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Pre Banner Discussion: Legendary Hero february 2024


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So we approach another Legendary banner, it should be up on the 28th/29th depending on where you are on the world.

 Here's the rerun table, for who wants it:

This month should be either red or colorless. People were mentioning on this month's Event Calendar topic some days ago that the blessing will probably be Earth.


 Well, you know the deal, share your guesses, theories, and wants (or not wants) about the upcoming banner here.

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In the Event Calendar topic, it arised the theory that it could be Male Corrin or the Fates siblings (or rather, I brought up the rest of the Fates siblings but anyway), I agreed with the possibility before but now thinking back on it, I have the impression that they avoid doing 2 legendaries from the same title in a row (it was specially notable when they were releasing the 3 Houses lords + Byleth and always made one non 3 Houses legendary between each, 2 between Edelgard and Dimitri), the only two cases I know of 2 legendaries of the same title in a row are Tiki and Marth in 2018 and Fjorm and Gunthrá in 2017 but I feel like even then they tended to avoid it (as Hector and Lyn were separated by one other person too). Maybe it's just a massive coincidence that it never happaneded again on the past 6 years... But I think it might something to consider, the last Legendary was Camilla so maybe they won't do another Fates one right now.


 I think Adult Tiki probably might get a legendary someday, and her blessing would probably be Earth like her young self's, and she could be any color so colorless and red would be fair game, though I'm not sure if Emblem Marth would destroy this theory, as he is not a Legendary hero, I don't know if they avoid making Mythics (and now Emblems) be from the same titles as the Legendary that came just before/after too.

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I mentioned this in the new heroes banner thread, but I'd like it if the next legendary/mythic hero was Hyacinth from Engage. It would be fun having him and his daughters available all at the same time, especially with each being a different special kind of hero. (Mythic/Legendary, Rearmed, and Ascended.) Emblem Lyn also being around would make it feel like a complete set, too.

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I’m just going randomly guess we get Legendary Celine and Emblem Celica. Gullveig and Kvasir both getting re-run this month makes me think a new Emblem is likely here, at the very least.

It could either be sword or red tome Celine and staff or colorless tome Celica, or red tome Celica and staff or colorless tome Celine.

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42 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I’m just going randomly guess we get Legendary Celine and Emblem Celica. Gullveig and Kvasir both getting re-run this month makes me think a new Emblem is likely here, at the very least.

It could either be sword or red tome Celine and staff or colorless tome Celica, or red tome Celica and staff or colorless tome Celine.

Oh yeah, I ignored the possibility of it being a double thing again... Guess it'd be a good opportunity since we have Gullveig and Kvasir here as you said, and another Emblem hero now would be good both to add to the pool and to be Profitable™. I'd like a staff Emblem Celica a lot (since she already had so many times but never a staff) but at the same time I really want a staff Legendary cause surprisingly we never had one.



1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

I mentioned this in the new heroes banner thread, but I'd like it if the next legendary/mythic hero was Hyacinth from Engage. It would be fun having him and his daughters available all at the same time, especially with each being a different special kind of hero. (Mythic/Legendary, Rearmed, and Ascended.) Emblem Lyn also being around would make it feel like a complete set, too.

 Oh, I like so much when they complete sets! (Except when it's something I'm sick of, like a bunch of things related to 3 Houses, but alas). Honestly I don't particularly care about Engage, Ivy's family, or Hyacinth (didn't know who he is until 5 seconds ago), and there's several options of Legendaries that I'd prefer over it, buuuuut at the same time I like to hype older dudes (and to own badass dudes) and he looks pretty cool, so if it was Hyacinth I'd be very likely to try to get him. He uses what, staff and magic?

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I don't think it will be a Fates character, too soon after Camilla. Could be M!Shez, though.

The real wild card is Emblems. As far as I know, we don't know what the scheduling on them is. We've always known mythic or legendary based on the calendar telling us which it is, but since Emblem Marth was introduced alongside a mythic we don't know if that was a special thing or something we can begin to expect going forward. This month certainly has the space for two newbies. Even March and arguably April do. But if we start getting two per month, that's going to bloat the pool really quickly, and in time remixes will fall further and further behind if that pace doesn't increase to keep up.

To be fair, if they wanted they could slow down the pace of new legendaries, as there aren't many big names left, but the unfortunate reality is that we're probably more likely to start seeing fewer lore mythics. And I really doubt they'll limit emblems to those that were in Engage.

