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  1. That's easy to say when you have Emblem Celica. I still don't have her on my end, and I'm expecting that I'll need the spark on E!Sigurd's banner to get her.
  2. Man, I kinda wanted to see Idunn and F!Alear as a Harmonized Hero but I suppose this works fine. Too bad IS once again forgot that Harmonized Heroes need to be used in Resonant Battles for maximum scoring, because Nagi & Idunn here will be as useless in Resonant Battles as A!Tiki & Y!Tiki are. Oh, and Yarne joins the "Has Been Used as a Grail Unit Twice" club since they already gave him that NY alt. The lack of female TT units this year (NY F!Kana is still the only one) is really pissing me off now.
  3. Base Ylgr isn’t on an active banner unlike Hrid and Gunnthra (who are both on L!F!Byleth’s remix banner). They would have to release a banner with base Ylgr if they wanted her to be in this VG.
  4. If we can't even get any of the upgraded Yatos into FEH, then what hope do weapons like Ettard and Regal Sword have?
  5. I'm not even going to focus on what he does since he somehow ended up being more disgustingly busted than I could've possibly imagined. So instead I'll say this: that is easily the worst art Sigurd has gotten in this game and the worst Emblem Hero art so far.
  6. You're basing this off of past precedents and patterns. You know, precedents and patterns that IS can simply toss aside whenever they feel like it. Expecting IS to milk Fodlan whenever they can is usually a safe bet, at least in my experience. But hey, if my expectations get proven wrong it certainly won't be the first time.
  7. Now that we're finally here, Resplendent Edelgard could actually happen soon. Ai Kakuma only voiced her other character (Ice Flora) earlier this month. ...Or, Edelgard takes Camilla's place as the "in case of emergency, break glass" Resplendent. At any rate, I'll expect to see at least two more Fodlan Resplendents before 2024 ends.
  8. I don't know, but can they do this to Laguz Friend next? They probably thought no one would notice this because no one uses Candace, not even as skill fodder.
  9. Stats [SPOILERS]: Skill info: https://imgur.com/a/skills-set2024-DwWCLJu Observations of Marni's weapon [SPOILERS]:
  10. Pandreo's kit for anyone who didn't see it on the in-game Notification Board: Respite+ [same staff as Nyna's, is equivalent to Winter Sephiran's Tannenbaton+] Martyr+ [among demotes and Grail units, also owned by Azama, Clarine, Dwyer, Devotion Lissa, Kid Lucius, Lucius, Mercedes, Natasha and Devotion Silque] Fireflood Balm [new skill for the demote / Grail pool] Def/Res Finish 3 [first regular demote or Grail unit to get this, was previously given to Kid Lissa] Drive Res 2 [lol]
  11. Man, do I hate the times where I’m right. To be clear, I didn’t want this to happen. I just had a feeling IS might do it. Don’t forget that this also could’ve been Bunet (who would also eventually get a refine) instead while Pandreo gets saved for a future banner.
  12. That's the problem. I hate that I have to wait another six months (at least) for a chance at getting a Griss GHB. I wouldn't put it past IS to randomly go with Hyacinth for the next Engage banner instead. IS is allergic to creativity these days. It's also why Fogado is a green bow cav (when there are eight prior green bow cavs to zero prior red bow cavs) and why they picked the most vanilla options for most of the Three Houses CYL winners.
  13. They might be waiting to reveal it. That was what happened with Patty almost a year ago.
  14. *Marni GHB instead of Griss GHB* Oh screw you and your fetish for axe Grail units, IS. And wow, this is easily the most pointless unit type yet. I'm so glad that we can now pull for a consumable that grants a mere +1 to all stats. Oh, and it can only be used one time per unit. Yippee. I mean, if they aren't even going to try to make the demotes interesting then I personally don't mind getting less demotes. Oh, but don't worry! I'm sure IS has Pandreo, as a shitty Prf-less staff unit, lined up as a quest reward to celebrate their awesome new Aided Heroes.
  15. The new Emblem can't be Red. Red is full on returning units (L!Yuri, L!Hinoka, E!Marth) for this month. The returning units for the other colors are: Blue: M!Lumera, E!Celica Green: Seidr, Heidr Colorless: L!Guinivere, Gullveig Blue seems like the obvious spot to put the new Emblem, but I wouldn't rule Colorless out.
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