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An FE Style'd SSB Spin-off

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You mean a Nintendo SRPG? Sure, I'd buy it. It'd hopefully be made by IS though.

It'd have to or else, it'd probably suck.

I'm just skeptical about the weapon system, as most characters are not weapon wielders.

but the idea sounds awesome.

Well for the weapons system, I was thinking that all character's would have their own weapon type, maybe two, then an overall Weapon rank.

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It'd have to or else, it'd probably suck.

Well for the weapons system, I was thinking that all character's would have their own weapon type, maybe two, then an overall Weapon rank.

Also, a huge amount of Nintendo characters are sword wielders.

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How was it rushed? They had plenty of time

Uh, I honestly think that they rushed it after the second delay, The game just doesn't seem...finished to me.

A smash styled fire emblem spin off would be more worth it to me.


Also, a huge amount of Nintendo characters are sword wielders.

LAwl, we may only need one weapon type here.

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I think Brawl itself wasn't rushed at all, what was rushed was the characters. They really didn't think them all through.

Fox, Wolf and Falco are too similar really. Sure they have a few different moves, but in essence they are too similar.

Metaknight's sword slashes, and almost all of Pit's moves do nothing but spam.

So really the only complaint I have is that the characters were rushed, and not the game itself. There's plenty to do in the game, just they didn't put a large amount of thought into the characters, and tried to use Sonic and Snake to recover from it.

As for a Fire Emblem styled spin off, I doubt it would even happen. Nintendo has so many other games to base a spin off of, why would they choose Fire Emblem? Fire Emblem is far from their most popular series to be honest. It wasn't even brought to America until it was several years old. Most popular series make it here as soon as possible. It'd be more likely to see a Mario styled spin off or a Zelda styled one. Hell I would put money on a Chrono Trigger styled spin off before a Fire Emblem one.

It's not a terrible idea, just I doubt it could work. I mean if you think about it, some characters would have massive advantages over others. It would be too unbalanced.

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I think Brawl itself wasn't rushed at all

Then you weren't paying attention while they were making it. They were still planning what all to put in it on its original release date, and then they realized they were out of time.

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Then you weren't paying attention while they were making it. They were still planning what all to put in it on its original release date, and then they realized they were out of time.

This pretty much.

Anyway back on topic.

If it we're to be made, what Brawl/Melee Characters would be present?

Would there be any new characters?

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This pretty much.

Anyway back on topic.

If it we're to be made, what Brawl/Melee Characters would be present?

Would there be any new characters?

Well, if it's an FE-styled game, it would really depend on what it was released for. If it was a console release (which, I think is more likely for something like this), then they would probably have room for both the Melee and Brawl casts, plus the Assist Trophies and maybe the characters that got rejected as the game was developed. I mean, hell, look at how many characters there are in Radiant Dawn; if they could pull something like that off again, then who knows how many characters can fit in an FE-Style Nintendo crossover.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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This pretty much.

Anyway back on topic.

If it we're to be made, what Brawl/Melee Characters would be present?

Would there be any new characters?

I'm guessing the Prologue would have Mario (LV 1 Lord uses Fire Magic. Fire and Vulenary in inventory) accompanied by Yoshi (LV 1 Paladin, Steel Sword and Javelin present. Animations would be changed to make him moar Yoshi), Samus (Archer, Iron Bow), Link (They'd probably make a new class for Link, Young Link, and Toon Link. He'd only have swords at the start but when he promotes he gains arrows. Boomerang would be a 1-2 Range sword. Link would join with Iron Sword and Boomerang), and Donkey Kong (Fighter or Brigand, Steel Axe and Hand Axe).

In Chapter 1 you would be joined by:

Fox (Myrmidon. Killing Edge, Boomerang)

Kirby ("Puffball" {New Class}. Punch)*

Pikachu (Mage/Thunder Mage. Thunder)

*Puffball class flies, so it has no movement restriction. 6 Mov. Arrows aren't super effective. Puffballs can't use weapons, they only have "Punch" (0 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 0 Wt, infinite usage). Promote to Balloon Warrior. Outstanding growths to make up for the lack of Weapon Mt.

In Chapter 2:

Jigglypuff (Puffball. Punch, Fireball*)

*Fireball. Fire / PRF (Mario). 8 MT, 90 Hit, 10 Crit, 30 Usage. Super-effective on Armored and Mounted units.

In Chapter 3:

Captain Falcon (Pirate. Iron Axe, Hand Axe)

Moar later, I'm gonna make a snow angel :)

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I'm guessing the Prologue would have Mario (LV 1 Lord uses Fire Magic. Fire and Vulenary in inventory) accompanied by Yoshi (LV 1 Paladin, Steel Sword and Javelin present. Animations would be changed to make him moar Yoshi), Samus (Archer, Iron Bow), Link (They'd probably make a new class for Link, Young Link, and Toon Link. He'd only have swords at the start but when he promotes he gains arrows. Boomerang would be a 1-2 Range sword. Link would join with Iron Sword and Boomerang), and Donkey Kong (Fighter or Brigand, Steel Axe and Hand Axe).

In Chapter 1 you would be joined by:

Fox (Myrmidon. Killing Edge, Boomerang)

Kirby ("Puffball" {New Class}. Punch)*

Pikachu (Mage/Thunder Mage. Thunder)

*Puffball class flies, so it has no movement restriction. 6 Mov. Arrows aren't super effective. Puffballs can't use weapons, they only have "Punch" (0 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 0 Wt, infinite usage). Promote to Balloon Warrior. Outstanding growths to make up for the lack of Weapon Mt.

In Chapter 2:

Jigglypuff (Puffball. Punch, Fireball*)

*Fireball. Fire / PRF (Mario). 8 MT, 90 Hit, 10 Crit, 30 Usage. Super-effective on Armored and Mounted units.

In Chapter 3:

Captain Falcon (Pirate. Iron Axe, Hand Axe)

Moar later, I'm gonna make a snow angel :)

Kirby should be a Commando. Jigglypuff should be a Pegasus Knight. Falcon's manly enough to not need weapons. He'd just punch his way through. Link could be a male Blade Lord.

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I think it'd be pretty cool. The potential is there, as we saw with the Subspace Emissary. Yeah, SSE could've been better but that's not what Brawl was about. If they made a whole game similar to that with FE style gameplay, I could see it being a must have for all Nintendo fans. And it would introduce more people to strategy-type games. Nintendo would make a huge profit from this.

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I think it'd be pretty cool. The potential is there, as we saw with the Subspace Emissary. Yeah, SSE could've been better but that's not what Brawl was about. If they made a whole game similar to that with FE style gameplay, I could see it being a must have for all Nintendo fans. And it would introduce more people to strategy-type games. Nintendo would make a huge profit from this.

Exactly what I was thinking, An SSB type game may get many people into FE/Advance Wars.

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I don't care much for this topic, but I just want to post this for minor lols:

Melee was rushed, and accidentally turned out to be a great, competitive game. Brawl is blegh, because now, Sakurai had all the time he needed to make it as shallow and 'casual' as he wanted.

*lets himself out*

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I don't care much for this topic, but I just want to post this for minor lols:

Melee was rushed, and accidentally turned out to be a great, competitive game. Brawl is blegh, because now, Sakurai had all the time he needed to make it as shallow and 'casual' as he wanted.

Whoever told you that is wrong, and you should go punch them in the face. Melee was meant to be competitive. They left wavedashing in (yes, it was a sploit noticed in beta testing) because they thought it might add to the competitive side of the game, and they didn't take out L-Cancelling because Sakurai wanted to make a fighting game, not an item-throwing game.

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