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If I had to say I think it might be legendary M!Alear and emblem Sigurd.  I am kind of hoping the emblems come in the order you meet them and Sigurd would be next if they do it that way, plus we have legendary F!Alear but not M!Alear so I think he will be the next Engage legendary.  Of course Engage had the mythic last month so it getting the legendary this time doesn't seem that likely. Honestly M!Shez sounds the most likely to happen since I don't really see Fates or Engage getting this month's banner slot but I do think they will be getting legendary units later this year.  If it is M!Shez that means they would probably come with Emblem Byleth or the bracelet emblem of the 3Hs lords as the most likely options, though that emblem they will probably make as three emblems so they make more money.  I see the bracelet emblems being used just like the ring emblems so there are actually plenty of options for the first year and a half before they have to decide on non Engage emblems there also the rings that aren't emblems but give bonuses which I forget the name of at the moment but they could also become emblems in Heroes as they are 'rings".  

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Regardless of whether M!Alear or M!Corrin get a legendary now, I'm sure both will get a sword simply because "chick is dragon and dude gets a sword". I'd like it if at least one of then were to be a dragon, but I guess that's not too important now since it seems a bit unlikely for it to be either Engage or Fates anyway...

 I agree that M!Shez looks like a very possible option, I overlooked him completely. Although F!Shez had fire blessing, but both Byleths had different blessings so that's probably not an issue.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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50 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Watch as it's Legendary Sanaki or something.

 To be honest, I'd actually like it (but would probably rather if it wasn't right now, cause she just got an alt and I don't wanna be sick of her so soon, still would like it better than if it was a character that I give a negative amount of shits about, like Alear).

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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4 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Oh, I like so much when they complete sets! (Except when it's something I'm sick of, like a bunch of things related to 3 Houses, but alas). Honestly I don't particularly care about Engage, Ivy's family, or Hyacinth (didn't know who he is until 5 seconds ago), and there's several options of Legendaries that I'd prefer over it, buuuuut at the same time I like to hype older dudes (and to own badass dudes) and he looks pretty cool, so if it was Hyacinth I'd be very likely to try to get him. He uses what, staff and magic?

For sure yes on the magic, I don't remember if he used staffs or not, but I think so. I'd tell you more about him, but I don't want to throw spoilers around. The basics are that there are 3 major "forms" he has (I have "forms" in quotes since they're more like life phases/attitudes, I guess?) One would be good for a specific themed banner. The other two are basically "is he kind or isn't he?" That's the super surface version, but my point is that IS could pull from any of these. Still, I don't really see him getting into the game soon. Archetypically, he (and his counterparts) reminds me a bit of the rulers in FE8. Like, they're important and they're there, but they're not "close" enough to the player for IS to prioritize them getting into Heroes. (Heck, we don't even have Ismaire yet, which is surprising.)

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Hyacinth's class is Martial Master, and that class uses staves and body arts (Engage's version of gauntlets from Three Houses). Though when he wields Emblem Lyn, Hyacinth also gets access to swords (Mani Katti) and bows (Killer Bow).

Since Heroes has no interest in adding gauntlets / body arts as a weapon type, I suppose Hyacinth (and by proxy, Framme and Jean who are both Martial Monks) would be a staff unit by default in Heroes.

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Actually, after they added Emblems, I think I acquired some hope about Gauntlets (or body arts) in the future, since they love to add new stuff to try to pull more people into the game. They added Canto only in book V, now they came up with Divine Veins, they make a new type of hero every year, what could possibly be stopping them from doing gauntlets someday then? That it'd be a new weapon type with very few units? That'd just mean it's a rare type of unit (until it isn't), we have few colorful bows and colorless tomes, it'd just work like that. I think they're just waiting until they can think of a gimmick for gauntlets and will release them eventually. 

 The fact that Engage calls it "body arts" makes me think this even more, because it looks like they're trying to make the category be less restricted.

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54 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Actually, after they added Emblems, I think I acquired some hope about Gauntlets (or body arts) in the future, since they love to add new stuff to try to pull more people into the game. They added Canto only in book V, now they came up with Divine Veins, they make a new type of hero every year, what could possibly be stopping them from doing gauntlets someday then? That it'd be a new weapon type with very few units? That'd just mean it's a rare type of unit (until it isn't), we have few colorful bows and colorless tomes, it'd just work like that. I think they're just waiting until they can think of a gimmick for gauntlets and will release them eventually. 

 The fact that Engage calls it "body arts" makes me think this even more, because it looks like they're trying to make the category be less restricted.

To me, Legendary F!Alear was the last nail in the coffin for gauntlets / body arts ever being implemented. For context, Alear's promoted class in Engage gets access to body arts and Legendary F!Alear is very clearly using a body arts scroll (it's attached to her waist in her art). 

.......And Legendary F!Alear is instead a dragon unit who doesn't transform into a dragon. I personally can't see gauntlets / body arts ever being implemented into FEH after they did that with Legendary F!Alear.

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3 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

The fact that Engage calls it "body arts" makes me think this even more, because it looks like they're trying to make the category be less restricted.

