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New Final Smashes for veterans in the next game (discussion)

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What characters do you hope get a new Final Smash in the next game? Personally, I want Daisy to get a Final Smash based on the Elephant transformation from Wonder.

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Since Ganondorf in the next game is undoubtedly going to be based on his Tears of the Kingdom version, part of me hopes that his final smash is his Demon Dragon form. Another part of me, however, hopes that the Demon Dragon and the Light Dragon will be a stage instead, and I'm not sure which of those two options I think would be more interesting.

What do you think? Would the Demon Dragon be better as a final smash or as part of a stage?

Edited by vanguard333
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I think it'd be cool if Mario got a new Final Smash featuring, say, the Mega Mushroom or Giga Bell.

I feel Donkey Kong deserves the "grow giant and punch" FS more than Bowser, since he was the first fighter to be featured as a giant in Smash. Bowser could still get Giga Bowser but use it differently, or he could update to Bowser's Fury.

Peach I expect could get something from Showtime, maybe even a Final Smash *called* Showtime.

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If Young Link were to theoretically return, he should absolutely be updated to his Majora's Mask design... which isn't any different from Ocarina of Time, but he'd have the Hero's Shield and new Kokiri Sword, and so his new final smash would (hopefully) be Fierce Deity as a transformation smash. However, since they've gone the route of more cinematic final smashes, I imagine it'd be some kind of transformation rush instead, with Link attacking as a Deku, Goron, Zora, and then Fierce Deity (so basically a fancier Triforce Slash).

I think the only other characters that I have a venerated interest in seeing a new final smash would be the Belmonts (assuming they come back). Grand Cross as it is now is fine enough, but to move it away from a cinematic smash, I'd love to see them do Grand Cross how Julius does it in Aria of Sorrow, which would make the whole stage shake and draw in enemies while the Belmont is stationary (kind of like a cross between PK Starstorm and Zero Laser, but aimed upwards).

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11 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Since Ganondorf in the next game is undoubtedly going to be based on his Tears of the Kingdom version, part of me hopes that his final smash is his Demon Dragon form. Another part of me, however, hopes that the Demon Dragon and the Light Dragon will be a stage instead, and I'm not sure which of those two options I think would be more interesting.

What do you think? Would the Demon Dragon be better as a final smash or as part of a stage?

It'd be nice if that could lead us in to getting Pig Beast Ganon as a playable character.

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I was never under the impression that Young Link was the Majora's Mask version of himself instead of specifically OoT. Sure he has Fire Arrows, but that item was invented in OoT. And before you point out he can't use a Bow in that game, he can't use a hookshot either (and adult link shouldn't be throwing a boomerang by that same logic). There's a lot you could do to remaster Young for a bunch of MM references. Small stuff like giving him the golden hookshot (and I'm a bigger fan of the Razor sword than the Gilded Sword) to big things like subbing in mask transformation special moves (I mean Zora Boomerang is an obvious swap. Deku flower as an Up B, etc), but no final Smash I could come up for him would beat the Hyrule Warriors version. Plus they have Skull Kid and Moon's assist trophies ready to re-use as assets for that Final Smash. A talented hacker could mod it into Ultimate with some effort. 

  • Donkey Kong's new one bugs me. I would definitely demand Bongos somewhere in his moveset if I were in charge, and you could have reworked the old one to be good in a gameplay sense. If Bongos are out, then I would have the final Smash be initiated with a punch like it is now, except the victim is launched upward and then a cinematic shows them face planting in the underside of the moon, then pan upward to see DK also already up there and punching the moon to send them to crashing back down to the earth. I'm proposing a lot of moon violence today.
  • Mario's probably the most in need of a new one, and also flush with the most source material to draw from. I haven't played Mario Wonder so there's probably something obvious there. But if not, Steve actually ended up with half the Final Smash I envisioned for Mario. I want Mario to initiate with a big 360 cape spin into a cinematic of Mario grabbing the victim by their leg, tail or whatever, throwing them like he does Bowser in Mario 64. They crash land into Bowser's castle, then we cut to an outside shot of Mario Gliding via cape to a TNT plunger like in Super Mario World and the castle crumbles around them. Or he kicks over the Axe in SMB1 to drop the bridge they landed on. One underrated aspect about Mario that I don't think is reflected in his moveset is that he's not a brute force kind of hero. He's more of an opportunist that uses the environment and powerups to thwart his enemies, and the final smash is probably the only place we can capture that.
  • Samus' big beam lost a lot of charm in the move from Brawl to Smash 4 now that it doesn't change her into a totally new character (and it's STILL called Zero Laser). It's also not a reference to anything specific (big missed opportunity in Smash 4 to re-characterize it as Hyper Beam from Prime 3, or even Prime 1's Final Boss Phazon Beam). Maybe this is a boring suggestion, but the Power Bomb is begging to find its way into her moveset. Give it a massive, long lasting hitbox but also a two second timer for the other players to escape. Makes for a fun cat and mouse where Samus tries to grab them and throw them into it, after it's primed. Or she holds off until she knocks them offstage and plants it right at the ledge as they're recovering.
  • Pikachu's is fine. I just wish Volt Tackle would serve as the basis for finally getting rid of Skull Bash which always felt like a superfluous part of his moveset. The Z Move is an obvious choice If I designed a final Smash for Pikachu, I would go with a cinematic where every 'Pikachu clone' shows up alongside him like Mega Man's final Smash and they do a team thunderbolt. Plusle & Minun, Togedamaru, Pachirisu. Call it Pika Posse. And yes include a Raichu and Pichu. Don't include Mimikyu, because that leans into the joke of Mimikyu better.
  • Jigglypuff's sucks. Both in concept and gameplay. And the obvious idea of a Jigglypuff Final Smash ended up being Peach's! Puff's Final Smash should summon a stage where she performs and all opponents fall asleep. She gets upset, and her movement speed and attack power increase temporarily. Her facial expression also gets stuck in an outraged expression, similar to DK when he has his Giant Punch charged up in Ultimate. And also, to ensure that Puff does something interesting in this mode, disable Rest until it wears off. Since that's an obvious choice on a sleeping opponent. If you want a heavy hit, spend your time revving up a Rollout.
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