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They found a new section of the bible today.

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Oh, another good thing to reflect upon is the bible itself. Just take a look at all the wisdom written in it. You cant possible come to even imagine that humans alone could write such a book. They wouldn't even come close to something like that. Humans wrote the bible, alright, but with God's own instruction.

What other fact do you want me to say? I want to help save as many of you folks as I can.

Because the end for this system of things is close to its end.

You aren't stating facts, you are stating unproven things. Do you know what a fact is?

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"They wouldn't even come close to something like that. Humans wrote the bible, alright, but with God's own instruction."

This is not a fact, you would have to prove that there is a God first. If you want to just say humans wrote it, that much could be a fact, but not with any divine instruction. This is just taking a bit from your latest post.

Edited by Death
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You sure you guys don't want to do this outside FFTF?

Oh well, as long as I don't see anything too crazy going on... Oops, too late I think?

Did you even look at all the posts? This topic isn't even debate worthy, it's more "My viewpoints are better than yours because I believe in God and you don't" or vice versa.

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Did you even look at all the posts? This topic isn't even debate worthy, it's more "My viewpoints are better than yours because I believe in God and you don't" or vice versa.

Correct, so lets just let this die or somn. Besides, featherbrains never can understand the true meaning of life.

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Correct, so lets just let this die or somn. Besides, featherbrains never can understand the true meaning of life.

There is no solid meaning to live. There are no set goal you have to accomplish, no purpose which you must be fulfilled or criteria of standards you must reach to have "lived a good life".

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In other words, living the way you want to live, you are pretty much dead tbh. If there is no meaning to life, why come to exist in the first place?

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In other words, living the way you want to live, you are pretty much dead tbh. If there is no meaning to life, why come to exist in the first place?

I do not know; I did not choose to be born (Because I did not exist to be able to make the choice), my parents simply gave me life. Then I just went out and started living that life in whatever way I want to.

living the way you want to live, you are pretty much dead tbh

So being happy on my own terms is the same thing as being dead?

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Did you even look at all the posts? This topic isn't even debate worthy, it's more "My viewpoints are better than yours because I believe in God and you don't" or vice versa.

Why are you asking me? If you want to know, I did. I was just making a suggestion : P

Besides, what you've described doesn't sound too different from what I've seen elsewhere...

Anyway, I think we've all had enough, right?

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