I'm not sure how important this is to what you mean, but I don't think Engage calls it "body arts" anywhere. I've only ever seen it as simply "arts." I guess there is the Iron-Body Art...but that's just one weapon. Some languages, including Japanese, do have it as "martial arts," though.

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I don't think we're getting 2 new units this month.

So far, we've only ever had 2 new units on November banners and January banners. Every November banner since 2020 has had 2 new units as a Book closer banner (Freyja and Triandra in 2020, Thorr and Eitri in 2021, Embla and Veronica in 2022, and Gullveig and Kvasir in 2023), and every January banner since 2023 has had 2 new units (Gotoh and Fomortiis in 2023, Lumera and Emblem Marth in 2024).

Even if they add a new 2-unit banner to the schedule, I doubt they'd put them back to back.


6 hours ago, Florete said:

I'm not sure how important this is to what you mean, but I don't think Engage calls it "body arts" anywhere. I've only ever seen it as simply "arts." I guess there is the Iron-Body Art...but that's just one weapon. Some languages, including Japanese, do have it as "martial arts," though.

"Body arts" seems to be a literal translation of the Japanese name, "体術" (taijutsu), which refers to a type of traditional martial arts that was eventually merged into the umbrella of "柔術" (jūjutsu), "jujutsu" or "jiu-jitsu". The term doesn't appear to have a standardized translated name, and the Wikipedia page on jujutsu translates the term literally as "body art". (For simplicity, I'll be leaving it untranslated and unlocalized as "taijutsu" for the translation below.)

The localized name of the weapon type is either "martial arts" or "arts".


Iron-Body Art is also pretty clearly grouped "(Iron-Body) Art" and not "Iron-(Body Art)". The weapon in Japanese is called "基本の体術" (kihon no taijutsu), "Basic Taijutsu" or "Fundamental Taijutsu", so the English weapon name is completely original.

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9 hours ago, Florete said:

I'm not sure how important this is to what you mean, but I don't think Engage calls it "body arts" anywhere. I've only ever seen it as simply "arts." I guess there is the Iron-Body Art...but that's just one weapon. Some languages, including Japanese, do have it as "martial arts," though.

Tybrosion called it body arts here:


12 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Hyacinth's class is Martial Master, and that class uses staves and body arts (Engage's version of gauntlets from Three Houses). Though when he wields Emblem Lyn, Hyacinth also gets access to swords (Mani Katti) and bows (Killer Bow).

So that's what I thought it was called, but for my point it doesn't matter if it's body arts or martial arts (although, thanks for correcting me), all works the same as longs as it's a broader term than "gauntlet" cause then in Heroes they could make a new weapon type like this and not limit it only to characters that use gauntlets but to anyone that they thought could work as a martial artist for whatever reason. Would probably work for aesthetic purpouses too, as in, if they wanted to make a character be a gauntlet unit in a bridal banner they wouldn't have to give her any gauntlets in her art, cause she wouldn't be a "gauntlet unit" but a "martial artist" (though to be honest, a bride with gauntlets would be awesome too, but that's besides the point).


11 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

To me, Legendary F!Alear was the last nail in the coffin for gauntlets / body arts ever being implemented. For context, Alear's promoted class in Engage gets access to body arts and Legendary F!Alear is very clearly using a body arts scroll (it's attached to her waist in her art). 

.......And Legendary F!Alear is instead a dragon unit who doesn't transform into a dragon. I personally can't see gauntlets / body arts ever being implemented into FEH after they did that with Legendary F!Alear.

 Fair point, I still believe it's possible, probably not right now (specially since we literally just got a brand new type of hero, I think wouldn't want to do another giant novelty right now), but someday. A lot of characters were sorta "robbed" because they should've had things that still weren't on the game. Dimitri's Atrocity skill in Heroes is completely non related to how it is on 3 Houses (makes his attacks effective against all types of units), but then they release L!Shez and decide that they can give her a skill with the potential to be effective against all kind of units if they want cause why not. My point is, even if L!F!Alear was robbed now cause she should've been a gauntlet, I think they still have a chance to doing it someday, but probably not now.


2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

"Body arts" seems to be a literal translation of the Japanese name, "体術" (taijutsu), which refers to a type of traditional martial arts that was eventually merged into the umbrella of "柔術" (jūjutsu), "jujutsu" or "jiu-jitsu". The term doesn't appear to have a standardized translated name, and the Wikipedia page on jujutsu translates the term literally as "body art". (For simplicity, I'll be leaving it untranslated and unlocalized as "taijutsu" for the translation below.)

The localized name of the weapon type is either "martial arts" or "arts".


Iron-Body Art is also pretty clearly grouped "(Iron-Body) Art" and not "Iron-(Body Art)". The weapon in Japanese is called "基本の体術" (kihon no taijutsu), "Basic Taijutsu" or "Fundamental Taijutsu", so the English weapon name is completely original.

 Oh, cool! Thanks for the explanation!

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