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Ephraim solo!!!

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Since I'm bored, and I just beat FE9 for the second time, I'm starting an Ephraim solo when you can use him. Granted, I'll probably forget I'm soloing, and you can't use him during some chapters, so I'll end up training some other units too.

Edited by SunMoonSky
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I wouldn't. You'll max out his level almost instantly, and you'll have no levels to gain for....... About 30 chapters.

I did a Moulder solo. Pretty good =D

Considering there's only 20 chapters and he's not useable for 6...

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I am officially starting this now because Destiny Hero said not to.

Have fun maxing out your level in two chapters, being locked into lances, taking an hour to beat each level because you only have one character (have fun when reinforcements come and you have to get to them with 5 move), and not leveling up for 13 chapters or whatever.

NEVER do a Lord solo, ever. Do a Moldy solo! Do a barrel roll!

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Have fun maxing out your level in two chapters, being locked into lances, taking an hour to beat each level because you only have one character (have fun when reinforcements come and you have to get to them with 5 move), and not leveling up for 13 chapters or whatever.

NEVER do a Lord solo, ever. Do a Moldy solo! Do a barrel roll!

A Moulder solo's even worse because you're not promoting until you're 3/4 of your way into the game. It's pointless nonsense.

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Have fun maxing out your level in two chapters, being locked into lances, taking an hour to beat each level because you only have one character (have fun when reinforcements come and you have to get to them with 5 move), and not leveling up for 13 chapters or whatever.

NEVER do a Lord solo, ever. Do a Moldy solo! Do a barrel roll!

So what if this guy maxes out his levels early? Think about it; is it really to the detriment of the player if they get nothing but good level ups? At least he'll be able to take on whole swarms of enemies by himself if the level-ups are right. And what if he's locked into lances? Do they have the Swordreaver in this game? I forget... Shouldn't be too much of a problem; if characters are good enough they can avoid most problems with the weapon triangle, even if they're going against an enemy that has a stronger affinity than them.

I've personally never made attempts at soloing anything, but a lord solo seems most palpable, especially Ephraim being as good as he is. My only concern is this; how long is it going to take to complete the chapters where you have to kill every last bastard in the area?

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Ephraim solo is easy.


Not only he is easily one of the strongest characters in this game, but you are playing in Easy mode! :o

He must be breezing right through the enemies.

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Eirika is pretty hax earlygame, with her good offense and hax Rapier. And that's considering tier list standards. Using nobody but her will guarantee you an easy time ;)

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im not trying to impress anyone. I dont care how easy it is! i never soloed before. i know he's the best in the game. geez, everyone knows that! well maybe not destiny hero.

currently i just beat chapter 3. Most of my characters are turning out good, but I cant tell with seth neimi colm moulder and garcia cause they havnt lvled up. Eirika is pretty hax on this run, ross's stats are a bit below average, gilliam is pretty nice, and fraz is great.

characters i'll use until ephraims tale




Artur probably


ross maybe

probably lute


characters during ephraims tale

Ephraim main

Kyle support

forde support

cormag villages and reinforcements

joshua reinforcements

gilliam reinforcements

colm treasure

artur reinforcements and healing after promotion

franz reinforcements

Edited by SunMoonSky
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