card album; I have one but it's very old and not ideally suited to storing the kinds of cards I'd like to put in it. Alternatively, books are fairly easy requests if there are any particular authors or genres you enjoy. Movies might work as well, but both those two possibilities can be a bit bland as Christmas gifts.

From your opening post I'd guess you enjoy the Legend of Zelda series (unless you're mostly just inspired by the music), would you be interested in a Legend of Zelda shirt or sweatshirt? Hot Topic sometimes has some in stock, I got a neat Link shirt from there a couple of years ago.

If there are any specific manga you'd like to get which aren't available in Shounen Jump, now might be a good opportunity for ask for something like that as well.

1. I don't watch movies.

2. I don't wear cosplay stuff or things with logos (I wear boring things).

3. I'm asking for a Naruto deck (LOTS of cheap cards). The only problem is that Naruto Vs. Sasuke and Moonlight Rasengan are too expensive for me to buy, and I need them for the deck :(

You want something? How about:
  • A Creative mp3 player
  • A digital camera (I prefer one from Olympus)
  • A digital watch, because analogs suck
  • A gir-- *shot*

Just some of my suggestions.

No MP3 player, already have a camera, watches are for squares.

You are impossible. I'd make a suggestion, but it would be pointless since I'd just be talking about something I like and you'd reject it.

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1. I know you said that you don't listen with your eyes. Your wording referring to eye listening is pretty stupid, though, as you don't even listen with your eyes. It's either your ears, or your heart, but never with your eyes.

2. Have those teachers written anything on that board behind them as they talk? That, my friend, is what you pay attention to. Not the old people wearing the glasses that are probably saying 'I need to get a better job'. You pay attention to the board.

Oh, and being a college student, let me tell you something now; almost all of the time with college lectures you will never get a single piece of notes written on boards unless it's the name of something in a foreign language and a student has to ask how it's spelled. As such, unless you have impeccable audio memory that somehow is not affected by the creation of crappy visual art, you have no way of coming back on track when you miss something important and nobody else will give it to you. And what happens then? You get a bad grade, you fail out of college, and then you have to spend the rest of your life in a low-paying job that you don't like with a bitter housewife and badly behaved children. Think ahead, kid; you're only setting yourself up for failure.

3. It's not your place to tell people when to stop debating. You don't rule the world; stop acting like you are.

1. You can't listen with your heart. It doesn't have audio-recepting parts.

2. I don't go to a crappy run-down school, so I have good teachers.

3. It's not like I need to stare at the board all day. Usually I can just glance at the board and know everything on it. I have a great memory and most of the things in every class that go up on the board are things I've known for years, or are incredibly simple.

Last: That's completely irrelevent to this thread.

Okay, nothing about school or the PS3. This thread can die. My final list was:

Naruto cards

Shonen Jump


Ocarina song book (Zelda)

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1. You can't listen with your heart. It doesn't have audio-recepting parts.

2. I don't go to a crappy run-down school, so I have good teachers.

3. It's not like I need to stare at the board all day. Usually I can just glance at the board and know everything on it. I have a great memory and most of the things in every class that go up on the board are things I've known for years, or are incredibly simple.

Last: That's completely irrelevent to this thread.

1. Figure of speech. Use your brain that you claim to have but really don't since you make threads like this.

2. So what if it's not run down? My high school wasn't run down, and yet some people were thinking 'I need to get a job with some other school district' because the superintendent of my former school district is an absolute moron who can't do shit right. Just because a school is not run down doesn't mean that there's nothing hiding underneath the surface; you'd be surprised at what's going on behind the scenes in most organizations.

3. Oh, gee, thanks for telling me about your memory before I started tearing you apart. <_< Just letting you know that the stuff you learn later won't be as simple as the stuff you're learning now, and that you'll start going 'WTF' once you get to where I am now if you keep these habits up. My advice: break them now, or if college doesn't fuck you up first, the teachers eventually will.

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Thread is being locked. For some reason, the assholes on this forum have to turn every thread into a completely off-topic and pointless debate, even when the purpose of the thread has been fulfilled, and it should just sink.

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Flaming people for trying to create a meaningful discussion is disgusting, Destiny Hero. Stop trying to lock every thread that doesn't happen to have people worshiping you.

Edited by Crawdaunt
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Thread is being locked. For some reason, the assholes on this forum have to turn every thread into a completely off-topic and pointless debate, even when the purpose of the thread has been fulfilled, and it should just sink.

This entire topic has basically been people putting suggestions forth and you unceremoniously squashing them with...numbered points. I'm surprised that Wist, for example, was able to handle your behavior without saying "Fine, fuck it".

Like, wouldn't it have been better to just make a thread where everyone talks about what they want for Christmas and then discuss it, rather than trying to persuade you about what you would like?

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Flaming people for trying to create a meaningful discussion is disgusting, Destiny Hero. Stop trying to lock every thread that doesn't happen to have people worshiping you.

My sentiments exactly. If you're going to just be a stubborn jackass and turn down everything we try to suggest, then why post the thread in the first place?

This is why I miss FESS.

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I agree with the above three posts

I have no more suggestions for the topic. May a mod kill this topic, please


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