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What skill/effect/thing you are surprised that isn't used more (or at all) in the game?

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Today I realized how many sorta new skills (such as Warp Bubble, Ratatoskr's divine vein, fancy versions of Obstruct,...) explicity mention that they're useless against units with Pass skills, and it made me wonder how in the world we have nothing that gives Pass except for the own skill (that by itself is a waste of slot) and the Fujin Yumi, I'm very surprised that they never gave pass as a gratuitous extra effect on any weapon or refine (perhaps some refine had it and the wiki doesn't list it and I neve saw it on the game too) or skill, or have anything that grants it to allies, and neither made a tier 4 skill for Pass until now...

 Anyway, that's what inspired to make the post. What are some effects you're surprised that are not used more, or in newer units/skills, or that are not into the game at all?

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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False Start is still currently only inflicted by Elimine. It's completely invalidated by Freyr, who shares an Aether Raids season with her, and it's completely useless in Summoner Duels due to start-of-turn effects activating simultaneously. These issues aren't with the effect itself, but with the method by which it's applied, which is as a start-of-turn effect. Changing it to an effect that activates when ending an action, like Ratatoskr's Divine Vein activation, would help immensely, but Elimine's remix is still roughly a year out.

Phantom HP seems like the next-most useful Phantom effect to be added to the game. I'm also surprised we don't have more units that use their own max HP for comparison instead of their current HP, like Virion, and an effect converting all comparisons of current HP into comparisons using the unit's max HP seems like it would be a cool effect to add into the game, possibly as a secondary effect of Phantom HP.

Pass needs a Sacred Seal. We've had Obstruct since forever ago.

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Null Special is cool. I think Nanna: Beloved Princess has parts of it, only disabling defensive Specials. I think Lucia completely disables Specials except Galeforce. Alternatively, you can run Godlike Reflexes on Lucia since the damage boost is not tied to the Special triggering.

Poison Dagger is cool. I wish infantry effectiveness was more widespread.

I wish they make skills with shitty conditions worth using. Adjacency requirement is ass for a long a time, but Save tanks made that requirement tolerable, so it would be cool to have Owl tomes and Bonds be more viable. Forms and Unity are a step in the right direction back then, but they never really followed through with the tier 4 version, and while the condition is easier to fulfill, practically speaking, it is still only viable with Save tanks. Finishes are the final evolution of the condition, but the condition seems kind of easy to fulfill.

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Isn't the infantry ability to freely move over forests still regulated only to Base Takumi? It'd be hilariously bad to implement now as an inheritable skill, but it absolutely could have been tossed in any random unit in the first two years and been a semi useful niche skill.

Still waiting for that Defiant Res Seal!

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47 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Isn't the infantry ability to freely move over forests still regulated only to Base Takumi? It'd be hilariously bad to implement now as an inheritable skill, but it absolutely could have been tossed in any random unit in the first two years and been a semi useful niche skill.

Most of the weapons from the last 2 desert seasonal banners have had the effect, including all 3 of the inheritable weapons from those banners.

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Oh yeah, to make Bonds more competitive with current skills, nullifying negative status effects on top of negative stat debuffs would be really nice. As for Owl tomes, I think doubling it to 4 is not unreasonable, so you will get +20 to all stats if you are lucky, although realistically probably more like +12 or +16; if we can add effects on top, maybe dealing true damage and flat damage reduction based on number of adjacent allies, so like up to 10 damage dealt and mitigated, with each ally contributing 2.

As for Unity, reversing negative status effects sounds complicated and unfeasible, so I guess maybe two-stats+4 for each negative status effect seems easier to implement. Forms can remove the stat boost cap, and I guess deal true damage and have flat damage reduction based on allies would be nice, with each ally contributing 1, so like up 7 damage dealt and mitigated in Grand Conquest and 6 in Pawns of Loki.

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