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Ladies and Gentlemen, THE CULBERT REPORT!

Destiny Hero

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Welcome to the Colbert Report! It's like the Colbert Report, except with the Duke of Culbert as your host! Stay tuned for an epic special! You'll feel like you're right in the action! Not really! READ IT! WATCH IT! LIVE IT! EAT IT!

Everyone is still partying at the Jacob is Dead party. Valtome also brings in his last sibling!



Episode Three


Episode Two


Edited by Destiny Hero
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You're just saying that ;-;

No, trust me, this comic is bad; and that's me being mild. It was not funny in the least bit at all, that hat that Valtome wears is badly rendered, and I'll bet that the Colbert Report is up there to shame your name forever.

And also, why the hell did you replace Jarod with a potato? And why the hell is Eddie in that same screenshot?

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No, trust me, this comic is bad; and that's me being mild. It was not funny in the least bit at all, that hat that Valtome wears is badly rendered, and I'll bet that the Colbert Report is up there to shame your name forever.

And also, why the hell did you replace Jarod with a potato? And why the hell is Eddie in that same screenshot?

The hat that Valtome wears is badly rendered? I made it in Paint >_>

And what do you mean it wasn't funny AT ALL? Laura's death was funny ;-; If you can't tell, she chocked on Haar...

1. Edward is there because he is the Maiden of Dawn

2. Jarod is a potato.

If you don't like random humor, then the Culbert Report is not for you. It uses Family Guy/Bo-Bobo funny.

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And what do you mean it wasn't funny AT ALL? Laura's death was funny ;-; If you can't tell, she chocked on Haar.

I believe that the audience are the judge of what is funny. And from what I have seen here, you are the only one who seems to find it funny.

Now then, I second what Death said: get a better program to do these kind of things with. But you should work on your comedy material before anything else.

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The hat that Valtome wears is badly rendered? I made it in Paint >_>

And what do you mean it wasn't funny AT ALL? Laura's death was funny ;-; If you can't tell, she chocked on Haar...

1. Edward is there because he is the Maiden of Dawn

2. Jarod is a potato.

If you don't like random humor, then the Culbert Report is not for you. It uses Family Guy/Bo-Bobo funny.

Exactly. That's why it's badly rendered. Try some other thing. And yes, we all know Photoshop is expensive, but there are plenty of Paint replacements you can find online that don't cost anything.

And yes, I got how Laura died, but even then it wasn't funny. The only thing that woud think it was funny would literally be the stuff I poop into the toilet.

And I've seen Family Guy funny, and that is so much funnier than this ever will be. How you find it to be funny in the least is beyond me.

My suggestion? Get out of comedy while you still can, or you could end up the way the Joker did according to the DC universe. You try too hard to be funny, and in so doing you fail at humor miserably.

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*le sigh* :mellow:

As usual, not funny. The Leanne panel was stupid, the 'Cry Me A' thing was also stupid, the whole Jarod thing was even stupider, and the last panel was so stupid it ventured into the 'WTF' territory.

However, I will admit that the rape joke that was thrown in there was amusing. Not funny, but amusing.

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*le sigh* :mellow:

As usual, not funny. The Leanne panel was stupid, the 'Cry Me A' thing was also stupid, the whole Jarod thing was even stupider, and the last panel was so stupid it ventured into the 'WTF' territory.

However, I will admit that the rape joke that was thrown in there was amusing. Not funny, but amusing.

The Leanne panel was stupid!? It's Elincia giving Leanee a frickin BJ if you can't tell :o

I don't think anyone could think that panel isn't funny. Or I could make Leanne say something and make it a little more obvious.

How was the Jarod thing stupid? Sothe asks Micaiah where she got her jewelery, and Jarod says she went to Jarod. It's a jewelery store. If you haven't seen the commercials, you won't get it. Try Youtubing "Jarod Commercials" or something.

You obviously have no soul when it coems to Family Guy-type humor. I don't think the Culbert Report is for you, Señor Negative.

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The Leanne panel was stupid!? It's Elincia giving Leanee a frickin BJ if you can't tell :o

I don't think anyone could think that panel isn't funny. Or I could make Leanne say something and make it a little more obvious.

Even then, it's still not funny. The timing of the gag is completely wrong; if they're already at second base, then that kills the humor. Flash forward a little, and it'll be funnier.

How was the Jarod thing stupid? Sothe asks Micaiah where she got her jewelery, and Jarod says she went to Jarod. It's a jewelery store. If you haven't seen the commercials, you won't get it. Try Youtubing "Jarod Commercials" or something.

I just saw one, and honestly, you got the reference wrong. It's spelled 'Jared'! And besides, it would have been funnier if Sothe's reaction was more subtle. But no, it's overdone, so the humor was killed by the very exaggeration that it sought to attain.

You obviously have no soul when it coems to Family Guy-type humor. I don't think the Culbert Report is for you, Señor Negative.

I already told you, I've seen Family Guy and thought it was funny. Random? Yes. But the jokes were cleverly constructed and they were incredibly varied depending on the scenario at hand. What you have here is none of that. The jokes are stupid, they only make fun of the people you use in them (thus not being varied at all), and they're badly timed.

And by the way, I take great offense to the use of 'Señor' in your insult, for two main reasons:

1) You always tell us we're negative or wrong when we give you suggestions! Well, for there to be a suggestion, there has to be some disagreement with point of view, right? Take the suggestion more humbly, and if you don't agree with it try it anyway and see what happens. Just because we don't agree with you doesn't mean you have to go all facist on us. Flames are for roasting marshmallows; it only decreases your validity when you attack us when we don't agree with you.

2) I, being a descendent of Cuban immigrants, do not like that you used the word 'Señor' in such a context. How would you feel if you were the child of immigrant parents and I insulted you in the language that is spoken in the house?

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Has anyone ever told you how much JPEGS and BMPs suck? Also, stay consistent between using the OAs and the in-game portraits.

Your jokes are incredibly stale. I think you need to work on timing the most, since they're all incredibly random. Also, work on the colour of your texts, some of them are abhorringly hard to read.

DH... how old are you?

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