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2024 Resplendent Wishlist

Magenta Fantasies

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Just so we're all clear, the last time SoV got a Resplendent that weren't contractually obligated to get (CYL Celica in February 2024) was in May 2022 (Faye). Including CYL Celica, SoV has eight Resplendents total.

Since Resplendent Faye was released in May 2022:

Heroes has gotten one non-CYL Resplendent (two with CYL Veronica included).
Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery has gotten four Resplendents.
Genealogy has gotten two Resplendents.
Thracia has gotten zero Resplendents ("latest" one was Leif in May 2021).
Binding Blade has gotten three non-CYL Resplendents (four with CYL Roy included).
Blazing Blade has gotten seven non-CYL Resplendents (nine with CYL Lyn and CYL Hector included).
Sacred Stones has gotten four non-CYL Resplendents (five with CYL Ephraim included).
Path of Radiance has gotten five Resplendents.
Radiant Dawn has gotten one Resplendent.
Awakening has gotten nine non-CYL Resplendents (ten with CYL Lucina included).
Fates has gottenĀ thirteen Resplendents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Catria finally gets her Resplendent outfit, and unlike her sisters, hers is Dokkalfheimr:









With the Resplendent boost, Catria hasĀ 46-/38/41/36-/32+ with maximum Dragonflowers. Her weapon has the Slaying effect and the Brave effect and grants +3 to all stats when there are 2 fliers within 2 spaces of her.

Her primary draw when her refine was released was the fact that she had a conditional Brave effect, which meant having a weapon with both the Brave effect and the full 16 Mt. Despite this, Catria has been held back by her low Atk stat, which is particularly important because Est has the same class and a nearly identical weapon, but has 4 more points of Atk.

Additionally, we now have more options for activating the Brave effect, like the Triangle Attack status effect from Harmonized Catria, and modern units that have the Brave effect on their weapons with the usual penalty to Mt are still typically better off than Catria due to having higher base Atk and larger stat boosts from their weapons.

That said, Catria still has a place as a budget unit for Rokkr Sieges when paired with Est, though we now have a lot more options for easily clearing the game mode, and the game mode barely even reruns.


Anyways, here's what we've had so far this year:

  1. Nifl Ilyana
  2. Askr Brave Veronica
  3. Hel Soren
  4. Embla Brave Celica
  5. Embla Selena
  6. Nifl Brave Hector
  7. Jotunheimr Hana
  8. Muspell Black Knight
  9. Muspell Male Grima
  10. Dokkalfheimr Camilla
  11. Vanaheimr Ayra
  12. Ljosalfheimr Hinoka
  13. Nifl Helpful Chrom
  14. Nidavellir Seth
  15. Ljosalfheimr Tharja
  16. Nidavellir Haar
  17. Jotunheimr Rebecca
  18. Dokkalfheimr Catria

Only 6 more left this year.

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I had a feeling the next Resplendent would be an Archanean character. Iā€™m fairly neutral to Catria, but she was overdue for a Resplendent. Out of the three Whitewings, I like her Resplendent art the best, although I think itā€™s a little odd that she has the Dokkalfheimr theme (although more subtlely than most the Dokkalfr Resplendent outfits) unlike her sistersā€™ Ljosalfheimr theme.

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Well, this art makes the wait for this Resplendent worth it.

7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

the game mode barely even reruns.

I think even that understates it. Rokkr Sieges has been run a grand total of two times between this year and 2023.

IS might as well officially retire the thing when they clearly have very little interest in running the mode.

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Catria's art looks very good, I like it. And I usually don't care for the fairy themes at all, so, good job, Heroes. And I get to cross another one from my list. Two in a row!

1. Hector: Brave Warrior
2. Joshua: Tempest King
3. Finn: Lance of Legend
4. Lyon: Shadow Prince
5. Nino: Pale Flower
6. Kaze: Easygoing Ninja
7. Camus: Sable Knight
8. Lewyn: Guiding Breeze
9. Nanna: Nordion Princess
10. Mist: Helpful Sister
11. Catria: Middle Whitewing
12. Klein: Silver Nobleman
13. Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
14. Cherche: Wyvern Friend
15. Tobin: The Clueless One
16. Clair: Highborn Flier
17. Gray: Wry Comrade
18. Ayra: Astra's Wielder
19. Canas: Widsom Seeker
20. Leo: Sorcerous Prince
21. Stahl: Viridian Knight
22. Boey: Skillful Survivor
23. Rebecca: Wildflower
24. Bartre: Fearless Warrior

For the next Resplendent, I feel like we're about due for someone from the 5-star pool. Last one we got was Helpful Chrom, and that was 5 Resplendents ago.

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